I’ll Live My Second Life!

Chapter 192


Return with the sunset path protected by the soldiers.

Fee stared worryingly at Cousin’s arm.

“It’s okay…? Doesn’t it hurt?”

“I’m fine.”

I had Mr. Carnegis do first aid, but his bandaged arm was painful.

Fee’s not safe either. The part where the dislocation was returned hurt, and the fine cuts were all over the place.

But I’m glad we all survived.

It wasn’t weird when someone died.

And yet I think it’s a miracle we were all safe.

But that miracle happened thanks to the cousins for their hard work, and to Mr. Carnegis for standing up and coming to help, and.

“Hey, are you okay?

Hey, reluctantly, it was Cognac who talked to me.

Fee smiles back.

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

I’m worried about Kuinu’s injury, but I don’t think I’ll force him to worry.

That’s what I told Cognac.

Cognac leans down a little and tells Fee sorry.

“I’m sorry about that… Fit my eyes hard…”

We all never lost our lives, but we all risked our lives.

Especially the Phys and the Cousins. He seemed pretty guilty about that.

Cognac says in a trembling voice.

“The truth is, I knew I wasn’t for the leader myself. Still, I’ve admired knights like that since I was a kid, so I thought I’d definitely… If that’s all I was doing for a purpose, sometime I’d beat someone else like that in a battle I’m good at, forcing them to listen, that’s how it happened…… You’re a really bad guy… I’m really sorry to keep you guys in the dark, but I’m not going to be the Golden Wheel Leader…”

“Yeah, that’s not true.”

Fee shook her head at the words.

“Sure, if we were all back there, we could have avoided getting caught in a trap by the other guy. But in that case, I didn’t know the other guy had a horse, and he could have been assaulted from behind. I think there were several sacrifices, even if they didn’t get caught. I’m sure you couldn’t just avoid that trap. Those who believe there, those who don’t, we broke up in two, so I’m sure we all survived safely. I think such a miracle happened. It was only because of the help of Mr. Carnegis.”

Fee smiles gently at Cognac.

“Mr. Carnegis called me, too.”

Phee had heard from Mr. Carnegis.

Originally, there were reports of suspicious groups here. Apparently, he was active at night, about rumours, and I can’t find him when the soldiers investigate him. That’s why they thought it was some kind of false alarm, but when Mr. Carnegis and Mr. Trolley were dispatched, they had orders from His Majesty King Roy to investigate it again.

That’s why they said Mr. Carnegis was near here.

And it seems that it was Cognac who discovered such a Mr. Carnegis.

As instructed by Phee, he recovered two of the east quarters, and Cognac, who was fleeing, stopped.

“What’s going on?

To the fellow apprentice knights who ask, Cognac points to a point.

“Ah, there were people in the knightly armor of our country over there…”

Cognac said so, but the other boys saw nothing there. I just see trees standing in line.

But it did look like Cognac. He comes from the same village as Heiral. My eyesight was pretty good, even if it wasn’t as good as his.

“It’s true! Hey, why don’t you go!? Maybe you can get some help!

“Ho, is that true…?

“You were talking about going back and calling for help as soon as possible. If you go that way, you’re gonna be L.A. for quite a while.”

Suspicious voices come from the boys. He’s had a lot of failures today. It was natural for me to react like that.

Cognac himself gets lost in the word.

One of the boys says with a rather worrying look about Cognac.

“Do you want to follow up on your failures…? Then I’m sorry to say… but I think it’s easy to go back and call for help… That was something no one could have expected. They won’t blame you, either.”

But when I leaned over for a moment, I said it with a determined face.

“No! I want to help those guys! Back at the garrison for help, but those guys aren’t helping! That’s what I knew!

Cognac tells the apprentice knights who followed me.

“Please! Just one more time, believe me! There are knights from our country over there. I did see it! Let’s get in touch and get the rest of them to send rescue!

The boys nodded, “Okay,” to Cognac’s words.

In the end, Cognac’s judgment was dull. Fast-paced Carnegis led the way, and the trolleys followed him, succeeding in helping the Fees.

Phee, who was asking about it, tells Cognac.

“Cognac said it wasn’t for the leader, but my admirer said the first condition of the leader was a strong will to” do the leader myself. “Even under those conditions, Cognac, who didn’t let it go, must have been for the leader. Sure, there’s a lot missing right now, but if you wear that carefully, you’ll be a good leader.”

Cognac lights his face bright red with joy in the words.

“Oh well…? I’ve never been told that before. hehe.”

I already seemed to care about that, and I shrugged happily.

“Me, was it for the leader? Really? Was it? All right.”

Maybe even a new leader’s plan is being made in that head. That’s a lot easier personality to get on. All the time, even though Fee thinks.

But I meant what I said, and now I’m sure I want you to be a fine leader.

Afterwards, the expedition training was halfway through and the Fies were to return to the King’s Capital.

Cain also returns to King’s Capital to report the information he learns to Roy again.

Cain’s chest felt safe.

He said if you report on the matter, His Majesty Roy would also realize something was wrong.

Reports come from Cain, who ordered the princess’s surveillance, not from Naina, who sent her to the fort.

If you notice that unnatural situation, Cain can finally report on Princess Fee as well.

I just wonder if Princess Fee wants that……

I made friends, I worked hard as an apprentice knight, I laughed every day, and I got over it with him, even in such dangerous eyes. Can I keep Fi away from the boys like that……

(But it’s too dangerous…)

If His Majesty Roy will notice, I can break it off as Cain has no choice. For her mission as a grass, and against Princess Fee.

… maybe a little dastardly though.

As I tried to enter His Majesty’s office, Nena came through the door.

One head over Cain when he tries to enter the clerk’s office instead, and a small body puts that path through.


“I’ve done the necessary reporting.”

That’s what Naina told Cain, who blocked Cain’s path.

A sweat tells Cain’s cheek.

(No, that’s troubling…)

If we don’t report it from Cain, we can’t talk about Fee.

Cain manages to get over Naena blocking the door and has to go to report to His Majesty.

But then it was the words that made Cain even more desperate that were released from Naina’s mouth.

“Then I also reported that the assignment of work is overburdening you. In future, I will compile information on the overall grass report and report it to His Majesty Roy. So all you have to do is focus on the mission. You don’t have to come here.”

What Naina is saying, that would have deprived Cain of the opportunity to report something directly to His Majesty.

“No, but…”

“Your Majesty’s orders.”

Naina says clearly to Cain, who is confused.

Cain couldn’t help himself and was set to stand on the spot.

Naina takes Cain’s hand, which has become so hardened, and speaks.

“Cain, we are His Majesty’s hands, and fingers. Hands move on their own against their will? If that hand moves out on its own and starts aiming at the owner’s neck… We must do what His Majesty has given us. Cain, you don’t have to think ‘extra’. We just need you to focus on the mission.”

Cain had respect for Naina.

About her, who is childhood friendly, trained together, and is currently the only woman in the grass.

“Oh, oh…”

So I nodded.

I didn’t notice it with a cloudy eye for his Naina trust.

About one person, to the fact that they keep doing that ‘extra’ thing.

Eventually the information on the raid came down to the 18 knights as well.

Even about that immortal corpse, John.

“A man named John with this unusual power. Is this someone you know, Conrad?”

The fact that John named Conrad was also received as information.

Parwick asks Conrad when he finds out about it.

Conrad slowly swallowed it and opened his mouth when he included the tea in his hand, one bite, in his mouth.

“Yeah, old buddy. No, it’s like family.”

The look reminded me of distant memories, looking somewhere not here.

“I used to be an assassin far east of here. The majority of the members were orphans abandoned by their parents because of their special physique, which one man had gathered and raised to teach them the techniques of assassination, undertaking jobs and making money. One of the children raised at the same time as me was John.”

Conrad’s story continues.

“As an assassin, he’s a third-rate, no, he’s an overly praiseworthy kid, even if he calls him fifth. Unusual desire for approval due to being abandoned by parents, lack of attention and hyperdynamic personality. He wasn’t fatally suited to assassins. If you leave the job to me, I will fail and I will divulge important information to my surroundings. That is why it was used mainly in the wax. Throw it in under a chaser who tracks this one, let it lynch and buy time, or let it appear in its place to deceive the person who grabbed it. That’s all I was entrusted with.”

So once, Conrad sighs.

I may have been sympathetic to the way it was treated, but I didn’t know what I meant.

Just to warn Parwick, say it with a slightly more powerful voice.

“But only that power is real. On behalf of an unsuccessful ally, 10 times he was tortured to death by being left behind under a chaser, 13 times he appeared and was sentenced to extreme imprisonment in exchange for a client, and 7 times he was lynched in prison and unloaded as a corpse. But the next day, if you dig up the body bag, she’ll be alive. Always frightened by the darkness and loneliness in the body bag…… That’s why my people were called as they looked down, dead bodies that didn’t die.”

“It’s an incredible story… But if it’s true, why would a group of named assassins use such a man for normal work? And why is a group of assassins who were active in the eastern region coming to this country?”

“I don’t know, maybe it’s revenge. And John is probably running out of people.”

Parwick couldn’t understand Conrad’s answer.

Until I heard Conrad continue.

“Because more than half the members of that group of assassins were killed by me.”

Conrad’s face, with the information in his mouth, was just as quiet as the lake surface in the

John and the old man in the wheelchair were facing each other in a dim cabin.

John was on his knees on the ground, reporting this to the old man.

Then, with the sandalwood stick the old man had in his right hand, he punched John in the face.

Even then, he beats John many times and makes hysterical shouts.

“YOU HA!! Really!! It’s useless!! Witnesses said they’d let them get away with it, even if they couldn’t finish the kid well!! I can’t do one thing you told me! How the hell can I grow up to be an incompetent person who can’t do anything like that!! You are rubbish!! Dust scum!! Nothing in my life is helping!! As much as I would like to dispose of it on this occasion if I could!!

“Sorry, sorry, dad!!

John desperately lifts his head to such an old man and speaks out in a tenacious manner.

“Now it’s time to do it right. Next time, we can do it right, right? So don’t abandon me.”

“Damn!! You piece of trash!! Damn it!! Why are things like you the only ones left in my hands!!

But the old man keeps beating up even screaming about John, as if he hadn’t listened to John at all.

And after about a few minutes of hanging up and continuing to beat John, the old man lay his face down on his assembled arm and began to sob.

“Ah…… filiaka…… If you were still beside me, I wouldn’t have had to bother my head with this… Just you… I could have done anything if you were the only one… Neither the assassination of the king of one country nor even the takeover of the country was picturesque…… I could make it happen. Please…… come back…… my precious filiaka…… Anytime. If you will come back to me, I will forgive you all your sins… You ran away from me, you killed the sons you made me chase… So come back, Philyaka…”

“Dad… I’m here… We…”

John’s words had not reached the old man, who even wanted Conrad’s return.

In the woods a little further away from where the incidents involving the Fies took place.

A giant man was beating Gerus up.

“Oh, my God, you said you’d definitely succeed, so you deposited the soldiers in training. Let the kids get away with it, and even the witnesses will go on. You want me to bust your ass in here now?

The man accumulated a black beard in his chin, and his glued face was like bandits.

But he tells them that the black painted armor and sword he is wearing is well made and not just a burglar.

Gerus, who was grabbed by the man by the chest barn, apologized as he stopped screaming.

“I’m sorry, Aniki, no… I didn’t expect Carnegis to come and help me…”

“I would say you’re not Aniki!!

Again with such guerrius, the man punches him.

“Kiki, Knight Commander…”

“Yes, that’s fine”

The man gets a little upbeat by the words Gerhus squeezed out as he was punched in the cheek.

“Ho, it was really unexpected… The villagers are stingy, there’s a strange mix of kids, and they’ll be coming for help soon…”

Frightened, he said to Gerus, desperately begging for forgiveness, after a little tongue pounding.

“Ha, even with such incompetence, he’s one of the few men I’ve followed since my knighthood. I forgive you. But the next time you make a weird mistake, you don’t think there’s life.”

“Yes, no…”

Gerus snorts desperately at the words of the man who gave forgiveness.

The man was also a former knight person, as was Gerus.

On the contrary, in the days of the Predecessor, he was so human that he was being pushed to be a candidate for the Knights Commander.

His name is Goufen.

However, the predisposition was not very good.

Behind him, he joined hands with criminals, circulated information on the Knights, and let Wang Du trek criminals. He is said to have created a cause of corruption for knights in those days.

So he was fired when the king changed to Roy, and he was to be chased after the country.

And in his place, he was Zephas, who became the Knights Commander or also his brother’s share in Roy’s training years.

The knights who were wrongfully involved by that time are all being pursued by the country.

But Goufen was back.

To avenge.

“I don’t know what else to do, I’ll be in the dark for a while. Well, I don’t even know how to search for that king.”


Goufen and Gerus, and the soldiers of their full body armor, disappear into the darkness of the forest.

Goufen shrugged as he disappeared. with a hateful voice.

“Now this is the only way to move, but one day I’ll be back in bloom. On behalf of the knights. Zephyrus, the seat you’re sitting in is what I was supposed to be sitting in. I’ll definitely take it back.”

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