I’m In American Comics, My Wife Is Angel Yan

Chapter 49

049: Cool Ice Wants To Capture Vitti, The Conflict Between Angel And The Devil!

049: Angel and Demon Clash, Vitti’s Promise!

In the dining room, Vitti stood up, looked at Liang Bing and said, “Morgana, that’s enough, restrain your breath a bit, and talk about things between you after dinner, don’t scare the two children

The Wanda siblings looked terrified. They couldn’t understand the meaning of the conversation just now, but the breath of the sister next to her was really scary.


Liang Bing’s face was full of reluctance, but he still chose to sit down.

Seeing the woman calm down, Vitti looked at Yan beside her again, and said softly, “Don’t pay attention to her, let’s eat first, or the food will be cold later.”

As he spoke, he thoughtfully added vegetables to her bowl.

Yan Qing let out a “hmm”, sat down, and began to prepare to eat again.

Seeing Vitti’s thoughtful gesture, Zhi Xin felt really happy.

The fiancé is not only handsome, but also gentle and elegant.

At the same time, the status is not low.

He is still the eldest prince of Asgard, the designated heir of the God King.

It’s just not perfect!

“Vitti, what do you mean you brought food for her but not me?”

On the opposite side, Liang Bing hugged her chest and raised her legs, her sports shorts showed off her white thighs, and her tone was playful: “You were not like this when we were eating together before.

Vitti was confused when he heard this sentence with an explosive amount of information.

When did this woman become so green?

At that time, he did take the initiative to add food to the meal in the French restaurant.

But it is just a common table manner in Shenyu. When a man and a woman dine alone, it is a basic courtesy to serve each other.

Apart from that, there is no other meaning involved.

But now Cong Liangbing’s tone of voice had another meaning.

After taking a bite of the fish that Vitti caught on the plate, Angelyan rolled his eyes and complained: “So the majestic Demon Queen is also such a duplicity?”

Hearing this, Liang Bing put down her legs and said with a sneer: “Kesha is not worthy of saying that to me, you better show me some respect!”

“You don’t deserve to mention the queen.”

Angel Yan said angrily: “It’s even more unworthy to be compared with her!”

In her mind, Holy Keisha is definitely the most sacred existence!

With unwavering belief, the main creator of justice and order!

In contrast, Morgana is depraved and free, brutal and bloodthirsty!

There is absolutely no comparison between the two!


Speaking of her sister, Queen Angel, who has different ideas from her, and the leader who has repeatedly prevented the development of demon civilization, she said coldly: “She is just a person who pushes civilization into the abyss!”

In Liang Bing’s heart, the direction of Angel civilization will eventually perish!

The reason is very simple, because they are arrogant and arrogant, denying the existence of Pan Gu civilization!

On this basis, also created the ultimate fear agnosticism.

But this demon queen is in denial about these, she advocates “the ultimate horror shadow”, and at the same time strongly opposes the thoughts spread by Kesha.

She believes that the known universe no longer exists in civilizations more advanced than Angel civilization.

However, the Angel civilization only existed for 100,000 years.

In contrast, the universe has been born for 13.7 billion years!

Under such disparity of data contrast.

Except for the Angel civilization, no civilization over 100,000 years old can be found!

The hidden reasons behind these can not help but make people daydream.

Where did the lost civilizations go?

And what end will the Angel civilization face in the end?

This is the Ultimate Horror Shadow Theory.

However, Keisha does not agree with this theory and defines it as an “evil theory”.

Because, in Keisha’s philosophy, everything obeys the physical laws of the universe.

She believes that the conditions for breeding the ultimate civilization are very limited.

The reason why Angel civilization exists is because of the laws of universe physics, and that is the only supreme thing in the universe.

Such disagreement caused Liang Bing and Kesha to part ways.

In the end, they turned against each other!

“That’s much stronger than the evil demon, too!”

Yan does not give Kesha a final idea.

She does not participate in too much ideological entanglement between the two.

But experienced fighting demons.

She clearly understands that if the demonic civilization exists, the universe will not be peaceful for a moment!

“Hehe, that’s why she is willing to trust an outsider, and she doesn’t want to trust her own sister~.

Liang Bing scolded: “It’s so fucking ridiculous!”

The dialogue between the two made the Wanda siblings, who were busy cooking carefully, more and more confused.

what demon

what queen

What Angel?

Wait a minute

Is this Dungeons and Dragons?!

However, they understand that it is best not to talk too much now.

On the side, seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, Vitti in the middle immediately slapped the table and got up.

“All right, all right.”

Vitti said with a headache: “I think any conflicts between your two civilizations can actually be resolved peacefully, so as to achieve a win-win situation.”

Finally, I did not forget to add: “definitely, I would be happy to be the middleman.”

He didn’t want the two civilizations to fight, if something like that really happened.

Then, in the end, both sides must suffer.

In the vague memory of the previous life, Vitti remembered that the leaders of the last two civilizations seemed to have miserable endings.

He didn’t feel sorry for them, but he didn’t want his fiancée to be involved in this unnecessary war, or they would have to separate again, which was the last thing he could accept.

“Do you have a share in speaking?”

Liang Bing said angrily: “What about being a middleman? You have been demoted to the mortal world now, you have lost your divine power, and you are still pretending? Do you really think that you are still the great prince of Asgard?”

The Demon Queen taunted, even without the swear words, the words still hurt people’s hearts, “You’d better stay on the earth and sell your gun version of the script! Trash!”

“I never said that my divine power disappeared.”

Vitti didn’t care about the other party’s ridicule, and said quietly: “If this is the case, then what did I use when I was in Seattle?”

Liang Bing was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted.

This guy seems to have used magic before, and he directly smashed a stone giant, and killed five skeleton lions with another blow…

Yan was surprised: “Vitti, is this true? Can you break free from Odin’s seal?”

“Well, almost, but luck plays a big part.” Vitti replied.

“That’s not OK.”

Liang Bing sized up the man, and said: “A brat with no hair yet, you are not yet the king of God’s Domain, so you are not qualified to talk to me about these things.

Vitti’s face darkened when he heard the words “little boy”.

Lao Tzu is more than six thousand years old……

Still, it seems Morgana is a few years old – old lady!

“Okay, I won’t argue with you two brats.”

Liang Bing stretched her waist, her figure was wrapped in sportswear, her curves were perfectly displayed, and she left boringly: “That’s all for tonight, I’m going back to sleep, old lady, I wish you all a good night’s sleep.”

“Wait a minute,” Vitti yelled.

“What’s the matter? Could it be that you still want to sleep with two at the same time tonight?”

Liang Bing didn’t have any scruples about Yan who was present, and teased him in front of his face: “That’s not okay, I will come to you when Yan leaves.

Vitti ignored these words, and said to himself: “If you really don’t consider my proposal, then don’t wait for me to inherit the royal power in the future and personally conquer the demon civilization!”

This sentence is not a joke. According to the current trend, his divine power is getting stronger and stronger. Coupled with what is about to happen, he will be able to ascend the throne in a short time.

When the time comes, he will be enough to crush the entire Demon Nebula!

Liang Bing froze for a moment, then smiled indifferently: “You are still far behind, let your father come.”

With that said, Liangshui opened the village.

At this time, Angel Yan directly stopped in front of him: “You can’t leave now.

Yan Ke did not forget the mission to come to Earth this time.

Now that the goal of the mission is in front of her eyes, how can she just let her go.

The front is to take into account that Vitti will lose his power, and he is worried that the war will hurt him.

And now knowing that Vitti’s divine power has been restored, she has long since lost her worries in this regard.

So, even if you use force, you must stop Liang Bing!

However, as the leader of the demon civilization, how can it be so easy to be stopped.

Liang Bing shook his body slightly, and the whole person had already arrived outside the gate as if teleported.

Afterwards, spread out the demon wings and flew straight into the deep space.


Seeing this, Angel Yan hurriedly chased him out, followed closely by spreading his wings on his back.

“Hiko, wait for me.”

Zhi Xin hurriedly followed.

At the dining table, the Wanda siblings, who were eating, were no longer in the mood to eat.

The scene just now has reshaped their worldview. It turns out that Angels and demons really exist in this world…

“You continue to eat, don’t worry about us.”

Vitti smiled and tried to calm the emotions of the two children. He planned to find an opportunity to explain what happened today.

Then, he raised his legs and prepared to catch up with the three who were about to disappear into the night sky.

“quack quack

At the moment, however, two Ravens landed outside the restaurant window.

Vitti retracted the leg he had just raised, looked at the two eyes of Raven, he couldn’t help muttering, “Father is so free, he came to visit the prison again, making the whole earth like his prison cell Same.”

Now it is impossible to follow him out, because he doesn’t want to expose the fact that he broke the seal for the time being, so as not to be caught by Odin and tortured to extract a confession, so it’s better to be a little bit more aggressive.

the other side.

At an altitude of 10,000 meters, two white shadows chased a black shadow.

Angel Yan flapped his wings, pierced the solitude of the night, passed through the thin clouds, chased Liang Bing in front of him and shouted: “Liang Bing, stop now, we can still have a good talk.

The bottom is the vast ocean. It is night, and the entire sea surface is extremely dark at the moment, and the undulating waves one after another are like the fangs of an unknown monster.

“What are you talking about? We couldn’t agree on anything at the table just now, what else is there to talk about now?”

Liang Bing didn’t mean to slow down, and he also didn’t want to fight Angel on Earth, because if he accidentally made too much noise, it would attract Odin’s attention.

She hasn’t found Infinite Gems yet, and she doesn’t want the people of God’s Domain to feel her malice.

As for Vitti, she felt that that man would not report his presence on Earth to God’s Domain.

Otherwise, when they met for the first time, Odin would have come to her.

“..what are you doing here on Earth?”

Seeing the other party’s refusal, Yan simply asked.

“This question seems stupid to you, don’t you think I will answer it…”

Liang Bing mocked: “If you are willing to give me your little fiancé, I can tell you.

Immediately, he exerted his strength again, pulling away a distance from Angel behind him.

However, just when she thought she was going to get rid of it.

I don’t know when I touched Angel’s burning heart underneath, and his chest was scratched

The icy sea water then climbed constantly, and the sharp sword in her hand pointed directly at her heart.

Seeing that the blade was about to pierce his chest, Liang Bing quickly adjusted his posture and dodged to the side, narrowly dodging the fatal blow.

Liang Bing caressed his undulating chest, and cursed loudly: “Damn, are you really here?!”

“If you don’t want to die, then tell us your purpose of coming to Earth!”

Angel Zhixin waved the long sword in his hand, and threatened Liang Bing who turned his head.

“Leng Bing, it’s useless for you to run.”

Yan said: “Don’t say it today, when we meet again another day, we will use all methods to make you speak!”

“In order to please Keisha, the two of you really worked hard!”

Flying higher and higher, the wind became more piercing, and Liang Bing slowed down, “I really appreciate this loyalty.

Yan He Zhi remained silent, seeing that her speed had slowed down, and now they were holding long swords, ready to fight at any time. They understand that their strength is hard to match with Liang Bing, after all,

It turned out that the other party was the leader of the devil.

“Since you can have such loyalty, then I allow you to come and make an exchange with me.

Liang Bing stopped completely, and the two Angels also stopped, keeping a certain distance, and she continued: “But the terms of this exchange have to be brought up by me.”

“Tell me.” Zhi Xin asked first: “What do you want us to exchange with you?”

Yan was silent, waiting for Liangbing to speak.

Who knows, Liang Bing suddenly smiled and said: “You don’t really think that what you just said is true?”

The voice just fell.


The cold ice suddenly flapped its wings, and the surrounding airflow created a turbulent hurricane!

“She cheated!”

Yan reacted and wanted to step forward to stop him, but he was shaken by the gust of wind, his vision was confused, his head was shaken dizzily, and he almost fell into the sea.

When she stabilized her figure again, the black figure of Suidao had long since disappeared.

Zhi Xin on the side was not much better, resisting the dizziness of spitting out the dinner, after regaining her control, she looked at Liang Bing who had disappeared without a trace, and said angrily in a delicate voice: “How dare you let me eat again?”

She ran away!”

Then, he turned to Yan and asked, “Yan, what should we do now?”

Angelyan replied: “She will appear again, we just have to wait and see.”

The devil came to the earth, but the purpose was not achieved.

Even if he can escape now, he will appear again someday.

Therefore, they just need to stay on the earth, wait until Liang Bing takes action again, and then look for opportunities to make a move.

“Then where are we going tonight?” Zhi Xin asked.

“I’ll go to Vitti’s, you can do whatever you want.”

“Then I’ll go too.

Zhi Xin stroked her belly and said, “Just now, I feel hungry again…

Yan didn’t say anything, just glanced at her lightly.

Zhi Xin said embarrassedly: “Well, it’s actually because the dishes made by Wanda are so delicious, I can’t blame me, who made me never eat any delicious food in Angel civilization?

“Especially that kind of French foie gras.” Zhi Xin seemed to have forgotten the disappointment just now, licking the corners of her mouth, reminiscing about the French food during the meal.

Immediately, he looked at Xiang Yan and asked, “Yan, do you also like to eat that French foie gras…”

Angel Yan helplessly supported his forehead, not intending to answer Zhi Xin’s words.

“Okay, let’s go back first.” Yan said.

However, when she turned to face the hazy seaside villa in the distance.

Above the deep space, a beam of rainbow light descends from the sky!

The dazzling light seemed to illuminate the deep sea, hitting the roof of the villa fiercely!

The roof of the originally intact villa suddenly collapsed!

That’s Vitti’s villa!

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