Imperial Beast Evolution

Chapter 2654

Ta Lei and Qin Yu knew exactly what kind of disaster the undead disaster was.

This kind of disaster was beyond the imagination of the two before, and they couldn’t even imagine it!

But as long as Lin Yuan said he could guarantee the safety of Houtu City, the two immediately believed it from the bottom of their hearts.

Ta Lei and Qin Yu expressed their opinions one after another.

“Master, we will stick to Houtu City. If you have any orders, just ask!”

“Master, I will properly assist Ta Lei and complete the overall planning of Houtu City!”

Ta Lei always called Lin Yuan the title of master, and Lin Yuan only corrected Ta Lei once.

Since Ta Lei insisted on calling himself that, Lin Yuan never corrected Ta Lei again.

But in fact, Lin Yuan and Ta Lei are not masters and apprentices.

Lin Yuan did make Ta Lei the creator of the three stars, but in fact, if you really want to study it carefully, Ta Lei’s knowledge is taught wisely.

Many have been treated the same way Talay was.

For example, Bei Xu and Bu Po were also taught by Lin Yuan through cleverness.

Neither Bei Xu nor Bu Po regarded Lin Yuan as a master like Ta Lei did.

When he first knew that Ta Lei and Lin Yuan were called masters and apprentices, Qin Yu was very nervous to follow Ta Lei.

If Ta Lei is really Lin Yuan’s apprentice, then Ta Lei has become his own little master!

Gradually, Qin Yu realized that it was not what he thought.

Ta Lei regards Lin Yuan as a master, but Lin Yuan does not regard Ta Lei as an apprentice.

After discovering this, Qin Yu felt a lot easier when he came into contact with Ta Lei.

For some decisions about Houtu City, Qin Yu no longer listened to Ta Lei’s arrangements, but would communicate with Ta Lei on opinions.

Ta Lei acted very conservatively, Qin Yu acted more boldly than Ta Lei, which just made up for Ta Lei’s shortcomings.

Although Qin Yu gradually discovered that his abilities were stronger than Ta Lei’s, Qin Yu did not show any attitude of looking down on Ta Lei.

Instead, treat Talay with the mentality of treating colleagues.

Qin Yu is very clear that Lin Yuan’s arrangement for him now is just to let him experience some experience, and he will not keep himself by Ta Lei’s side forever.

Sooner or later, I will transfer myself away!

Lin Yuan’s next words shocked Qin Yu, and his heart became excited.

“Afterwards, Houtu City will be fully managed by Ta Lei, and the defense infrastructure on the mainland outside Houtu City will be coordinated by Qin Yu.”

“The ten reincarnation realm masters and one hundred wheel mirror masters will follow Qin Yu. If you need Talei, please contact Qin Yu!”

“The two of you have worked together for such a long time, you should already be familiar with each other.”

Qin Yu nodded heavily when he heard the words, knowing that his chance had finally come!

Before following Ta Lei, he could only assist Ta Lei without decision-making power.

No matter how well Houtu City is managed, it is due to Ta Lei and has nothing to do with him.

Now that Lin Yuan has arranged for him to manage the defense infrastructure outside Houtu City, he can finally make up his own mind!

In the future, the achievements he made will be directly seen by Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan arranged those reincarnation realm masters and wheel mirror masters under his command, obviously he valued himself more.

Ta Lei also understood the meaning of Lin Yuan’s words.

Ta Lei has always been the kind of character who doesn’t fight or grab, and likes to live with the situation.

Being able to grow to this level in a short period of time is because Su Yinren and Roland have been helping Ta Lei.

Secondly, it was also because Ta Lei didn’t want to disappoint Lin Yuan.

Ta Lei has always been able to recognize his own strength. Ta Lei was born in the same dust as Bei Xu Bupo, but Ta Lei is not as tenacious as Bei Xu and Bu Po.

To put it bluntly, Talay is already a little bit immobile!

No matter how hard Ta Lei tried, because of the limitation of aptitude, at most he could only defend Houtu City well!

Ta Lei was very distressed by this for a while, and confided to both Su Yinren and Yin Lin.

Su Yinren and Yin Lin gave Ta Lei the same answer.

That is, don’t force yourself to do things beyond your ability. Doing more is worse than doing it right!

Su Yinren and Yin Lin enlightened Ta Lei, so that Ta Lei only wanted to be the lord of Houtu City.

It can be said that Ta Lei is the member of the Celestial Council, and the one with the least achievements after that.

There are basically no more prospects.

But Lin Yuan is good enough to Ta Lei, otherwise Lin Yuan can change someone else and let him manage Houtu City!

The current treatment of Ta Lei let the members of the Celestial Council know that Lin Yuan is an extremely warm person in his bones.

“Master, if necessary, I will tell Qin Yu!”

“If Qin Yu needs my help, I will definitely not refuse!”

Lin Yuan handed over a plan to Qin Yu, which was formulated by Bai Qinghuan.

After Tang Ke brings fifteen million goblins to Qin Yu, Qin Yu only needs to arrange the construction according to the plan!

Lin Yuan handed over the matter to Qin Yu, and he himself began to help a group of strong people improve the rank and quality of spiritual objects.

The current expansion of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss can already cover an area of ​​one kilometer.

The size of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss allows Lin Yuan to help at least 500 spirit creatures overcome the catastrophe at one time.

It saved a lot of time before, and greatly improved Lin Yuan’s speed of obtaining the aura crystal!

But even so, Lin Yuan was still busy for two days.

One reason is that Lin Yuan’s layout on the Hewen Continent was much earlier than that on Huiyao.

Second, the plant spirits with the blood of the holy wood are easier to improve their rank and quality than ordinary plant spirits.

A large number of aura crystals entered the account, allowing Lin Yuan to have a huge amount of resources that can be used again.

It also allows Lin Yuan to use the existing resources to cultivate the way for the strong to harvest more resources, so that he can actually go on!

Let Lin Yuan snowball in the acquisition of resources.

Through the demon worm Kaila Linyuan learned that pure aura and elemental energy are also extremely precious resources in the sky beyond the clouds.

Lin Yuan took advantage of the undead natural disaster to make the snowball bigger and hoard more resources.

It is also the capital for Lin Yuan to travel to the sky beyond the clouds.

The powerhouses waiting in Houtu City are from the Shenmu Federation, the Hammer Federation and the Deep Brahma Federation.

Lin Yuan found that the powerhouses of the three federations were well integrated with each other in Houtu City, and there was no confusion!

This made Lin Yuan very satisfied.

When Lin Yuan left, Tang Ke had led 15 million goblins to the Hanwen Continent to complete the handover with Qin Yu.

Facing Qin Yu, Tang Ke didn’t dare to make any excuses.

For Lin Yuan to entrust such a large project to Qin Yu’s management alone, Qin Yu must be someone whom Lin Yuan attaches great importance to and trusts.

Otherwise, Lin Yuan would never do this!

Tang Ke cooperated with Qin Yu wholeheartedly, and the goblins below were naturally more obedient to Qin Yu.

Qin Yu has never been a contract vitality sloth, because Qin Yu has never positioned himself as an internal affairs talent.

Possesses the animal pattern of Ji Ye Bi Luo Scorpion, and with the help of Lin Yuan, contracted Ji Ye Bi Luo Scorpion.

Qin Yu felt that if he regarded himself as an internal affairs talent, he would really have failed Lin Yuan’s trust and resources!

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Qin Yu knew that Lin Yuan was extremely powerful, much stronger than he imagined.

But Qin Yu has been working hard on the road to become Lin Yuan’s guard.

After returning to Huiyao, Lin Yuan continued to collect aura crystals, and then handed over most of the resources to Yue Hou.

After a month, these resources will be allocated as a whole under the condition of meeting Hui Yao’s needs.

Lin Yuan had already stated his purpose with Yuehou before, so Yuehou must be able to do a good job in coordinating resources!

Even if Lin Yuan had time, he was not willing to spend his time negotiating with the major federations.

At this time, Lin Yuan is more willing to produce resources in the lock spirit space.

With the help of goblins, Hu Quan has basically built the infrastructure for the life of the Hundred Questions Beast in the Suo Ling Space!

The detailed characterization and layout of the interior will take a long time to complete.

Hu Quan will lead his spirit craftsmen to carefully carve out the room of each Hundred Questions Beast.

The infrastructure that has been built now can be put into use by the Beasts of Hundred Questions.

Lin Yuan specially arranged for those Baiwen Beasts that were cleverly selected, and brought them to the spiritual creature cultivation base under the Linglu Chamber of Commerce, and selected out a total of 100,000 Baiwen Beast cubs.

These Baiwen beast cubs have not yet opened their eyes, they are all newborn little guys.

These selected hundred-question beasts are, without exception, cubs lacking in uneven coat color and appearance.

After these Hundred Questions Beasts are put into the market, even ordinary people rarely choose these Hundred Questions Beasts.

After all, if you spend an extra two hundred federal coins, you can buy a perfect-looking Hundred Questions Beast!

No matter how difficult the family is, as long as it is tight, the extra two hundred federal coins can be made up!

When these deficient hundred question beasts arrive in the spirit lock space, they will be carefully cultivated by the adult hundred question beasts.

Lin Yuan couldn’t help sighing, although these little guys were born unfortunately, but now they have become a group of luckiest guys!

Just when Lin Yuan was about to watch those Medusa snake monsters who were temporarily transferred to the lock spirit space to help, replant and divide Bingliangluo.

Lin Yuan received a message from a month later.

[Moon Queen]: People from Xiaoyuan Wangyang Labyrinth have arrived at Huiyao and want to negotiate with us.

[Moon Queen]: If you have time tonight, come and meet them with me!

Under normal circumstances, negotiating such things with other forces would not be told to Lin Yuan after a month.

Because Yue Hou knew that Lin Yuan’s mind was not on these things.

Months later, he will tell Lin Yuan about this matter, because Lin Yuan specifically mentioned that he would negotiate with the people in Wangyang Labyrinth.

Lin Yuan smiled when he saw the message from Yue Hou.

[Lin Yuan]: Master, I will go to Huiyue Hall to find you now!

[Lin Yuan]: I just want to ask you about something.

Lin Yuan washed away the impurities in his body many times, and ate spiritual materials such as earth core Qiongru, which are listed on the list of treasures.

Lin Yuan’s genetic template has already surpassed the limitations of human beings.

Lin Yuan’s current physique belongs to a body without dirt, which does not touch dust.

What’s more, the aura costume worn by Lin Yuan also has a strong dust-proof function.

However, Lin Yuan, who had been busy for so many days and didn’t take a shower for nearly a week, took a comfortable hot bath in the bathroom of his own room in Guiyuan Manor before leaving for Huiyue Hall.

Yuehou sat at the desk and looked at the thick stack of documents in hand, and then handed over most of the work to Chanming.

After a month, it is very clear that when it comes to internal affairs, he is not as good as cicadas.

I will be valued by the old people, one is because I have the highest level of creators among all the crowns of Huiyao, and my strength is stronger.

The second reason is because of Lin Yuan.

The old man has already contracted the Shouyuan Rat, and his life is boundless.

Although the old man has resigned from office now, he no longer needs to worry about anything.

But in fact, they are still guarding Hui Yao.

Months later, since Lin Yuan learned about the existence of the Heavenly Territory beyond the Clouds, his thoughts were not limited to the main world either!

After a month, I don’t want to spend all my time on internal affairs, because this will delay the improvement of my strength.

Now is the most critical juncture, after I took over the burden and waited for the natural disaster of the undead to start and continue in an orderly manner.

After a month, I plan to throw everything to Chanming and focus on my own improvement.

Although Yue Hou has been busy in the past few days, he has been worrying about one thing.

This matter is the news from Master Chef, saying that Master Chef’s limit is within five years.

Master Chef’s age is not much different from that of the old man. The old man suffered a lot of secret injuries when he established Huiyao, and Master Chef was the same.

As the rising stars of Huiyao, Yuehou and Zhujun can grow up to this point, and Master Chef has contributed a lot!

Master Chef himself has not stopped providing resources for Yuehou and Zhujun since he discovered the potential of Yuehou and Zhujun.

This is why Yuehou and Mr. Zhu respect Chef so much.

Faced with Master Chef’s imminent death, Yuehou, who had obtained eternal life, was very sad.

Yue Hou knew that Lin Yuan had a deep relationship with Master Chef’s disciple and daughter, so Yue Hou didn’t plan to hide it from Lin Yuan after thinking about it.

It is impossible for the people on the chef’s side to take the initiative to tell Lin Yuan the news, if he himself would not tell Lin Yuan.

Before Master Chef passed away, Lin Yuan didn’t go to see Master Chef, most likely it would be a regret in his heart!

It is already a miracle that there is such a thing as Shouyuan Rat.

When I talked with Lin Yuan last month, I knew that there were only three Shouyuan rats in Lin Yuan’s hand after being used by the old man.

Yue Hou never thought of asking Lin Yuan to distribute the Shouyuan Mouse to Master Chef.

If there were only three Shouyuan mice left, Lin Yuan wanted to distribute the Shouyuan mice to Master Chef.

A month later, instead, he would persuade Lin Yuan to think more about himself, and not to give such a treasure as Shouyuan Mouse to others easily.

After seeing Lin Yuan, Yue Hou was going to listen to what Lin Yuan wanted to ask himself.

After meeting the people in Wang Yang Maze, tell Lin Yuan about Master Chef’s situation.

Save Lin Yuan’s sad face when he hears the news, which will make people in Wang Yang Maze think that Hui Yao has no confidence here.

What Lin Yuan wanted to ask Yue Hou was about the Shouyuan Rat.

Although Lin Yuan can’t mass-produce Shouyuan Rats now, as long as Lin Yuan is willing to invest in the Hundred Questions Beast Legion to cultivate them.

The Shouyuan Rat will be able to obtain it continuously!

What Lin Yuan wants to ask is not how to use Shouyuan Mouse, Lin Yuan never thinks about such ridiculous questions.

The endless longevity will indeed bring many disadvantages to the main world, but Lin Yuan has already transcended the main world.

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