I’ll Live My Second Life!

Chapter 29


As I rinsed through the vent, I could see the light leaking from the bottom.

Looking down from there, you can see the hallway of the mansion. In the hallway of the mansion, many badly resembled men walked around carrying weapons.

Obviously not the atmosphere I said rich villa.

(Turns out, as Crowe said, this was a lair for a crowded organization… We need to find the people who got caught)

Fee quietly moves through the vents.

It originally wasn’t made for people to go through. Moving inside the vent required flexible movement of the body.

Apparently it was from Fee’s birth. Flexibility and body spring.

It was further enhanced by a training menu that I wanted to be able to move quietly and quickly through the vent.

Normally, it’s scary to go into a narrow, dark place, but I’m not afraid of anything else because of my shady birth. When I told her I was going to stick around, Phee stopped thinking because she was going to be sad.

More importantly, the strong desire to be of service to the little one was moving Fee.

Fee moved around the mansion ceiling without anyone noticing. I drew a conclusion.

(not on the ground floor……)

I snuck around from the ceiling looking at the suspicious room, but there was no sign of people being trapped.

Fee cleverly twirls his body around 180 degrees in the vent, and when he leans back, he checks the plan with the light that leaks.

There is no basement.

(Well, upstairs)

Fee looks at the plan to see where the vent is raised upstairs.

And I headed upstairs from that place.

One computational difference has happened here.

As a matter of fact, Phee was only invited to join us once in a while this time.

If you can’t get in the vent well, you can’t. If you can’t find it on the ground floor, you can’t. I thought that was fine.

That’s why I told you not to come down from the ceiling.

Neither Roy nor Crowe thought they could break in upstairs from the vent.

But Fi’s done.

Bring your lightweight body to life, twisting your left and right walls up with your hands and feet, in the steps of wall climbing even though you are not taught.

Above all, strong thoughts were moving Fee’s body.

(For those who want to!

When he finally laid his hand on the edge of the vertical hole and put his face down to the vent upstairs, Fee’s nose sounded dusty.

And some time after Fee first started exploring upstairs.


Finally, Phee discovered. in a room where people caught by human trafficking organizations are locked up.

In the room where Fee peeked in, about 10 women and children were trapped with their hands and feet split.

Everyone leaned down uniformly, and their faces were dark. He seemed to cry, and some of his eyes swelled red.

(Absolutely, I’ll help you.)

When Phee made up her mind, she tried to put a sign on the plan.

That’s when the door to the room sounded open and two men came in from outside.

One is a merchant-style man. The other is an armed man who looks like that escort.

The merchant-style man may be Kanzar, the lord of this mansion.

Kanzar nodded after scowling at the things he had grabbed with a grin.

“Some of them are quite clever. There are over 10 of them. It’ll sell for a good price.”

At that time a small shadow moved behind the satisfied merchant.

The captured child tried to escape. The rope between the hands and feet did not depend, although I do not know if it was naturally untied or untied by myself.

I guess I was watching the gap the door would open.

I tried to escape into this gap.


Phee screamed in her heart.

The sight of an armed man still showed the child.

The child was caught by a lightly armed man.

A man brutally clasps one arm of a child up into the universe.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa!

A child screamed at the pain.

“Stupid. Did you think you could escape? Kanzar, what are you gonna do with this guy?

Kanzar looked at the child for about three seconds and said to his disinterest.

“Hurt him to show off. I don’t mind if I die. He’s a man, and he’s not that clever. Not for a lot of money.”

“Okay. Hehe, don’t feel bad about dying, kid. It’s your fault.”

That’s how the armed man pretended to fist the child as much as he wanted.

(Don’t be ridiculous……!

Fee’s body gets a little hot.

And it moved reflexively. Travel to a place where you can get down to your room and jump out of there gently.

“Become, what!?


Kanzar gives a surprised voice that something suddenly came down.

The reaction of the man was delayed due to his descent from the position of being an armed man’s blind spot.

Fee struck as many armed men as he could, keeping the sword he had received from the garouge in his sheath.

A fluttering man, but he still doesn’t fall.

(It’s okay, as assumed!

Fee was swinging a second blow right away.

I knew how powerless I was in the game with Golms. So I was practicing my sword so that it would soon lead to the two machetes.


After a second blow, the man just passed out.

“Heh heh heh heh!?

And Kanzar, who is talking about something, punches him with a sword that falls into his sheath as much as he wants.

Now he passed out with a blow.

I managed to take them both down, but I heard a loud noise from the outside.

“I heard something strange!

“It’s a room with the guys who grabbed it!

I can hear the footsteps heading this way.


Fee said he was in a hurry to cut the rope of some of the captured people.

“I’m here to help! Please! Help me!

Everyone moves the shaft that was near the door and barricades it in front of the door.

“Hey, what!?

“Shit, it’s not opening. Kanzar!?

The men outside slam the door hard.

“They put something from the inside out!


(Damn, no…)

Because it was in a room that I did not use, it was not too heavy without the contents.

We all hold on to the rope untied, but Fee’s body is light, and the grown women are not that different, plus they’re drained of strength because they were trapped.

The power to push the door from that side keeps fluttering.

The number of people is increasing.

At that time, the whistle passed from Crowe to Phee’s eyes caught a hard eye.

(Sorry! I want to! Mr. Crowe! Please help me!

Fee whistled as much as he wanted, including the whistle in his mouth.

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