I’ll Live My Second Life!

Chapter 26


Phee from then on was never unscrupulous.

The next day I fell, as I was told, the training was a tour.

“Iol made me a special training menu for you.”

“You want some?

Therefore, I began to do the training menu that Crowe gave me the following day.

Apparently the menu had also been given to Hislo’s hands by Crowe, and he didn’t have to bother to offer it from Fee.

It stands out because it will behave differently from everyone else.

Some tried to fool or tease Fee with those two boys at the head, but Fee didn’t care, and the Gollms made him stop teasing.

Stretch and flexible gymnastics were the highlights of many of the menus.

The training menu was gradually crushed in line with Phee’s health, and the inexorable running to build strength, muscle strength training, and the practice of behavior such as flexibility and passivity were done in line with Phee’s progression, of which flexibility and stretching were enough to fill half of the menu with just that.

Yet Fee was only able to stretch and be flexible to the highest level at once.

“He’s amazing… You’re a mollusk…”

“I mean, it’s kind of disgusting…”

Fee, who became a mysterious object rolling in a strange outfit in the corner of the athletic field, glimpsed with a rather subtle look by the Gollms who were running, and passed by.

As we watched Phee do things that we couldn’t do to ourselves in so many ways without bitterness, fewer and fewer things to make fun of, and almost gone.

We eat a lot of rice at night.

“It’s delicious! Yum!”

“So enough to say? No, it’s not bad.”

“Yeah! Yum!

I wasn’t even particularly interested in food when I was a princess, Phee, but the rice has been delicious lately.

That experience of hunger in the outhouse and the fact that he lived after becoming an apprentice knight may have given Fee the joy of food.

Anyway, aside from the hard stories, Fee had good rice.

But I just slapped a plate today, and I’ll put it away.

“Is that it? Is that enough?

Raimier asked.

Usually, it was the usual Phee to change about another drink from here.

“Yeah, because Mr. Crowe told me to stay in shape as long as possible”

I really want to eat more, but I can stand it if it’s for the little ones I want.

“It is.”

“I knew your training policy was changing.”

Normally, it is common to eat a lot and grow up.

Although there are a few exceptions, it is basically more powerful and stronger to have a larger physique. Gollms and the like would be a good example.


“Yes, I am.”

Slad nodded as he pretended not to look at Heath, who was trying to flatter his fingers about the stew he was eating.

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