I’ll Live My Second Life!

Chapter 191


The battle of the Cains was prolonged.

I can’t breathe well with Naina and Cain for a different purpose. However, Naena alone is disadvantaged not only by her ability to regenerate, but also by her John opponent, who has a higher power than the usual person.

I want to go help you with Fee. With that in mind, Nena could not be abandoned, and Cain had been forced to waste only his time.

But the contents of the battle were one-sided.

Nena joined Cain where he was overwhelmed in the first place.

John’s body is a scratchy blur. Not only are there lacerations and swellings on the body, but even poison stains that have been attacked by Nena’s dark vessels.

Still, John’s body hasn’t interfered at all with his life activities.

That was too unusual to call it a specific trait.

The battle seemed to go on forever…

John suddenly pulls back.

“Ha ha, just tough on the two of you. There doesn’t seem to be any chance of winning at all, and I think we should go home now.”

That’s what John says and pulls back.

Both Nena and Cain got a distance. Apparently, he’s going to run away.

To be honest, I want to detain this suspicious guy and ask him what he wants. As for Cain’s idea, yes. But if you keep pulling, I can help Fee. With that in mind, Cain couldn’t pack the distance.

I don’t know what Naina’s thinking. But keep your distance, and observe John.

Before those two, John looked at Cain and smiled and said.

“Yes, say hello to Philyaka.”


I didn’t know what the hell you were talking about.

Philyaka, that’s a name I’ve never even heard of.

John tells the reaction as if he remembered.

“Speaking of which, did you now call yourself Conrad? Dad’s always waiting for you to come home, right?


With the human name of the same unit out, Cain opens his eyes.

Put that cain down, John tries to disappear into the woods.


“You think I’ll miss it?

Naena chased that back.


I can’t trump Naina, Cain has to go after her.

The sunset forest, Carnegis, was surrounded by soldiers.

Time has passed since the Fees fought. Giving up on chasing the Fies, the soldiers focused their attacks on Carnegis opponents.

Carnegis, who was avoiding his opponent’s sword while escaping well, jumping suddenly, or standing around unpredictably, was just passive to many.

But the power to push approaching soldiers out of combat in an instant creates a giddy equilibrium with the soldiers.

But if we are surrounded by so many more than human beings have blind spots, one day we will be defeated.

Carnegis was in a situation where he had to be prepared to die as a price for rescuing the Fies.

From behind the siege of thick soldiers, Guerrius laughs.

“Ha ha, your fringe with you is finally over, Carnegis! What do you say, you understand? This is what happened because I’m more right. My judgment is that I did the right thing, so I survived, and you’re dying there. Do you regret that? Are you confessing? You called me a knight’s shame!

“You won’t regret it.”

Carnegis lays down his sword and smiles on its face, paying attention to the actions of the soldiers around him.

“But you believe it. That I’m right.”

“Naturally! I’m right! I was always right then, now, when I decided who to follow! What’s wrong is the world that drove me into a defector like that!


Carnegis nods quietly to Gerus, who no longer brings the mixed light of madness into its eyes.

The soldiers lay down their swords and look at Carnegis.

I’m waiting for orders. If it takes them all together, they can take them down. But the timing is off, and if you only pop up, you’ll lose your life with the sword of Carnegis.

So I’m even waiting for Gerus’ orders.

In such a desperate situation, Carnegis began to speak.

“Actually, there was only one thing I believed in.”

Gerus smiles and bruises as he looks down on it.

“What? God? A miracle? You think that’s gonna happen to you, miserable man who’s lost three years in a row, in this situation?

“Unfortunately, no, what I believe…”

Carnegis laughed all the time at Gerus’ words of ridicule and raised his sword towards the moon in the night sky. The sword reflects the moonlight and emits light.

Carnegis proclaims in high spirits while maintaining that attitude.

“He’s a hateful and dependable friend of mine for life.”

Then an arrow pours down on the soldiers so as to avoid carnegis.

“Become… what…!?

It is inhibited by general armor, but the shock stops the soldiers from moving and consciousness. In that gap, Carnegis slaughtered an alarmed soldier, stepped over his body like a light contractor and escaped the siege.

“Oh my…!

The feet of the soldiers who tried to chase them stop looking behind the carnegis who escaped the siege.

There were Austrian soldiers there. Then so are the apprentice knights who should have escaped. They are all bowed, armed, and staring at the soldiers.

And taking command of its soldiers and apprentice knights was a little fat knight with a bowgun on his left hand and a sword on his right.

Laughs behind his back as Carnegis lays his sword unafraid and lowers back one by one.

“It’s late, Trolley”

“You’re too fast, Carnegis.”

Trolley sighs and squeals.

“When I hear that the apprentice knights are pinching, they run on their own without a foothold.”

“My kid saved my life, okay?

“Thanks to you, you were dying in one more step.”

After an exchange of words with Carnegis, the trolley glanced at Gerus with cold sharp eyes, not his usual serene expression.

“That’s a hiccup, Senior Guerrius”

Seeing such a little fat knight, Gerus groans with a blue face he didn’t even do when Carnegis showed up.

“Yay… T, Trolley…”

The soldiers of Gerus’ men, and the soldiers of the Austrian nation, and the apprenticeship knights of the expression in honour of their anger. As a group of soldiers and apprentice knights take a step forward to defend Carnegis as he tries to come back here, Guerrius’ men’s soldiers twitch back to be intimidated.

Gerus looked at the situation and gave instructions with a remorseful look.

“Damn, it’s retreat!

“Wait! I’ll let you take me down here alone!

Carnegis tries to go after it, but the trolley grabs it and stops.

“The numbers are still better that way. Besides, at night, there’s no local interest here. If you chase him, he could be accidentally attacked backwards”

The trolley sends signals to the soldiers and the apprentice knights to stop them as they are on the spot, while dropping off the backs of the fleeing Gerhus.

“They were acting while turning off witnesses. The very existence must have been a secret. And yet running away in this situation is the worst failure. This one has all the apprentice knights surviving. The other soldier also secured two of them alive. This battle is our victory.”

So the trolley stroked the head of the apprentice knight beside him and corrected it.

“No, it’s a victory for these kids who worked so hard to survive all of us.”

A proud smile appears on the face of the apprentice knights who stood around desperately to survive in this situation in the words of the trolley.

Seeing that look on his face, Carnegis sighed too and put his sword away.

“Right, I’m sorry. We’ll get the apprentice knights safely to the fort.”

I say it with the look of a trolley pounding the belly of a carnegie like that.

“I can’t believe you used to chase me with these injuries in the first place.”


Carnegis nodded, holding his belly down, just like that.

If you look closely, there was a large sword wound in Carnegis’ belly.

“Mr. Carnegis!?

The Fees rush over to Carnegis worried.

Carnegis stared at the trolley with a pitiful face, holding her belly down.

“Whoa, you hid it so you wouldn’t worry…”

“I have to tell you, too, that you’re going to be impotent. I cooperated with that. Now that you’re an embarrassment and an escort, be nice to me.”

When Trolley preaches Carnegis, he gives instructions to everyone on the spot.

“Then let’s go back to the fort. Don’t forget to be vigilant.”


The apprentice knights would be tired, but they responded well to the trolley’s orders.

“Whoa, get up.”

“Follow me as adults.”



Let the captured Gerus soldiers take off their armor and the Austrian soldiers pull up. If we interrogate them, we’ll be able to get information on this case. It also turns out why Gerhus was manipulating all those soldiers and what the back shield was like.

Rest assured I thought so, when I tried to go home…

Towards the Fies, many daggers flew in.

A trolley stands in front of the boys and strikes down that blade with a sword.




A dagger stabs two surviving Gerus soldiers in the throat and the soldiers remain desperate.

(Shit…, was that your destiny…)

Trolley struck his tongue in his heart.

Under the moonlight, a man stood on a tree.

Seeing that figure, Cognac screamed, mixed among the apprentice knights.

“Hih… Mr. John…”

Squeeze the name.

The man was a well-acquainted man of Cognac. The Fees have also seen that face many times in the past week.

But only half the faces the Fees knew. In a literal sense.

John’s face is only half right, and his left side is missing like a creep. Cognac screamed also because he saw it.

Even though he looks like that, John smiles calmly on his face, as usual.

“Hey, I’m frightened. Those two, they say I’m gonna run away, and they’re gonna come after me forever. Thanks to this. I finally pulled it off, but I almost lost my job.”

John, with his face still missing, speaks that way as if he were talking to himself, looking coldly at the apprentice knights.

“Now die to you too…”

When I said that much, I turned behind without sound, and a trolley running up a tree cut off its neck with the sword of my right hand.

Its neck and body fall out of the tree.

John’s body, with his neck removed, rolls onto the forest ground.

The trolley got off the tree and looked down cold at the body of that John.

“Was this the wrong guy…”

Maybe we should have kept him alive and tipped him off.

But I didn’t want the kids to take any more risks. That’s what I thought, and when I was looking down at the body, its body moved out.

The right hand of the body that lost its neck moves, grabbing the decapitated neck, pressing it straight into the place where it lost its neck. And I stood up laughing as I stood in that position.

“Become, why…!?

“I could have taken my neck…”

The boys scream at an incredible phenomenon.

Moving again, John is attacked by a trolley.

But the trolley was calm.

Cut off the arm trying to grab the trolley’s body with the sword of his right hand, he punches it in the head with a bowgun of his left hand.

Enhanced in power for trolleys, the bowgun blows John to the trunk of a tree.

Trolley says looking down at John with cold eyes.

“I don’t know what magic trick it is… but if you’re not going to die, it’s convenient. I’ll have him captured like this and spit out the information.”

John laughed a lot.

“I wonder why I see so many strong people tonight. I really don’t have any luck.”

Pulling the arrow stabbed in his head all the way out, John made the decision not to fight and run. Trolley thinks about chasing him for a moment, but stops that leg remembering the kids.

Instead, he punches a bowgun in its back, but John’s run doesn’t stop even if that arrow clings to his heart, and he just ran away.

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