I’ll Live My Second Life!

Chapter 189


Blood splashes through the woods.

The sword that was swung down mutilated Couiny’s flesh.

But it wasn’t fatal.


Gerus pounds his tongue in his heart.

There was a slight drop of blood from the neck muscle.

The only short knife thrown aggressively by Fee, who was defeating and freeing his enemies, slightly rubbed his neck.

And Gerus’ sword was slashing Cousin’s arm.

Couinu would have died if Gerus had stepped in a little more.

But at that time, a short-knife would have slit and killed Gerus’ neck muscle.

(There’s another guy making a nasty move. It’s like making an awesome move.)

Guerrius was remembering those creepy people he was forced to put together when he cooperated in the operation.

The situation was as pressing as ever.

And the Fees were overwhelmingly disadvantaged.

Although Couinu didn’t die, his slashed right arm is sloppy and doesn’t move at all. Gerus, I knew by my side that I couldn’t fight my opponent anymore.

Take a distance from Gerus to this gap with regret, holding his arms down with a bright blue face. Still, I watched for any gaps in health.

It’s a situation where everyone else is desperately dealing with each other.

Fee is the only one who can move freely. But earlier, the knife worked because the enemy was concentrating on the cooinu, but just in alarming circumstances, it would be paid off.

It’s tough to win anymore. We just have to run.

But to be honest, it’s even tough to escape. If you don’t manage to distract yourself, it’s not a situation where anyone can escape.

(I just have to use this now)

Fee pointed his arm at Gerhus, who pointed his sword at Couinu as he guarded this one.

“Hmm? What?

I don’t know what the movement means. Gerus puts his neck up.

Something sounded like Gachan from Phee’s body.

At the next moment, a loud noise sounds in the woods and something flies to Guerrius with tremendous momentum.

“Gu Hu!”

It hit Gerus’ belly and blew it across the bush.

And the fie that unleashed it also rolls into the bushes on the opposite side with the recoil that fired something.

“Ge, Master Gerus!


confusing soldiers and apprentice knights who don’t know what happened.

In the meantime, I heard a voice from the bush where Phee flew away.

“It’s time! Let’s get out of here! Bring the cooinu too!


The apprentice knights, who noticed all the while, distance themselves from the soldiers who had cautioned Gerus, and flee.

“Fuck, fuck!

Due to the lack of Gerus’ response, the soldier saw Gerus’ flying direction and that of the apprentice knights fleeing before eventually running towards the Gerus side.

The boys back in the woods rendezvous with Phee.

The boys were surprised at what Fee looked like.

“All right, you’re all set. Let’s get out of here…”

Yes, Phee’s left arm, which I told everyone, was drooling with a plump. He’s dislocated his shoulder.

“Hih, Heath, that shoulder!

Raimier seems worried.

“It’s okay, ’cause it’s just a little off. I knew it would happen when I put that on.”

It should hurt pretty bad, and Fee makes him talk fine, but there was fatty sweat on his forehead.

“Is that the guy who flew something?

“Yeah, I was making something like a reinforced version of a planted wooden sword with Mr. Garouge, but I missed adjusting the power, and after I shot him, I would definitely dislocate him, so I refrained from using it…”

Unless it’s a bad hit, it’s not powerful enough to kill the other guy, so maybe Gerus is still alive.

With this, maybe there was a better way to defeat your opponent.

But I wanted to avoid being badly dislocated and unable to fight in this situation, so I couldn’t decide to use it until the end.

“It’s just tough to keep running like this, so help me put it back…”

“Ugh, yeah.”


Raimier and Slad grab that body and carefully put their shoulders back.

“Ugh… ugh… thanks…”

It hurts a little, but my hands move, I could still run.

Fixing his shoulder, Fee turned his eyes to the cooinu.

“Cooinu is ok……?

Couinu’s wound was deeply wounded from both arms to near his wrist. I haven’t let my right arm move at all.

Can you move your arms as well as before even if they heal properly……

If this wound took away the glorious future of Couinu, such anxiety poked Fey in the chest.

Did I make a mistake judging you, and I want to cry when I think about it, but I put up with it, and stopped Couinu from bleeding on his shoulder.

Cooinu tells Fee with a bleeding blue look.

“It’s okay. Sorry more than that… because of me…”

“Yeah, it’s not the cousin’s fault. I haven’t caught it yet. Let’s all get out of here, huh?

No more maneuvers, but it made it harder for the two of them to suffer an arm injury and fight, but still didn’t want to give up.

If you manage to get out of the siege of your opponent and run, there is still hope……

That’s almost a hard hope to grasp though.

“Let’s go.”

The cessation of bleeding on Couinu’s arm ended and the boys moved out.

Everyone has suffered cuts and injuries large and small in the attack with soldiers earlier…… Still, bet on the possibility of surviving at all……

Meanwhile, in the main formation of the enemy from which the Fies fled, Gerhus, stuck in the bush, was being helped by the soldiers.

There was a large blue mole in his belly as he turned his skin armor.

Gerus flutters, yet groans hatefully when he sees the direction in which the boys have fled.

“Those guys, the elite kid surprise was going to keep him alive and enslave him, but they’re all around. Follow me here, I’ll kill you!

Cain and Naina are working together to fight John.

But to be honest, I was in the way.

Cain is moving to seal his opponent’s movements. Yet Naina is very good at killing her opponent.

I can’t exert my powers well because the two moves are variable.

Furthermore, the opponent is a man and strong. It would be dangerous if Naina were caught.

That’s why Cain had to fight as he followed.

“Naina, we don’t have time. If you’re not dying, think about stopping the movement first!

With Nena’s technology, we could have done that.

But Naina denies Cain’s suggestion without even shaking her head.

“Cain, there can’t be immortals. Besides, if we run into a dark enemy, it’s our job to kill him. That’s the top priority right now.”

Naina was right.

The priority to be given as grass on this occasion is to defeat this man.

It’s hard to crack an assassin’s mouth open. So in the end, it becomes fundamental to kill and take away the opponent’s power of war.

But then, we can’t go to this man opponent with unusual vitality to help the Fees……

Without perceiving Cain’s troubles like that, Naina jumped in again with a weapon in her opponent’s pocket.

Cain just has to move to follow it.

With a worn body, the boys run through the woods.

Everyone was running to shelter everyone.

To find a way to survive even the slightest.

That’s how my voice resonates with them.

“I found it!

I saw soldiers in armor.

No more fighting the boys……

Run as far as you can.

Squeeze your strength, but your health is at its limit, and Fee supported Couinu in releasing it.

But that makes me unable to move on the spot.

Soldiers are approaching grumpy.

Everyone stopped and put up their swords for Couinu and Phee, who couldn’t move.

For my people.

For everyone.

Even in desperate situations, without one weak tone, shelter your people.

But the enemy still has more health and more numbers.

I was done with the boys’ fugitive play.

The soldiers wave their swords and attack the fies.

(I wonder if it’s over… sorry… guys…)

Fee also squealed so in his heart, holding the sword with one hand to help everyone, even slightly.

When the little back boys and the big adult soldiers tried to exchange swords.

From the side, one man broke in between.

The man turns the helmet of the first soldier back and kicks it away with a kick, slashing his exposed face with a sword as it is.

Then, approaching another soldier who was surprised, put his sword straight into the gap in his neck and gently prune the artery.

In an instant, two soldiers were hit.

“Who is it!?

Packing the distracted soldiers, they cut off the arms and legs they were taking off their armor and instantly become powerless. The soldiers who were attacked by the Fies were wiped out.

The fies stared at the man’s back.

Remaining in hindsight, the man speaks gently to the boys.

“I’m sorry I’m late. The roads are crowded.”

Its golden hair reflects the light of dusk.


Fee shrugged the name.

A man looks back.

“Hey, I’m here to help!!!

A man who looks very familiar with a moist face with hair conditioning and sweat.

I raised my hand to Friendly and smiled at the Fees.

“Ka, Mr. Carnegis……”

Needless to say, the tension of the Fees has dropped all at once.

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