I’ll Live My Second Life!

Chapter 190


Carnegis is a little surprised when he looks back at the Feys.

“Well, were you the apprentice knights who stayed behind to help your people?”

From then on, I laughed bitterly when I saw the look on the faces of the Fees.

“But that look is a little terrible. Rest assured. I’ll help you.”

Carnegis turns a bitter laugh into a laugh along the way and says so.

Honestly, this is the rescue you’ve been giving me, but I always thought the Fees wouldn’t count on it.

‘Cause I don’t have any good thoughts…

I remember again the person who thought of Phee, and I was a little embarrassed……

When the boys think so, Carnegis points in one direction of the forest.

“I’ve defeated the enemy over there, so let’s get out of there, long before then”

Carnegis lays down his sword.

“Looks like we have enemies yet.”

About three soldiers attacked us.

The Fees get up.

But when Carnegis kicks the ground and fills the distance from himself, he avoids his opponent’s sword, slashes the gap in his opponent’s armor in the intersecting gap and knocks it down at once.

(Ko…… this guy is strong……)

The Fees are astonished.

Carnegis giggles nicely at the Fees.

Come on, let’s get out of here.

The Fies also followed the word, and somehow Carnegis stopped when they tried to escape.

Even in this situation, the expression that was serene turns into something serious.

“Apparently, quite a few people are coming from the other side. You guys run. Perhaps the soldiers who were under siege noticed the defeated and returned to the report. The siege must have faded considerably as we gathered over there.”

“No, you can’t run away with Mr. Carnegis!

The Fies, to the words, rather stop.

He said he’d stay. Then he’s going to leave Mr. Carnegis. No matter how strong you are, the number of enemies is still high, and you should be tough on your own.

The Fees only want to help us all. That is no exception even for Mr Carnegis, who is a knight.

“Gentlemen, listen to the grown-ups here… was it too late…”

Carnegis tries to convince the Fees, but realizes it was a little late.

The footsteps of the soldiers were close by.

I heard a familiar voice from the woods sinking into darkness.

It’s Gerus’ voice.

“Wow, if you were chasing the kids, you’d have a lot of nostalgic faces.”

Carnegis gave the first cold look he saw when he saw Gerus’ face with a grin on his face to find the Fies.

“Long time no see, seniors…”

“What senior… do you know him…?

The Fies are astonished that the enemy general and Carnegis are familiar.

Carnegis told me to throw up.

“I sinned and tried to cover it up. But when he was exposed, he was to be put in jail with a knight in his neck. So he escaped with the help of a criminal organization. Such a man. Knight Shame.”

Gerhus changes his expression to the word and screams furiously.

“Ugh, that’s an unfair sanction! I can’t accept a knight for that!

“I think it’s enough to kill three people.”

“I just got drunk and killed three poor people. Those guys are rubbish! It’s scum! It’s a parasite that gathers in this country! No matter how many lives of that garbage was collected, what’s one thing to the value of my irreplaceable life!

To the word, the Fies turn their contempt eyes once again to a man named Gerus.

But Gerus doesn’t realize the look on his face, he just summons his legitimacy.

“That’s how things were going in your time, my lord. Yet after taking office, that king went out of his way to dress up my past sins and question my sins. You can’t possibly do that. You can’t be allowed to do that… He ruined my life… I’m kidding… damn…”

Then Gerus gets a mad laugh from the back of his throat, and he sees the Fies with his staring eyes.

“That’s why I decided to take the apprentice knight he cared about and make him my slave. Those kids who are expected by him to look forward to the future, they’re gonna use me like kneeling garbage and die spitting blood reflexes. Hihihihi, you feel great…?

Carnegis throws up on excuses that aren’t even guerrius’ excuses.

“You’re too hard to hear for an excuse for a villain. The only thing I can understand from that word is that you were a natural scumbag.”

Then Mr. Carnegis looked back at the Fees a little awkwardly.

“Oh, it’s not like I’m not reflecting on what I did. Of course I thought I was a scumbag then too. But, look, I need to be clear with these people… right?

“I don’t care about that, so look forward!


“You, you!

“Previous -!

Suddenly, the Fies scream at Carnegis, who began to look back and talk to the Fies in front of the enemy.

After being screamed by the Fees, Carnegis finally set up his sword and turned to Gerus.

Gerhus objected to Carnegis, as he obeyed.

“I’m saying something great, what about you, Carnegis? Are you happy with how you treat me now? I heard you were an elite, well-blooded man, and you haven’t even joined the First Knights yet.”

“Heh… you know very well…”

In fact, you just cared.

They point out that, and Carnegis looks a little disgusted.

“Abandon those kids and come here, Carnegis. It’s hard to fight, isn’t it? Hey, that’s not a bad story for you.”

Gerus tells Carnegis to abandon the Fies.

“Come with us, just a little… yes, just a little patience. That would put an end to these wrong times when we, the nobles, would be scorned. The right times are coming when we’re free to swing! You can do whatever you want with your birth and status! If we work together, you’ll be given the right place. What about the first Knights key position you’ve been admiring? Hey, Carnegis, be one of us.”

“In those times, you think you’re serious?

“Naturally. It was originally us nobles who supported this country for years. Treating us like that is the right thing to do.”

Carnegis scratched his head pounding and sighed.

“Well, that’s about right, too. As a matter of fact…”

“Ka, Mr. Carnegis……”

The Fies are upset by Carnegis’ words in the wake of Gerus’ words.

Now, if Carnegis is on Guerrius’ side, we have no more chance of beating ourselves.

But without the Fies having to worry, Carnegis hit the words of contempt with his sword against Gerus and a glance at him.

“But hey, I refuse any number of such old aristocratic reasons, silly Yarrow!

The Phys breathed relieved at the words.

On the contrary, Gerus’ face is hateful.

“Fine, I’ll kill you with those kids, Carnegis. I didn’t like you for a long time. All the noblemen and the civilian apprentice knights looked fine and stumbled, besides their strength to the nose and popularity. I regret in the afterlife that you turned me down.”

“You know what? He said that the end of the human path to such an abandoned dialogue was largely settled. Bad guys always get punished.”

When Carnegis begs Gerius, he turns to the Fies and speaks again at first sight.

“Oh, it’s nothing. I didn’t forget I did something wrong. But, look, there’s a guy who’s in a position to be an adult. I have to tell you, when this happens…”

“So look forward! Before!”

“Before! Before!


“You, you!

The Fees scream and tell Carnegis to look forward.

“Kill these guys! Don’t miss one!

At the behest of Gerus, the soldiers draw their swords and approach the Fies.

Have the soldiers who were still trying to besiege the Fies also joined, the numbers of which are quite high? I wasn’t going to get away with it easily.

Besides, it looks like Mr. Carnegis is going to stay. Then the Fies are not going to run either.

For some time after the battle began, the Fees regretted their judgment.

(We’re stuck together…)

Surrounded by enemies, the fies were back-to-back, outwitting enemy attacks.

The enemies are large, but few face each other because of only heavy equipment and swords. So there are some aspects that are enjoyed.

But the biggest factor is because Mr. Carnegis is following us on our own. When it becomes dangerous, it moves somewhat to help ourselves and prevent us from collapsing.

Especially Fi and Couinu, who could only grab one arm, were fighting next to Carnegis, but almost exclusively with help.

Maybe one person could have stood around better.

The Fees regretted not trusting Carnegis’ prowess.

“Ha ha, hey, Carnegis. During the apprenticeship years, you were behaved like a genius. You’re going to rot here with the kids. For the most part, you’ve shamed us noble seniors for three years in a row. You’ve been chosen as the general of a sword game, and you’ve lost to civilian garbage all three times.”

“I’m sorry about losing three years in a row. Let me correct the fact that they are garbage, though. Still not enough to give your children their lives.”

Carnegis whispers to the Fees in a whisper as he exchanges light mouths with Gerus.

“Run when you give the signal. This is an order.”

Now it was time for the fies to snort honestly.

Confirming that, Carnegis turns his gaze to Gerus.

“You sure might end up here. But I’ll take your neck and show you.”

That said, Carnegis sinks his body, and when he jumps out of the fies, he heads toward Carnegis.

Cut down, beat down, and trampled over the obstacle soldiers one after the other, and their bodies approach to the vicinity of Gerus.

Gerus has a hurried look, screaming.

“Oh, protect me! Get more people over here!

Hearing that instruction, the soldiers rush nearby to protect Guerrius. The siege of the Fies has diminished.

Carnegis laughed more and said.

“I thought you would. Go!”

At the same time as the words, the fies timing, narrowing their power to one point and breaking through the siege of the diminished soldiers. Then flee to the direction indicated by Carnegis with all his might.

“Ma, wait!

“Follow him!”

“I’ll get you!

The soldiers tried to chase it away, but they heard voices from behind it.

“Whoa, has anyone forgotten?

In a moment’s gap where consciousness was upon the Fees, Carnegis was sending them backwards and approaching the soldiers who tried to chase them to the Fees. And cut off the soldiers who exposed the gap instantly.

The feet of the soldiers who were trying to chase the Fies stopped unexpectedly.

Only one remains on this occasion, Carnegis slowly looks back at the soldiers and flies the blood on his sword.

The glance shoots the soldiers in the legs.

“Behind this back are the boys responsible for the future of the country to come”

Carnegis declared to the soldiers far more than himself.

“I don’t think any of us can make it through here.”

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