I’m Obviously Lowering My Favorability, Why Am I Being Chased By the Heroine?

Chapter 426

Chapter 426:

“But I didn’t know that the loyal and loyal subordinates I followed had been bribed long ago.”

“Today I told me to expand my horizons on the mountain, but it pushed me down.”

“Fortunately, this mountain is not high, otherwise I will definitely end up dead and alive.”

Jiang Haifeng slowly expressed his experience.

“Come here to talk business? You really have a big heart.”

Jiang Yi’s face was a little weird.

Come to such a desolate place to talk about business, no matter how you look at it, there is a problem!

He was a little suspicious of the true identity of the Jiang family’s patriarch, and he didn’t seem to be very smart no matter how he looked at it.

“What do you mean by that? Besides, why do you dress up like this? Are you a wild… someone who likes to live in the wilderness?”

Jiang Haifeng also looked at the person in front of him strangely.

How to see this person surrounded by leaves is a savage.

Why do savages still appear in places like this?

“I am in trouble on this kind of desert island, and my clothes are out of shape. I am not a savage.”

Jiang Yi naturally heard what the other party meant, and retorted with some dissatisfaction.

“Desert island?”

Jiang Haifeng was stunned for a moment, with a strange look in his eyes.

“Yes, Master Jiang, if you can’t leave, you can only live the same life as me.”

There was a bit of regret in Jiang Yi’s eyes.

It would be great if there was a girl from heaven, such an uncle is really uninteresting.

But no matter what, it’s better than nothing.

“I think…I have a way to get out of here.”

Jiang Haifeng was silent for a while before speaking.

“Could it be that there is a boat on the shore? I’ll go change clothes first.”

Jiang Yi’s eyes suddenly lit up, and he said impatiently.

Jiang Haifeng looked at the back of him leaving, and then looked at the top of the low mountain, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

After a while, Jiang Yi came back.

He was wearing tattered clothes, and he didn’t look like a savage, but more like a beggar.

“…Let’s go.”

Jiang Haifeng suppressed this thought and headed towards the top of the mountain.

“Patriarch Jiang, shouldn’t those people still be there? This is a good opportunity.”

“But I’m curious about what business you guys are talking about here. Is it contraband?”

Jiang Yi asked his own questions while climbing the mountain with ease.

“Mr. Jiang, have you never been up the mountain before?”

Jiang Haifeng was silent for a while, before answering the question.

“At first glance, the Jiang family is a layman who survives in the wild. If he can’t survive, he can’t rashly climb the mountain.”

“This is quite a risky act, and it is very likely that you will waste your energy and put yourself in danger.”

Jiang Yi looked like a professional and began to talk eloquently.

“However, if there is someone on the other side of the mountain, wouldn’t that be a missed opportunity to be rescued?”

Jiang Haifeng questioned.

“It’s all possible, but Patriarch Jiang, you have to remember that it’s impossible to survive in the wild!”

Jiang Yi said in a decisive tone.

“Okay, you’re right.”

Jiang Haifeng tilted his head and glanced at him, no longer arguing.

“Patriarch Jiang, you haven’t answered my question yet.”

Jiang Yi said with some dissatisfaction.

“Our Jiang family is doing serious business, how can we sell contraband?”

“If you have any doubts, you will know as long as you cross this hill.”

Jiang Haifeng said very seriously.

“Okay, I want to see what’s good about you…”

Jiang Yi’s words came to an abrupt end after reaching the top of the mountain.

What you see is not a desolate place, but a small town full of modern atmosphere…

Jiang Haifeng did not make up for the knife, but glanced at him with sympathy and walked down the mountain.

Jiang Yi stood for a while in a daze before walking down.

If the most embarrassing thing in life is anything, it’s definitely on the list at this time.

After half an hour.

Jiang Haifeng contacted his cronies, and in the horrified eyes of the traitor, a magical weapon descended from heaven.

Jiang Yi was not interested in these things. Under the arrangement of Jiang Haifeng’s cronies, he took a good bath in the hotel.

When he was dressed, he only felt that the whole person was reborn.

Surviving in the wild alone is really hard work.

Or a civilized society!

He looked in the mirror, and against the background of the expensive clothes, he looked like a sunny boy.

“Mr. Jiang, let’s get to know each other officially. It’s thanks to you that we survived this time.”

Jiang Haifeng came to Jiang Yi’s room and also changed his clothes.

After a simple treatment of the wound, and no longer so embarrassed, the power of this middle-aged uncle’s superior will naturally radiate.

“Hello, my name is Jiang Yi. I originally came to the island on a cruise ship to play…”

Jiang Yi began to tell about his previous accidents and experiences, including his enmity with the Chen family.

When talking about the Chen family, his face was a bit rebellious, and he looked sharp-edged.

“I didn’t expect that Mr. Jiang is also from Dongjiang! Since that’s the case, why don’t we go back together!”

Jiang Haifeng said in surprise, and then issued an invitation.

“That’s fine, but I want to rest here for a while.”

Jiang Yi thought for a while and nodded.

He was not very polite to Jiang Haifeng, after all, he was his savior, which was all right.

“Okay, then Mr. Jiang take a good rest first, and I’ll deal with the remaining problems.”

Jiang Haifeng nodded and left the room directly.

“Patriarch, although he saved you, his attitude is a little too arrogant, and his contemptuous attitude really makes people angry.”

After the burly confidant who followed him went out, he said with dissatisfaction.

(Next Friday is Monday, when I decide to update Boda, can I break through 1,000 tickets before that?)

Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty-Nine

“Doesn’t this just mean that he is a capable person?”

Jiang Haifeng smiled and said.

“Who knows if what he said is true or false, don’t pretend to deceive the master.”

The confidant continued.

“Before, I saw an unhealed gunshot wound on his body, which is enough to prove that this person is extraordinary.”

“This kind of genius should not make up lies to brag about himself, and naturally has the capital of arrogance.”

Jiang Haifeng said slowly.

The Chen family is not easy to deal with.

Isn’t it normal to win over a young genius like this who dares to challenge the Chen family?

After the other party left, Jiang Yi lay directly on the soft big bed.

A smile appeared on his face.

Although it was embarrassing to be a savage for so many days, it was all worth it.

There is a life-saving grace for the head of the Jiang family, there is too much room for manipulation.

Soaring is predictable!

Good times are always short-lived.

The National Day holiday is coming to an end, and this island vacation has come to an end.

to leave.

“Is this about to go, the holiday goes by so fast.”

Lin Jiayu packed her things, her face a little gloomy.

“If you like it here, I’ll buy you some real estate and you’ll be fine.”

Su Hao said something casually.

“Ah? Senior Su, don’t you want to hide in the golden house and take care of me?”

Lin Jiayu blinked and asked.

“Don’t forget it.”

Su Hao pouted and said.

Jinwu Zangjiao, do you need to hide so far?

“Well… if you weren’t there, I wouldn’t be here by myself.”

Lin Jiayu thought about it seriously, but still shook her head and refused.

It looks like a bottom line.

Su Hao touched Lin Jiayu’s head, pushed open the door directly, and walked towards Nangong Fenghua’s residence.

Just now, this mature big sister called herself and invited herself over.

She hadn’t been in his sight since the last stage riot.

Now just take this opportunity to take a look.

When he came to Nangong Fenghua’s residence, he directly pushed the door and entered.

The room has a faint aroma, giving people a warm feeling.

On the balcony, an enchanting figure is watching the sea in the distance.

The salty sea breeze blew in from the window, causing the long black hair to move with the wind.

Hearing the sound of someone coming in, Nangong Fenghua turned his head, and a charming smile appeared on his gentle face.

“Sister Nangong, I’m here.”

Su Hao walked over and stood in front of Nangong Fenghua.

“Little brother, thank you for taking care of me these days, I will always remember it.”

Nangong Fenghua bowed gracefully, revealing a very profound career line.

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