I’ll Live My Second Life!

Chapter 9


Shortly after the game started.

(It wasn’t that sweet……)

That’s what Fee realized……

Sure, they look big and strong. But the movement won’t be that fast, so if you move quickly and mess it up, you might have a chance.


As a matter of course, I learned a playful sword as a princess when I was a child, and recently, as much as I did a little bareback for two weeks, there was no way I could fathom a knight aspirant’s swinging sword.

You can’t even wield your sword against your opponent, and it’s the best you can do to escape desperately.

Meanwhile, Gori…… Golms was more surprised at every unexpected thing he could do.

(This guy is so small, it’s hard to guess because he can’t move!

Such a kid, I thought I’d bust him in less than a minute and shame him in front of everyone.

Yet for another five minutes, he kept avoiding the Golms’ onslaught.

The movement was also unique.

He keeps avoiding attacks as he clung around like a cat with a small, soft body, jumping from an odd position, moving in the unexpected direction of Gollms, and sometimes kneeling or rolling on the ground.

(But still not my enemy…!

I’m surprised it’s certainly a good way to avoid it. But not once since we started, this one’s never been struck with a sword.

You can tell by the movement. This guy’s sword arm is amateur level.

If you don’t have the power to defeat this one over there, you can win sooner or later if you keep attacking.

My wins are unwavering. Golms was sure.

“Oh, it’s been a one-sided game after all. Poor thing.”

“But isn’t it amazing that you keep avoiding all that? I’ve never seen the Golms attack me like that before.”

“Still, you have to attack. You can’t win. You’re running out of strength.”

Because of the skirmishes before we started, we had time. The exams were the audience for this match.

In fact, every time I avoided the onslaught, Fee’s complexion was starting to get worse.

Relatively, though I liked exercise, only the princess was a princess. It is not better to have stamina. Besides, the poor meal of the day also applauded the lack of stamina.

(manage…, hold on… give me a chance…)

Think so, but your body keeps getting heavier and heavier.

Your breathing starts to creep and it starts to snap from your throat.

For a moment, my leg snapped.

“Right here!”

And finally, Gollms’ attack captures Fee’s body.

Defended by a wooden sword, but with an overwhelming difference in power, his body floats and is blown away.

Fee’s body was slammed against the wooden fence as it was.

A strong impact runs on my back. My breathing stopped for seconds.

Fee’s body collapses on his back to the ground as it is.

(Come on… I have to get up…!

I can’t get up.

My whole body hurts.

It makes me deaf.

(I have to win…… but……)

My body won’t move even though I think so.

(You may never have this chance in my life again…)

Giving up creeps into the gap between the weakened mind and body.

(No more…, can’t you…?

“You’re giving up now?

That’s when I heard voices.


One man’s face was visible in his leaning vision when he noticed it.

“Are you done with that?

Standing in front of the fence, the man was looking down at Fee.

The man, who covered his eyes with a mask, stared quietly at Fee with his blue-gray eyes peeking from behind him.

I think the audience went out of their way to see the man.

A question poked at me by a man in a mask.


Fee feels strength in her, coming back.

“It’s like… it’s not over…!

I could speak up.

There was a noise coming around my ear.

“Don’t give up yet! Heath!”

I heard Crowe’s backup.

“Oh, he’s still motivated.”

“But it stays down. We’re not gonna let the next attack happen.”

I see Gollms trying to swing the wooden sword down.

My body still can’t move well. I’m gonna get hit like this.

For a moment thinking about what to do, Phee decided to do the next thing.

“This is it!

Fee squeezed the gravel with his right hand and threw it in its face.

“What? No.”

Golms defended himself aggressively against the unexpected attack, but his vision is blurred when some gravel hits his eyelids.

“He’s blinding me! It’s coming!

“Are you sure you want to be a knight?!

Fee falls on all fours in that gap, slipping through Gollms’ large crotch and fleeing to the blind spot.

“Shit, where the hell are you!

Gollms feet float in front of him looking for Fee in agony.

Fee took one of his shoes from that floating leg.


Keep it up, Fee rolled around the ground and stood up as he left Golms.

“He snuck in his shoes!

“No handiwork, either!

“Oh, my God, you’re not here!


Gollms tries to step in with Phee laughing like a villain with the shoes he was wearing, but the movement stops.

The ground at the match place was covered with fine gravel.

The grit pain eating into the back of his leg would be negligible if he got used to it, but still stopped Golms from moving for a moment.

And only one shoe was taken away, causing the balance of the body to fall apart from the usual, causing the movement to burst.

Golms got lost. Take off the other one, too, or leave it like this.

I was somewhat aggressive in taking my shoes away, but it had more effect than I thought.

“Not yet!”

Don’t miss that gap, Fee still whips at her painful body, and sprinkles it with a wooden sword.


Gollms prevents it with a sword.

The two swords bump into each other.

The fact that I still couldn’t get my sight out, one barefoot, and the upset of my heart was blunting Gollms’ sword.

Barefoot feet, in particular, had made him hesitate to step hard into the Gollms, depriving him of the power to blow Fee’s body out of that sword.

The difference, which was one-sided, will allow us to meet each other with swords.

But still, Fee was at a disadvantage.

“There’s too much height difference. Well, then, if the attack is where it’s active.”

At Phee’s height, he can only attack the lower part of a giant Gollms body. No sword reaches the most effective head or neck.

And over time, Gollms recovers from his present state.

Longer, Phee has no more wins.

(I just have to do it now!

For a long time, because of the meeting, Fee somehow felt Gollms sword jerk.

It is linear and waves its sword so that it reaches its target most quickly.

When I lowered my kneeling position, a sword waved down came.

(as expected)

Fee rolls it aside and avoids.

Then comes the sword of the horizontal raven. Phee avoided it by jumping high where it would normally go down.

Gollms, who saw it as a gap, paid the sword as it was.

“It’s over!

Here it is!

Fee was shrinking her body and springing all over her body as she jumped.

And the sword that looms against me, as much as I want.

“He jumped his sword on the platform!

Fee’s body floats wide into the universe.

Gollms’ head, it looked under Fee.

With all the strength of his body, Fee shook a wooden sword.


Fee’s full blow slammed him in the head.


A while later.

“Just the winner of the game, Gollms!!

The game was decided.

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