I’ll Live My Second Life!

Chapter 27

27 One of the 18th Knights

It’s been a month since Fee joined the Knights.

And it’s Friday.

It’s a day when you’re in your own Knights and you’re coached or actually allowed to take part in the mission.

“Good morning ”

“Heath, there you are. You can have tea now.”

When I greet him and enter the warehouse, the assembly center of the 18th Knights, the plain-faced young man, Conrad, makes me tea as usual.

It was cinnamon tea today.

I’m always glad you’re welcome, but like everyone else, I wondered if there were any assignments or training, Fee thought.

When Phee comes here, I always feel like Conrad is there.

“I took it from the real kingdom of Fenham. How’s that? Yum?

“Yes, it’s delicious”

The cinnamon tea Conrad had for me was very tasty with a sweet aroma.

And I don’t know what’s fun, but Conrad sits at the opposite table, elbowed and looking at Nico as he drinks such tea.

(I’m really not sure who you are…)

There’s nowhere to look.

The soft waist resembles my friend Laemier, but it’s something different.

Or not at all.

Because Laemier doesn’t make such an unreadable smile on the inside.

(Speaking of which, this guy’s the only one I’ve heard specializing in)

When everyone introduced themselves, they taught me the specialty – Crowe taught me the unspeakable ol’ bull – but only this guy just gave me his name, and he didn’t tell me anything.

“What do you specialize in, Mr. Conrad?


I asked him on a direct ball, but all he returned was a freshly tickled gesture on his index finger and a naughty wink.

(No…, this guy…)

Already, Phee gave up pursuing about Conrad.

When I finished my tea, Captain Ior and Crowe came in through the entrance.

“Good morning! I want to! And then, Mr. Crowe!

Fee rose from his chair and greeted him with a salute he had no longer remembered.

“Heath, you’re doing well today”


“I’m with you.”

“Mr. Crowe sees you more often than not.”

“That’s cash, dude. For once, I bought you a troublemaker and left.”

“Really?! Thank you.”

“It’s also subtle to be honestly thankful…”

Captain Ior seems annoying, and just because he’s the 18th Knights, it wasn’t easy to see him.

Fee took it personally that he must be on a number of missions in the shadows and in the sun.

“Leave the public discourse at that. They’re waiting for the Old Bull.”

Surely there was no appearance of an Old Bull at the rally point.

That said, it’s not unusual. Human beings in the 18th Knights are often not at the rally point on some assignment.

(But what the hell are you doing keeping me waiting…)

Phee wondered, but I don’t want to speak to her because she told me to leave the public story at that.

Ior stood with his arm in front of such a fie.

Why does Phee hang herself?

“Heath, I want you on a mission today.”

“Is it a mission……?!

A month after enlistment and training began, Phee never took part in the mission.

Or Friday, Saturday, I don’t remember doing much.

I do the training menu every day, but then I have tea with Mr. Conrad, people talk to Mr. Crowe about his numbness, take care of the pot plants with Mr. Allbull, watch Mr. Parwick train his bow, and watch Garuge make something.

When I wanted to come, I reported everyday things and got your word.

Everyone else in the Knights is allowed to participate in brief missions on Friday and Saturday, including city guards and patrols. I was a little jealous.

The day has finally come for Fi to join the mission.

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