Immortal Kingdoms

Chapter 192 Achiving Divinity

It was unknown how much time has passing but the raw ether fragments had all but dried up and cracked while the water in the pond grew murky and viscous.

The wounds on Leonardo's body healed up at this moment, and his cells were filled to the brim with energy as though about to burst out at any moment.

His spiritual force began to diffuse from his sea of consciousness and chain up to the millions of cells in a systematic multicolored network of red, white, and two different shades of black.

Inside his sea of consciousness, Rosaline's embryo had long since detached from the bloodthirsty nebula and left the soul pearl, currently digesting the huge amount of pure ether nourishing her soul that began to show signs of awakening.

At this moment Rosaline only needed massive volumes of blood essence to construct a solid enough body to undergo the rebirth tribulation.

As more of his spiritual energy began to leave his sea of consciousness, Leonardo began to feel and observe the energies within these cells from a closer perspective. It was this energy that would be used as a propelling force to launch his consciousness through the dimensions to locate a suitable spatial node for his sub-dimension.

Depending on the energy someone had in their body, they could determine the range their consonant would travel to search for a better node.

Choosing a sub-dimension is a very critical process as this sub-dimension will soon be evolving into a star core for the cultivator. The larger and sturdier it was, the better.

Of course, refining a sub-dimension will require a lot of energy. Hence, those with divine constitutions although capable of refining a sub-dimension, it would be of the lowest grade, capacity, and growth potential.

If there was one thing Leonardo considered good about the ridiculous amount of resources his cultivation required, it would be the accompanying benefits such as this one time when it comes to finding a spatial node for the sub-dimension.

He didn't know how many thousands of ether fragments he had wasted just to two levels from 68 to 70, which was absurd in and of itself.

Nonetheless, this energy would be exhausted to propel his consciousness into the border dimensions between the ethereal and corporeal. Hence, the more there was to exhaust, the better.

As he began to crazily circulate and burn his worldly energy, Leonardo could feel his body heating up gradually as the cells within spun at absurd speeds, the energy diffused from within accumulating into the spiritual energy that stretched to every corner of his body.

Although it was impossible for Leonardo to tear space, it wasn't impossible to use the connection between the spirit and energy as a medium to launch his consciousness through as long as he found the connecting link.

Thus, almost in no time at all, Leonardo found a weak enough link to concentrate his consciousness like a needle and with a muffled bang and a buzz in his head, the scenes around Leonardo grew hazy.

As his consciousness drifted into a dark space filled with thousands of twinkling light dots, he swept his spiritual sense over them and realized these were spatial nodes; gateways to sealed-off sub-dimensions.

Finding these sub-dimensions wasn't a particularly hard thing.

Many powerful organizations and people like to use sub-dimensions as their private seclusion space, a prison, and private or public halls, but these sub-dimensions didn't have any growth potential as they didn't have any laws to speak of.

No life or death.

No yin and yang.

No five primary or eight secondary elements.

Leonardo wanted to find a closed sub-dimension as close as it could get to the laws of the real world. At the very least, it needed to have the basic life and death. As for the elements, he would slowly find suitable treasures to refine into the sub-dimension.

Natural treasures of the five elements were rare, but they weren't impossible to find.

Any fifth-tier or sixth-tier could be refined as a foundation for the sub-dimension. Still, as always, Leonardo felt like if he had to do something, he might as well go big.

Therefore, he began to sweep with his spiritual sense while running his innate martial intent to find a sub-dimension most compatible with himself while also compatible with the laws of life and death, yin and yang, and the various elements.

He had at least three primary laws with him, he wouldn't worry about refining some sub-dimension with elemental laws and life and death affinity.

Leonardo's intuition quickly guided him higher and higher, deeper and deeper, further and further away from the clusters of light dots.

It could have been a minute but it could have been hours. In fact, it could have been days since Leonardo's sense of time was distorted in this environment, and his focus was entirely fixated on following the intuition of the Eternal Night's martial intent.

Soon though, Leonardo began to feel like his energy was running out, and he wouldn't have enough to exhaust in order to keep propelling his consciousness further into this weird space.

If that happened, let alone refining a sub-dimension, he wouldn't even have the energy necessary to mark the spatial node for future refinement.

He had to either continue or give up and return to the closest spatial node and mark his spiritual imprint.

He began to hesitate, and even though he wasn't moving forward anymore, his energy was being spent nonetheless whether he decided to go forward or backward.

It couldn't be that far anyway, right? Moreover, I can't guarantee that I'll be able to make it back to a suitable sub-dimension if I start retreating now…

Leonardo grits his teeth and decides to gamble with it.

Done with the hesitation, he shot forward like a ray of light, his consciousness no different from a small needle as it burned more and more energy while rushing into this blank space of emptiness.

"Mhm?" Junior Brother who was idly waiting outside the inner regions of the sect under the shade of a pavilion furrowed his brows, muttering something to himself.

Then, he turned to the rest of the group and spoke, "Give me all of your raw ether fragments, and include everything we stashed away from the sect."

The rest of the group was startled, did anything happen to Leonardo while advancing to divinity?

Maiden 001 was the first to toss her storage ring over while Zaylee tossed her storage ring at almost the same time.

Junior Brother gave Zaylee a deep look before nodding with approval. Then, he swept his hand and took the remaining three storage rings, and disappeared, not explaining anything.

Still, Maiden 001 and Zaylee were visibly anxious.

Junior Brother arrived next to Leonardo who was in the center of a parched pond with cracks all over the ground, dust from ether fragments that had already crumbled away strewn all over the place.

Leonardo's energy was on its last lick of vitality and on the verge of disappearing, leaving Junior Brother speechless.

With a wave of his hand, a small hill of raw ether fragments surrounded Leonardo. However, Junior Brother soon realized that Leonardo wasn't even running his cultivation technique, how is he supposed to cultivate and replenish his energy?

Just as he was contemplating things, a sense of danger washed over his senses.

Without a second of hesitation, Junior Brother gathered the raw ether fragments and dashed away.

As he did so, he caught the group of people he left behind a moment ago.

All they felt was a blur, and the next moment, they were over a 1000km away from the natural formation.

Junior Brother was sweating cold while panting, feeling as though he had escaped certain death.

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