I’m In American Comics, My Wife Is Angel Yan

Chapter 65

065: Odin’S Test, Prehistoric Power!

065: Odin’s test, the power of the wild!

In the brightly lit inner hall. The four walls are shining with golden light, majestic and majestic. Soldiers in golden armor on both sides are arranged in order.

In front of the throne in the middle, God King Odin stood with his hands behind his back, with a firm face and majesty in his eyes, looking directly at the princes and guests in the hall. Beside the God King is Queen Frigga. Unlike Odin’s majesty, she is very pleased that her children can return safely, and she shows a friendly smile to the accompanying people.

“Father, mother, this is my fiancée, the sacred left wing of Angel civilization—Yan.”

Vitti put his right palm on his left chest and said: “This time I was able to bring back the Rubik’s Cube smoothly, and I also have a degree of credit.

On the throne, Odin slowly sat down, with his back close to the seat, completely ignoring this sentence, but asked coldly: “I feel the lingering divine power in your body, when did your seal break? of?”

This sentence sounded casual, but Vitti could see the sharpness in the eyes of the God King At the moment, looking at him, slashing across his body back and forth like a Blade, as if to pierce him.

The old guy is putting pressure on him!

Despite being so oppressed, Vitti still calmly said: “Back to my father, during the time I was demoted to the mortal world, I realized the true meaning of the power of the sun, and my divine body evolved.” Therefore, I broke the seal set by my father. 17

Thor on the side was stunned, and he asked in a voice: “Can the divine body evolve?”

“definitely can.”

Vitti said: “This is the understanding of one’s own strength, which requires countless days and months of exploration and experience.”

This sentence is not fooling Thor, and it is even more impossible to fool the god king Odin on the throne. The latter understands the saying that the divine body can evolve better than him.

Vitti remembers very clearly that in the later period, Thor’s god body evolved to completely get rid of the embarrassing title of hammer god, and he could arouse the power of thunder without using a hammer.

This is because Thor experienced a lot at that time and also comprehended the true meaning of the power of thunder, which made him stronger as he fought.

“Have you understood the true meaning of the power of the sun?”

Odin frowned slightly, and he said disdainfully: “Your performance in the mortal world is obvious to all. I don’t know how to repent, I don’t know how to make progress, and I am addicted to a life of luxury and money all day long. How do you understand the true meaning of the sun? Hmph, What nonsense 793!”

“But my father, everything I said is the truth, and there is absolutely no falsehood.”

I don’t know what kind of style Odin has, Vitti continued to speak respectfully.

It is known that Odin can spy on his divine power, but he cannot see whether his divine body has evolved through the naked eye, so it is impossible to know whether he has comprehended the so-called true meaning of the sun.

Because of the latter Vitti can’t be sure, but for the former, his divine body has really evolved systematically, and now it can be compared with the old nose.

“Okay, since you are so persistent, let me try to see if you really understand the true meaning of the power of the sun!”

While speaking, the golden eyes of the God King Odin flashed, and an unknown pressure flowed in the hall, and the golden armored warriors in the two rows felt a little terrified by it.

Frigga next to him stepped forward to caress the back of Odin’s hand, but he threw it away, his eyes were serious, and he got up again and said: “If you can catch my divine power once, then It means that you have really comprehended the truth, if you can’t make it through even once, then you can only blame yourself for being stubborn and asking for trouble!”

“I’m afraid this is inappropriate…”

Frigga wanted to stop it again. She knew Vitti’s temper, so what if she could resist it even if she got the truth. Hidden disease, she didn’t want her child to be harmed like this.

“You back off!”

Odin said sternly to his wife. He didn’t believe that during the time when Vitti was demoted to the mortal world, he could really understand the true meaning of Awakening the power of the sun to evolve into a divine body. These evolved gods are just an excuse for Vitti to use unknown black magic to remove the seal in order to cover up!

Privately contacting the civilization that uses black magic, and touching the seal he set is already touching his inverse scale [it just happened that he took this opportunity to give this inverse son a painful lesson!

“Father, then please.”

Unexpectedly, Vitti was not afraid at all, stepped forward and said: “I don’t care, but please don’t hurt others.”

“Brother, don’t try to be brave…”

Thor muttered with a worried expression on his face, he is not worried about his father hurting them now, but he is afraid that his father’s attack is not serious, and Vitti will be seriously injured. We are all family!

Vitti ignored Thor’s advice, and looked back at Yan, Zhi Xin, and Wanda who were near the gate behind him, and could see that their faces were all serious.

But he didn’t continue talking, stood up and spread his arms and said: “Father, let’s start.”

Odin remained silent, and signaled two rows of golden armored soldiers to protect the queen with his eyes. Seeing this, Thor in the hall retreated to Yan and the others, and signaled Wanda and his brother to go outside first, so as not to hurt them both.

“Thor, can Vitti hold on?”

Yan said worriedly.

“It’s hard to say. With the character of the father, I think it is impossible for him to stop, but he will not completely ignore the current strength of the elder brother. I can only hope that the elder brother really understands the truth…” Thor sighed.

Hearing these words, Yan somewhat complained that Vitti agreed to the God King so recklessly, she has never seen any father who can do such a thing as Odin, to his own son

“Yan, brother-in-law…” Zhi Xin was just about to speak.


On the throne, Odin’s eyes were shining golden.

A ray of light that drove the sea of ​​thunder suddenly appeared, and the terrifying divine power oppressed everyone in the hall.

In an instant, the electric glow flickered, stirring the nine heavens!

The sonic boom pierced the sky of God’s Domain, it was extremely terrifying, as if it wanted to shatter everyone’s ear bones!

“Father is so ruthless!”

Thor put his arms in front of him, squinting his eyes and didn’t dare to look directly at the strong light that exploded with power.

The two Angels have already felt the oppression on their faces, and their heels were lifted slightly by the crushing power, and the power from the God King screamed in their ears!

The worry in Yan’s heart intensified, she was really worried that Vitti would not be able to bear this divine power, because even she felt a little scared at a distance at this moment.

“Yan, I’m worried that my brother-in-law won’t be able to hold on.”

As the holy right wing, Zhixin thinks that her strength is not weaker than Vitti, but now even she is a little weaker, not to mention that the target of the attack is Vitti.

Odin exerted force suddenly, and that power made the entire Golden Hall tremble!

At this moment, Vitti’s tall body seemed a little thin under the light.

At the moment of impact, the golden light is shining, destroying the dead and destroying the dead, setting off rounds of circular energy winds!


The power of the gods appeared, and the sky and the earth shook.

Behind the golden armored soldier, Frigg covered her face, not daring to look directly at the scene that might happen. Even though she knew Odin couldn’t hit with all his strength, but the oppressive feeling of this force, Vitti would be seriously injured at best!

At the gate, Yan tightly clenched her fists, her pink palms were stained with sweat, and if the situation was wrong, she was ready to step forward to stop Odin.

However, that figure still stands in the light, without showing any sign of decline at all, his figure is still (bbdc) resolute, and his arms are in front of him to block the divine power

I saw that energy was drawn across both arms and divided into two, spreading like wings behind him.

Seeing this, Odin was shocked. Affected by his might, Vitti was able to stabilize his figure. You must know that he can resist all armies with this force simply by exerting force, but Vitti looks completely unaffected.

At this time, Odin was no longer angry, but ecstatic!

As the divine power continued to erupt, he didn’t even notice that his expression had turned ferocious.


Frigga’s eyes were staring straight. She never thought that her son would actually understand the truth, and it seems that it is not too shallow! Otherwise, it would be impossible to be oppressed by God’s power, and still be so stable!

“Brother-in-law actually held on!” Zhi Xin exclaimed.

Thor wiped his eyes and exclaimed loudly: “Brother, awesome!”

Yan also finds it incredible, although he understands that Odin is just to test Vitti, so it is not an attack method, but the oppression from the king of the gods, anyone who switches to Vitti’s situation, is probably seriously injured and fainted now!

However, Vitti can still stand like a mountain, as if completely ignoring Odin’s divine power!

She wasn’t happy about it, she just hoped that Odin’s test could be over quickly, because she didn’t know whether Vitti was holding up or really could compete with Odin.

However, Odin did not intend to stop, and then constantly increased his efforts. He wanted to test the strength of the eldest prince who was most likely to ascend the throne in the future!


Power up!

Bricks shatter around!

That ray of light is like the light of the sky, descending from the eternal unknown god, as if it wants to penetrate the entire Asgard, smash the entire magnificent palace, and destroy everything!

“what happened?”

Frigga thought the matter was over, but Odin did not expect that Odin was still working hard! Her heart that had just been let go suddenly lifted up again.

“Odin is still here!”

Looking at the thin figure in the light, Yan’s heart tightened. The current strength is obviously much stronger than before, even the golden bricks on the bottom of their feet were pulled up together, and some were directly shattered into pieces, which shows the horror of the power at this moment!

If she were to be in the concentrated place of Kamui, she might not be able to withstand it for a few seconds before collapsing, but Vitti seemed to be able to stand still, and even raised her head to meet Ao!


Zhi Xin was already biting her cheeks nervously, unable to speak.

On the contrary, Thor’s expression was extremely exciting. For the first time, he felt such a terrifying power erupting from his father. It made his scalp feel sore and numb from sweat, and he felt that there were countless ants crawling.

His legs are even a little weak!

And Vitti, my big brother, still stands like a statue!

“Can you hold on?”

Odin was taken aback, but the delight outweighed all this.

So, he continued to work hard, wanting to see where Vitti’s limit is.


The huge amounts of energy wave made the hall tremble. This time the tremor was far stronger than before. The gold armor of the soldiers of God’s Domain who stood in front of the queen was split on the spot, covered with cracks like spider webs, and some of them even had their nostrils Scarlet, in an unbearable embarrassment.

Amidst the energy tide, Vitti gritted his teeth to resist. At the moment, seeing that Odin did not stop, he also began to exert his strength gradually, his eyes glowing with golden light, which was the power from the God of the Sun, and the endless power radiated from his body. Quickly wrapped his whole body up and down.

Seeing this scene, Han Ding was shocked.

Looking at Vitti’s twinkling eyes, he seemed to feel a powerful force.

That power is like a caged animal, as if it is about to tear the shackles and break out of the cage!

Then, Odin continued to exert force.

And at the moment, Vitti’s whole body was already surrounded by golden light, and the hot sun divine power wrapped his whole body, shining golden light

His eyes were so hot that the eyeballs were like fireballs, as if the divine power in his body wanted to burst out two feet from the eyes!

Not far away, Yan was puzzled seeing this scene, because she felt another force.

Strong, domineering, and familiar!

“Yan, did you feel it?” Zhi Xin gritted her teeth.

Yan Qing said “hmm”, she felt that this power should come from Vitti!

“Brother, what are you going to do?”

Thor looked at Vitti at the center of the energy tide, and had an incredible guess in his heart…

It’s not just them.

Everyone in the hall, they can vaguely feel this prehistoric power, and they are about to come out!

There is no limit to that energy!

“Why is Vitti so powerful!”

Yan Qiao’s face was full of shock, her red lips parted slightly, she didn’t know if it was an illusion, but she seemed to feel that there was a strong divine power in Vitti’s body, and that divine power was stronger than ever before.


Even stronger than the energy in Liang Bing’s body!


Just then.


The power of Odin collided with the energy in Vitti’s body, and the moment the two energies collided, a storm of terrifying power was generated.

The crazy sweep raged around, washing the surrounding ground!

Angelyan’s hair was blown by the gust of wind, blowing on her glamorous face, At the moment she looked at Vitti with a complicated expression.

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