I’ll Live My Second Life!

Chapter 31


Finish defeating all enemies. Crowe and Ior turn to Phee.

“I want to…, Mr. Crowe…”

Fee was moved and tried to rush over to the two of them.

But the next moment, Crowe’s cock shook down its head

“Heath! Don’t go down there!

Crowe was seriously angry. When a beauty shape as beautiful as Crowe gets serious and angry, I’m really scared.

“Oh, I’m sorry…… But the child was in danger and I thought I had to help…”

“Don’t bully your brother! You fooled me!

Children who helped defend Phee as well.

But Crowe’s anger won’t subside.

“Violation of orders is a violation of orders! You know how dangerous a situation I was! The basics of the squad are to follow the orders of their superiors! I would have learned that from the instructors too!

“Ha no…”

Crowe was right. Fee’s voice went down.

When I calm down, I realize that not only my own life, but also the iors who came to help me, were in danger. When I realized that, I felt dull.

But I couldn’t think of abandoning my child in that situation at the same time……

I wonder what I should have done…… Doubts swirl over Fee’s chest.

Old Bull comes next to an angry crow and slaps him on the shoulder and shakes his head.

Covered paper says, “It is common for newcomers to get ahead. Too angry. I know what Heath says,” it said.

But Crowe’s anger doesn’t subside either.

“But! If we hadn’t rushed, this guy could have been killed!

Crowe is angry because I knew I was worried about Heath.

In fact, it was a dangerous situation.

Had he been late to step in, Heath could have been killed.

Ior stepped there, before.

Everyone’s gaze gathers in nature and eor.



Fee responds to Ior’s call.

“When acting in a unit, it may not be the right thing to do, but it may not be the right thing to do. If the force is not extended, it is also necessary to truncate and act on correctness. And to gain strength to extend, we need time, just as we used to.”

Feel snorted at Ior’s words.

“I’m sure you’re worried about what to do then.”


That was Fee’s irresistible heart.

I want to help. I thought so, but I couldn’t help myself. On the contrary, I got involved around, and I got pinched.

“You have to know your powers in order to give that answer. With your power now, you probably won’t be able to choose the option of helping.

You put your own life at risk, you put your people at risk, you were able to save children, you were able to help people who got caught, all as a result of your actions today. Don’t forget all that.

You’re still growing. I don’t need to give you an answer today. As you grow up as a one-man knight, be able to give the right answer. Until then, we’ll follow up as best we can. ”


The question that Phee punched today is a matter for all knights to push.

Crowe, Ior, and Olubr began to give their answers based on what they used to worry about, what they thought there, and what they now have.

The answer can also be said to be the likeness of each knight.

Fee nodded seriously at Ior’s words and engraved them into his chest so he wouldn’t forget.

Crowe also finally got angry and looked settled on one thing.

But I wasn’t finished with what I wanted to say.

“However, a violation of an order is a violation of an order. I will punish you.”


I’m not dissatisfied with being punished per se, but Fi, who assumed that the story of Ior was over, still raised a barbaric voice.

Next to Ior, Crowe is putting his arms together. Yeah, he’s nodding.

“By the way, we’re all punished. Heath isn’t the only one.”


Crowe peeled his eyes off most of them.

“Why not!

“We made a big mistake this time, too. I couldn’t spot the power of Heath. Even the mindset of the rescue operation could not have been propagated enough. And joint responsibility as a unit.”


It certainly was.

I thought too lightly that it was a trial operation.

Looking back, I think the explanation was also sweet.

Apprentice knights can be taught the mindset in the Knights as one in class, but they should have been kept in mind once again.

If it seemed dangerous, I would have stopped. But I let it work unexpectedly, so it seemed like this one that I left to it.

Besides, the mistake spread because Heath has demonstrated her ability to exceed this assumption.

Crowe put on his head and apologized to Fee.

“We certainly had sweet assumptions, too. I’m sorry for being unilaterally angry, Heath.”

“No, no. Mr. Crowe is not bad.”

Fee shakes his head at Crowe.

“Then I will tell you the punishment for us…”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah!?

Any severe punishment, Phee, which I was prepared to do, made me scream in spite of the punishment told me by Ior.

At dinner time, Phee lay down at the dining room table in tears.

“That, you don’t eat Heath?

Raimier comes to his seat with a basin.

Heath, who likes to eat more than anyone, rarely eats dinner.

“They violated orders in the troops, so let’s skip dinner for three days…”

Geese replies to Fee’s change without the energy to talk.

The punishment told by Ior was three days without dinner. No, it was a very hard punishment for Fee, who liked to eat the most among the apprentice knights in the northern quarters.

“It is forbidden to eat all dinner for three days. Instead, make sure you eat well in the morning”

That’s what I wanted to say.

Fee stares jealously at the stew that Raimier eats.

“Ha, eat…? I’m sure you won’t be able to take a sip…”

Raimier whispers a spoon as he drips a sweat down his cheek at the gaze that seems to bump into every Raimier in Fee.

But Fee shook his head.

“Yeah, fine”

You can’t break a promise you want to make.

But when Slad came and ate the hamburger, Fee wept as he flattered it again.

“Ugh, I’m hungry. I’m so jealous.”

(Then I wish I didn’t have to come to the dining room…)

Everyone in the dining room thought so.

Crowe was in the city at night, apologizing hand in hand in front of a beauty who seemed to be strong.

“Whoa, no, I can’t have dinner anymore!

“Ha!? You promised you’d take me to a good dinner! You’ve got time for this! Why not!”

The woman keeps her face bright red on Crowe’s words.

“Hey, I don’t feel like eating. I have an appointment, so if you’d like to leave me alone.”

Quickly, a bashful female binta bursts.

“Don’t be ridiculous! Because I will never ask you out on a date again!

The woman hangs on and squeals her heels once again.

She’s strong, but funny when she talks, and she was her favorite opponent for Crowe. But it’s about her with a strong pride. You won’t be on Crowe’s invitation to do this anymore.

“I don’t know what else to do…”

After that, Crowe sighed and dropped him off with a little bitter laugh

Old Bull was watering the potted plants at the rally point.

The flowers blossomed beautifully and he seemed to have fun today.

At night, a civilian called Roy, who was still in the chair and continued his work.

“Your Majesty, it’s time for dinner with Her Highness Queen Feel.”

Roy says as he was told and noticed.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot to tell you. Leave me alone today.”


I can’t believe the king’s words, and the civilian hears them back, not to mention.

To such a civilian, Roy told him to think a little.

“For today’s sake, behave yourself to the cooks. Then apologize to Princess Feel. And for the next two days, you don’t have to make my dinner.”


I didn’t know what the instructions were intended to be, but the clerk nodded.

That’s all Roy told the civilian, and he started moving the pen again.

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