I’ll Live My Second Life!

Chapter 36

37 Special Attacks and the Last One

Fee looked jealously at the apprentice knights in the same quarters who spoke with pleasure.

“I’ve finally been taught, too! It’s called a five-step parade poke!

“Oh, my God, the diagonal rotary slaughter I taught you is even more amazing.”

“No, no, how shitty of you guys. My 15th Squad Special is the best!

What they were talking about was ”Special Attacks”.

Recently, they taught it to me by the seniors in the unit. Each of them has tried to practice the moves learned with a wooden sword. Such pride and faces they showed each other seemed very glittering to Fee’s eyes.

Now, among the apprentice knights in the northern quarters, it was an unprecedented special boom.

Most humans show each other the special moves that the seniors have taught them, and the boys are competing over which is awesome.

“Nice…, I want to learn too…”

Fee can’t help but try to turn her fingers around. In the way you describe it.

Fee wasn’t taught any special moves or anything by everyone in the 18th Knights. So I can’t even join the story at all.

Next to it, Gollms has a frightened face.

“Absolutely. Can you use it in action like that? If you have time to watch it too, shake it off.”

That’s what they say. Fee also begins to wiggle with Gollms.

But that alone can’t stop Fee’s longing for a special attack.

“Golms! I’ll learn my special moves tomorrow, too!

“Did you talk about people…? They taught me that, and it didn’t help.”

Gollms looked sick and tired of fiddling with fists and a somewhat unclear but determined look, sweating nicely with his bare hands.

From Gollms’ point of view, even the relatively simple moves this boom had begun were something that I thought could be used or suspicious in action. Nowadays, it takes seconds to make a long move without any pragmatism.

If I did that, they would see gaps in the game and in action, and it would be me who would be hit.

(You’re definitely riding worse than I’m teaching you…)

That was Golms’ idea of this phenomenon.

“But I’m so proud of you! I want to!

Still, Fee wanted to master his special moves.

Something’s so cool. But it is.

More importantly, it feels nasty with the troops, but it comes a long way for Fee. I’m jealous.

“Tomorrow is the day to try to master it. 18th Squad Special…”

“Uh, take it personally already… I know, but I’m not involved. Don’t take it personally.”

Gollms also threw a teaspoon at Fee, who was only passionate about mastering special moves.

I decide to abandon my friend caught up in an asshole stream, wondering if I can get involved in such an asshole thing.

“Okay! Next week, let’s take a look at the moves you’ve mastered, Golms!

“I’m gonna do it. You’re gonna stick with me! You can’t talk about people! What is it, ‘All right! Bye!’ Ah!

Instead of giving up, Golms shouted at Fee, who was fully open to getting into an asshole stream to himself.

So the next day, Phee was first in front of Crowe.

He’s a seemingly numb knight, but Phee knows a lot that Crowe is an amazing guy. And he takes good care of me, and he cares about something and Fee.

I thought even Special Attacks must teach you how cool it is.

“Mr. Crowe! Tell us about your special attack!

Crowe looked like he was going to hold his hand against his chin when he said he was going to make a gibberish in front of his chest.

“Ah, is that it? It’s fashionable again. It was fashionable about three years ago.”


According to Crowe’s story, the Special Attack Boom will arrive among apprentice knights in several cycles. The senior knight also apparently taught the special moves he inherited at that time, as well as the special moves he thought of himself.

“Well then…”

Crowe knows that, which means Crowe knows his special moves, too.

Fee’s expectations soar in Russia.

“Oh, I’ll tell you. Give me my special.”

Crowe grinned and nodded.

Then Crowe instructed me, and Phee stood with the wall behind her back.

On the front stands a crow.

(Something! I think it’s a move to get out of the pinch with the wall on its back! Or a move to defeat an enemy that’s cornered on the wall?

Fee’s heartbeat doesn’t stop ringing with anticipation.

“Heath, this is my knitted special. I’ll tell you something special.”

“Wow, thank you!

It was nice talking to Mr. Crowe, and Fee was perfectly satisfied.

I’m excited that you must show some amazing moves.

“Then let’s go.”


When I told Phee that, Crowe got a serious look at once.

(Turns out he’s a serious face when he moves)

Fee’s nervousness increases.

First of all, Crowe’s left arm was right over Fee’s face. It was placed here.

(Do you block the escape route…? Not a sword move…?

I would have liked a sword if I could, but, well, I was wondering if anything else was okay, and Crowe’s beautiful face approached Fee’s eyes.

(What… what…?

Fee doesn’t know what it is. Crowe’s face is getting very close.

At the moment when his face was supposed to touch him, his face passed beside Fee, whispering blushing in a low voice.

“I only love you.”


At that moment, his spine rose and Fee screamed.

After hearing the scream, Crowe began to shake his body with his mouth shut.

“Pu… dull… ku”

Crowe was laughing. I was laughing.

Fee noticed. They made fun of me! To Mr. Crowe!

“Buha ha ha ha ha ha!

In the end Crowe couldn’t stop laughing and even started to burst into laughter.

“Mr. Crowe! You lied! You told me you had a special attack!

Fee’s face is angry and all sorts of other things, bright red.

“No, no, it’s true! It’s my special move to drop the girl. You’re the only one I ever told.”

“I don’t need that! I don’t need it!

To Crowe, who said such a thing with a blast of laughter, Phee fisted its body and punched it with all her might as a pompous, Phee.

But, hey, there’s no damage to Crowe’s forged body.

“Ha, did it work? I was screaming like a girl! I said, stay! Hey, stop targeting the steeple! Don’t stop!

Fee didn’t work on Crowe’s reaction. When he realized, he switched to steep aim. Aim precisely at the muscle gaps learned from Conrad.

“Sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!

He was rushed to the steeple, just as Crowe was in pain, and apologized to Fee.

Fee stopped her fist as she said it, as she turned her face bright red.

“No more! Mr. Crowe is!

“No, I’m sorry I made fun of you, but I knew the sword was somehow a daily workout. I don’t care if you have a strange habit. Stop doing weird things.”

Even though it was a tease, it was some serious advice Crowe.

“So, what if it’s not a sword?

“Um, well, yeah. Just ask the others.”

To Phee’s doubts, Crowe nodded so.

Fee decided to look for special moves other than the sword.

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