I’ll Live My Second Life!

Chapter 33


“Was Mr. Conrad a woman?!?

Fee screamed when he saw Conrad.

To Fee’s reaction like that, Conrad puts on his usual unreadable grin on his face and turns back with his usual relaxed tone of voice.

“No, no, it’s a man, man. You know what I mean when I hear your voice, right?

Sure, it’s a man’s voice when you hear it right, but I think it’s hard to understand what Mr. Conrad’s voice is, how manly it sounds, how it seems to come from each person, because it’s missing that trait, Fee said.

When I’m talked about in that outfit, I’m illusioned with mundane gaps.


And Fee looked at one point and thought.

Conrad’s daring chest wrinkled dress does have one.

There’s a valley of fascinating breasts that attracts masculinity and somehow attracts a woman’s gaze.

(I don’t know how the hell you make it…)

If I had accidentally looked at it for a long time, Conrad seemed to enjoy looking at Fee like that.

“If you want to, I’ll tell you what?

“No, that’s fine”

Fee shook his head.

Conrad nodded as he confirmed the figure of the dressed fie from top to bottom.

“Yeah, nice. It’s so cute. I guess the rest is a bit of a finish.”

That said, Conrad was the cosmetic tool he had at some point, messing with Fee’s face and hair.

“Don’t you think?

When I checked my face with the hand mirror that Conrad gave me, my impression of Fee’s face was changing all the time, even though I shouldn’t have messed with him that much.

Usually Fee’s face feels bright and tedious, but somewhere now he’s under the impression of a quiet, smug boy. My hair was even more combed than usual, which reinforced the impression that it seemed delicate.

Besides, the colour has changed.

Fee’s normal hair is golden, but red is now crossed.

“It’s easy to add color when the pigment is light. It’s okay, because it’s a dye that can be removed immediately. On the contrary, be careful with the water during the mission.”

They can do that, too.

That’s why Conrad’s arms occasionally disguised Fee again.

“Now you’re ready.”

Conrad wears a veiled luxury hat that hides his face. Then she was like a suspicious aristocratic lady hiding her identity.

Moreover, a slight peek of jaw and lipstick vermilion make him disappoint that he is a solid beauty.

Conrad rings that fan in his mouth again when he’s all set.

“Well, let’s go”

The next voice I made was that of a beautiful, luscious, authentic woman.


What came with Conrad at the Inn was an even more suspicious building.

A well built building, rare for this compartment, with a lookout man standing outside. I don’t care if it smells bad.

Conrad approaches such a building in unhesitating motion.

When he looks at Conrad dressed as a woman, the watchman makes an unfit smile on the strong side and gives his head up.

“This is, Maenue. Lubboella, how can I help you?

“Yeah, I came shopping again. I was wondering if you could come.”

“Yes, Lubboella tells me you can always do it. Come on in, please.”

The man finally lifts his head and invites the disguised Conrad into the building. For the first time then, I notice a boy in butler’s clothes following me at Conrad’s.

“Who is this child, Master Menue?

From the moment I saw the child, the man was a little wary. He has a slight hips and is wrapped around the back of his hips to hide his right palm. Probably on the back side, hiding some kind of weapon.

In a prolonged voice as if he hadn’t noticed that, Conrad told the watchman.

“My butler. Hey, Socia.”

Socia. That was Phee’s pseudonym that was told before the operation.

Phee, called by name, nodded her head slightly down, seemingly leaning inwardly.

Socia was set to not speak.

“I’m sorry. She can’t talk.”


“That’s right. You’re such a good boy, aren’t you?

“Yes, it’s a very good hobby.”

In the words of Lady Menue, the man had a loving laugh.

There is no way such a young boy can act as a butler. Besides, I can’t even talk.

It was a shuddering grin that read behind it, but Maynue, dressed by Conrad, continues to play and interact with a dull lady who doesn’t realize it.

“Ugh, you can take this kid too, right? You’re pathetic.”

“Yeah, I don’t mind.”

Conrad takes note of the watch and pulls Fee into the store.

The ground floor of the building had become a liquor store. The lamps dyed red or blue lights the dim room with the curtains drawn. Seems quite thriving, with men and women drinking even though it’s still early in the day.

But that wasn’t where the Fees were headed.

Apparently, he receives some kind of signal from the lookout. A human inside the store is revealed, and he stands in front of Conrad and gives a thank you.

“Welcome aboard, Lady Menue. I’ll show you to Mr. Lubboella.”

It was on the back of the store that Conrad and the others were guided. Unlike the store, the murderous hallway ran from the ground floor to the second floor. The back is barely decorated with paintings and vases, but I can’t say it’s very tasteful.

Bad storage, and a walking guide man was about to get caught in the vase at risk.

The door behind the corridor you followed. There are two large watchmen standing in front of the door. Probably made him disappoint that it was the manager’s room in this store.

“Come on in,” the man opened the door as the Fees came to the front of the room.

When Conrad and Fee enter the room, the men on watch come in from behind with them. The door closes behind the Fees.

“Welcome, Master Menue! It is an honor to see you in my shop again!

It was a little fat man growing a beard who was in the room who said that with a deliberately daunting trick spread his hands. The hair you’re flushing behind you is wearing too much hair conditioning, and the nasty smell sticks to Fee’s nose.

This man was the manager here, Luboera.

“Ugh, I went to other stores, but I didn’t have much to like. That’s why I came back to your store, Luboera.”

Conrad tapped his mouth gently with a closed fan.

At that moment, a faint breeze flutters up the veil that hides Conrad’s face, peeking at the bottom half of that luscious beauty’s face. Fee’s eyes caught Lubboella’s nose slamming directly beneath her when she saw it.

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