Imperial Beast Evolution

Chapter 15

Chapter 15: Side Effects Of Centering

This uncle’s big brain hole made Lin Yuan feel speechless for a while. How big was this brain hole that he felt that others would want to buy the dilapidated cage.

I’m just afraid that my brain hole is so big that I just have my neck left.

“Uncle, I mean one hundred thousand to buy a panhorn sheep.”

Lin Yuan didn’t show up on the face, but he had brushed up a small barrage in his heart, and madly vomited this uncle with a bad stomach.

The price given by Lin Yuan is very real, even if the ordinary two-horn sheep are about 60,000 federal dollars, and the rare-horn sheep with a rare skill position, the price is 95,000 federal dollars. It seemed that Lin Yuan was anxious and added five thousand more federal currency to show his sincerity.

As soon as the uncle heard the hundred thousand federal currency, his eyes lighted up, and he quickly picked up the phone and made a call to the wife who went to buy meat.

After some conversation, the uncle hung up the phone, and like Lin Yuan put out a fist, compared with a Ye gesture.

“120,000 federal currency.”

Lin Yuan shook his head, turned his head and left.

Spirits such as elite-level spirits, which are widely circulated, are priced in the market. They have expressed their sincerity and want to buy this horned sheep with shock angle skills, but it does not mean that Lin Yuan can accept such sky-high asking prices. .

It is not that there are no spirits equivalent to the horned sheep in this spirit market, just walk around by yourself.

Seeing Lin Yuan turn around and leave, the middle-aged uncle was anxious and said.

“Why don’t you give me 105,000 federal coins, I will sell you a sheep! How about giving you a cage?”

Lin Yuan’s small barrage brushed faster, if the back of the head grew long, Lin Yuan would definitely give this uncle a white eye.

Ghosts want broken cages that you haven’t brushed in those months.

If it is placed in peacetime, Lin Yuan must turn around and leave, but now it involves the defensive creatures needed by his sister, Lin Yuan has no impulse to turn his head to look at the uncle said.

“Let’s look at it again, and if there is no suitable one, I will buy the one with the innermost angle.”

This middle-aged uncle saw that Lin Yuan did not say that he would sell it immediately, and when he was a little unhappy, he mumbled.

“If you come back to buy it later, I won’t give away the cage!”

The barrage in Lin Yuan’s heart had completely blocked the screen at this time, and he turned and walked away.

didn’t go far, Lin Yuan saw a big booth in front, and there were many people around the booth.

These people were around the stall, with baskets or bags in their hands, and Lin Yuan only seemed to think that this group of people did not seem to be buying spirits.

Two steps forward, Lin Yuan smelled the light **** air in the air and shook his nose. This **** air came from the stall in front.

At this time, Lin Yuan saw a big man, carrying a huge bamboo woven bag in his hand, walking forward with some difficulty, and the bag was full of spirit and beast meat.

In the past, no one ever slaughtered the spirits to sell them. Even if the federal residents usually need to eat some spirits, these spirits that provide meat are also farmed, and there is a special slaughterhouse.

Now seeing this scene, Lin Yuan guessed that he had walked to the stall of the cultivation base that was affected by the dimensional crack.

Lin Yuan was about to step forward to see if there were any leaks to pick up. At this time, he heard a rough voice from the stall in front of him.

“Thank you for your support these past few days. The spirit beast meat has now been sold out. I will apologize to everyone who has not bought it.”

The voice of this rough man was full of fatigue and a trace of sadness.

The people who didn’t buy the spirit beast also queued for a long time, naturally reluctant to leave, and shouted towards the rude man.

“Boss, I don’t think there are still a few seriously injured spirit beasts, we might as well slaughter it!”

“It’s the boss! The spirit beast must be killed! I don’t have a soft hand on the heatstroke of the bamboo rat raised in my family. I get a roast one by the river every day, it’s really beautiful!”

Lin Yuan looked at this man’s shouts and couldn’t help but like a compliment.

Okay boy! Double bet.

But they don’t have their own freestyle, and they need to practice harder.

The rude man quickly waved his hand.

“The inside can’t be sold anymore. Sorry everyone, Bai has waited so long. If you are interested, you can go inside to see if there are any spirit beasts that can be seen. There are only three spirit beasts left. Just earn!”

The people around him spread out when they saw that there was no meat sale.

After all, buy a seriously wounded creature back, according to the value of the spirit itself, but how can you afford the creator to heal the creature?

Seeing that the rough man was almost gone, he squatted on the ground and carefully wiped the stains left by the **** flesh before the ground. Seeing Lin Yuan stepped forward, the rough man said habitually.

“The meat is sold out, and this stall will not sell spirit animal meat anymore!”

Lin Yuan looked at the brutal man’s tired expression. Apart from the perseverance in his eyes supporting the body, the rest was heavy sadness.

The dimensional fissure was invaded. Dozens of people in this spiritual cultivation base reportedly escaped only two people, and one person died of fright and wound infection without prompt treatment soon after escaping. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

This rugged man is the only one who has survived in the spiritual cultivation base.

“Boss, I’m not here to buy meat. I want to see what spirits you have left that are not sold.”

Rough man listened to the door of the business, quickly stopped the wiping motion of his hand, and stood up.

felt cold and met Lin Yuan’s eyes, and the heavy man’s heavy mood seemed calm.

This rugged man only felt that a young boy with red lips and white teeth stood there with a very kind and natural temperament, making people unconsciously feel close, even the feeling of sadness and fatigue seems to have settled down because of this young boy.

The rough man looked at Lin Yuan and felt that the more he looked, the more pleasing he looked.

Although all these changes have a certain relationship with Lin Yuan’s appearance and temperament, the real reason is that Lin Yuan urged Mobius.

Mobius launched passive skill centering. Although this centering only works for Lin Yuan himself, Lin Yuan found that centering also has a certain degree of meditation for people who are close to his range in the first two nights when he experimented with this skill. The effect is not so strong.

But what Lin Yuan didn’t know is that although this centering skill can work for the people around him, while centering, it will also invisibly increase self-love.

Thanks to not knowing, if I knew, I was afraid that Lin Yuan wouldn’t use it indiscriminately.

“Brother, I’m no more than a few years older than you. You just call me Yang Brother. There are three seriously injured spirits in it. I will take you if I see.”

The boss’s brother made Lin Yuan stunned. Why did he suddenly call him brother?

Looking at the gray hair on the back of this rough man, Lin Yuan began to wonder if he was too anxious to grow up for the first time?

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