Imperial Beast Evolution

Chapter 2655

Even if it brings disadvantages, it will be taken to the sky outside the cloud.

At the level of Tianyu outside the cloud, these small disadvantages are nothing at all!

There may even be similar treasures in the sky beyond the clouds.

Take the monster worm Keira as an example. The monster worm Keira created the Zerg race through her own blood, and then used reincarnation to extend her life span for tens of millions of years.

Just like before your relatives and friends are about to die, you have countless elixir that can prolong your life in your hands.

At this time, someone will really think about whether taking this medicine will affect the reincarnation of heaven! ?

Lin Yuan wanted to ask Yuehou if there was any demand for Shouyuan rats there.

If there is, Lin Yuan can give some of the Shouyuan rats bred now to Huiyao.

Faced with this undead natural disaster that impacted the entire human world and promoted the change of eras.

It does take some beings with infinite lifespans to preside over this disaster!

Although Lin Yuan’s current strength has reached the limit of the main world, Lin Yuan doesn’t know much about the so-called big men in the main world.

On the contrary, those who are familiar with Lin Yuan are forces composed of the spirit of Tianjuan, such as Tianjuan Villa.

Take Hui Yao as an example, apart from Yue Hou, Ye Qingyue, and Master Chef, Lin Yuan, Zhu Jun, Cicada Ming, and the old man have only met and talked a few times.

Some under the crown Lin Yuan had never even seen.

Lin Yuan didn’t know any of the big figures in other federations.

In this case, it is undoubtedly more appropriate to distribute the Shouyuan Rat to the Queen of the Moon and let the Queen of the Moon deal with it.

After Lin Yuan sat down, Moon Queen poured a cup of tea for Lin Yuan, and asked Lin Yuan softly.

“Xiaoyuan, what do you want to ask me?”

“It just so happens that I have time recently, I can help you with anything you need!”

“After the representatives of the major federations go back, it will take some time to bring the citizens of their own federations to Huiyao.”

“And even if they migrate here, Cicada will take on the job of receiving them!”

Lin Yuan shook his head quickly when he heard the words.

Yue Hou is Lin Yuan’s master, and Lin Yuan will ask Yue Hou if he has questions he doesn’t know, but he will not arrange what Yue Hou will do.

“Master, I don’t know if you still remember Shouyuan Mouse?”

“It’s the little guy you contracted with the old man.”

Yuehou paused when he heard Lin Yuan’s words, and then carefully observed the expression on Lin Yuan’s face.

Lin Yuan mentioned the Shouyuan Rat to himself, could it be because he knew that the Master Chef had reached his limit! ?

But Yue Hou didn’t see any painful expression on Lin Yuan’s face.

Even if Lin Yuan had plans to hand over the Shouyuan Mouse to Master Chef, he shouldn’t have acted so calmly.

If Lin Yuan didn’t know that Master Chef’s deadline had come, why did he take the initiative to mention Shouyuan Rat to himself?

Yue Hou nodded to express that he still remembered the existence of Shouyuan Mouse.

In Yue Hou’s heart, the Shouyuan Rat is a treasure that cannot be compared with any resources.

Spiritual materials such as Earth Heart Qiongru, which are listed on the list of treasures, can only increase the lifespan of one life by one or two years.

And after taking it once, take it again next time, the effect will be greatly reduced!

Spiritual materials that contain vitality can be easily prepared by not only five-star creators, but also two-star creators.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, Android and Apple are both available. 】

So if you want to use the Shouyuan Rat to increase your lifespan, you can do it with a small price!

Seeing Yuehou nodding, Lin Yuan asked with a smile to Yuehou.

“Master, I don’t know if you have any demand for Shouyuan Rats?”

“Uncle Xuan and Aunt Cang may still have a long lifespan, but sooner or later they will be able to use the Shouyuan Mouse.”

“How about letting Uncle Xuan and Aunt Cang…”

Before Lin Yuan finished speaking, he was interrupted by Yue Hou’s extremely serious tone.

“Xiaoyuan should be very aware of the preciousness of the Shouyuan Rat based on your current state.”

“I know that you have feelings for Xuanyue Cangyue, but with resources of this level, you still have to think about yourself first!”

“Cangyue and Xuanyue are my right-hand men, Liu Jie and Wen Yu are your right-hand men!”

“It’s really better to have extra Shouyuan rats for Liu Jie and Wen Yu than for Xuanyue and Cangyue!”

“In the future, when you arrive in Yunwai Tianyu, Xiaoyuan, if you don’t have to, try not to expose treasures like the Shouyuan Rat that can increase your lifespan.”

“People’s hearts are separated from each other, you should try to avoid people giving unnecessary thoughts to you because of the resources you have!”

Yue Hou had never said anything similar to Lin Yuan before, and these words were very similar to what a loving mother in Lin Yuan’s previous life entrusted to her children who were about to go to college in other places.

People who are not really kind to you will never say such words!

In the main world, the moon queen thought she could protect Lin Yuan, but after arriving in the sky beyond the clouds, the moon queen didn’t dare to have such thoughts anymore!

When he really arrived in Yunwai Tianyu, maybe the identities between himself and Lin Yuan would be switched.

It is no longer protecting Lin Yuan himself, but Lin Yuan protecting himself!

Lin Yuan listened to Yue Hou’s instructions with a smile, and then took out an incubator made of energy crystals from the space equipment.

Inside the incubator were twenty Shouyuan rats covered with orange-red hair.

Seeing this box of Shouyuan rats a month later, he couldn’t help showing a surprised expression on his face.

In addition to being surprised, there is also a bit of surprise implied.

Lin Yuan caught the surprise in Yuehou’s eyes, which made Lin Yuan understand that someone is in urgent need of Shouyuan Rat!

“Master Shouyuan rat can be cultivated, but it is very troublesome to cultivate, and it needs to spend effort and resources.”

“After such a long time, I have also bred some Shouyuan mice.”

“These twenty Shouyuan rats will be handed over to you. I think you know what I mean.”

“You can distribute these Shouyuan rats to those who need them.”

“Of course Uncle Xuan, Aunt Cang, and the four moon rider leaders under your command, Yin Qing Yuan Que, and the four tea servants should be given priority!”

Speaking of this, Lin Yuan paused for a moment, and then asked Yue Hou in a very serious tone.

“Master, if your friend’s lifespan is about to run out, and you don’t have enough lifespan rats, you can ask me to ask for it!”

Hearing Lin Yuan ask this question a month later, he knew that Lin Yuan had seen the clue from his expression.

Now that there are enough Shouyuan rats, all problems will be solved!

Since Lin Yuan is willing to separate the Shouyuan Mouse, with Master Chef’s ability, strength and qualifications, he is qualified to be the Shouyuan Mouse!

A month later, he simply told Lin Yuan about Master Chef’s situation.

“Xiaoyuan heard the news from Chuxiang Palace that Master Chef’s lifespan will be within five years!”

“The Master Chef personally stated at the Royal Court Council that during this period of time, we need to retreat and prepare medicines to create more value.”

“If there are any dangerous tasks, you must first notify yourself!”

Compared with the unwillingness to face the end of life after a month, Master Chef is more free and easy.

Over the past few hundred years in this life, Master Chef’s experience has been wonderful enough.

Master Chef, an old man, is very free and easy, but other people are not as free and easy as Master Chef.

Tian Feng, who had a good relationship with Master Chef, even shed tears on the royal court.

“Xiaoyuan, I will send Shouyuan Mouse to Chuxiang Palace in your name.”

“If you’re not busy, you can deliver it yourself!”

After hearing the words, Lin Yuan pondered for a moment and then said softly.

“Master, you should help me send it there!”

“After meeting the people in Wangyang Labyrinth, if we can make an agreement with Wangyang Labyrinth, I have many plans to start here!”

Yue Hou Wenyan subconsciously reached out and rubbed the broken hair on the top of Lin Yuan’s head.

Lin Yuan just celebrated his nineteenth birthday, but Lin Yuan doesn’t live like a nineteen-year-old boy! ?

“No matter how busy Xiaoyuan is, don’t overdraw yourself!”

“Once your overdraft on yourself affects the source, you need to pay it back when you awaken your destiny!”

When Yue Hou said these words, his expression was extremely dignified.

After a month, he suffered from the overdraft of his origin, which made him suffer a dark loss when he awakened his destiny.

Naturally, he didn’t want Lin Yuan to suffer from the loss he had suffered a month later.

Months later, I have discussed this issue with Lin Yuan more than once.

Weng Queji, a five-star creator, was injured because of his origin. Even with Lin Yuan’s help, he still couldn’t awaken his destiny!

So Lin Yuan is very aware of the harm to himself caused by overdrafting the origin.

Lin Yuan would not continue to do such things that are harmful to himself when he knows it is harmful.

“Master, don’t worry, I won’t overdraw myself!”

It is true that Lin Yuan said that he is busy, but it doesn’t mean he can’t make it if he has to squeeze in time!

Lin Yuan didn’t want to go to Chuxiang Palace in person, because he was afraid that he would be thanked by Uncle Li and Aunt Zhang when he sent Shouyuan Mouse there.

No matter when Aunt Zhang and Uncle Li showed kindness to him when they were young, Lin Yuan always felt that he owed Aunt Zhang and Uncle Li.

Although without the help of Aunt Zhang and Uncle Li, Lin Yuan would not be unable to live with Chu Ci.

But Uncle Li and Aunt Zhang made Lin Yuan feel warm.

In a critical moment, there is a feeling that I can be relied on by others!

If he was really thanked by Aunt Zhang and Uncle Li, then Lin Yuan really didn’t know how to deal with himself.

Except Yuehou, Uncle Li and Aunt Zhang are Lin Yuan’s most respected elders.

The status of Xuan Yue and Cang Yue in Lin Yuan’s heart cannot be compared with that of Uncle Li and Aunt Zhang.

“By the way, master, when you send Shouyuan rats to Chuxiang Palace, you should send a total of three!”

“The other two are contracts for Master Chef’s daughter and son-in-law.”

Months later, he couldn’t help laughing when he heard the words.

Lin Yuan deliberately reminded himself that it once again proved that Lin Yuan is a very nostalgic person.

Some people who look after the interests of this kind of people who are nostalgic for the past will feel stupid.

But Yuehou appreciates it very much, because Yuehou is also such a person in his bones.

I usually take Lin Yuan to meet members of other forces, and after a month, I will always let Lin Yuan wear my replica mianfu.

Let people from other forces know that Lin Yuan is his disciple.

But now a month later, such a request will no longer be made.

If the people in the main world knew what Lin Yuan had done, they would no longer say that Lin Yuan was their disciple when they mentioned Lin Yuan.

Instead, when referring to himself, he would say that he was Lin Yuan’s master.

At this time, in an attic inside the Huiyao Royal Court, three men of different shapes sat at the table.

With a stern expression, he looked at the information that Hui Yao had just brought.

The three are the real managers of the Sea Clan, the heads of the Wangyang Labyrinth.

All three of them chose to marry Tianjuan Bieguan, and being afraid of his wife became the label of the three in Wangyang Maze.

But the three Tianjuan spirits who were married to the Tianjuan Villa knew that the three of them were afraid of their wives only out of love and respect for themselves.

In fact, the background of Wangyang Labyrinth is not comparable to Tianjuan Annex!

The ocean labyrinth has ruled the sea people for tens of thousands of years, and all the resources produced in the sea area are the resource reserves of the ocean labyrinth.

Those island whales that the human federation has exhausted all their efforts to cultivate are difficult, and there are tens of thousands of them in the ocean maze.

The Tianjuan Annex also has a long history, but there are too few members in the Tianroll Annex.

It is impossible for the total number of scroll spirits in the whole world to exceed a hundred!

The three of them had already discovered that the leylines on the seabed had changed.

It’s just that the three of them didn’t take this matter seriously, which made them very regretful.

If Tadian’s conspiracy can be discovered earlier, then this disaster is not irreversible.

What’s even more exasperating is that Wang Yang Maze has cooperated with Ta Dian.

The cooperation between Wangyang Labyrinth and Tadian indirectly contributed to the resurrection plan of the Sleeper of Tadian to a large extent.

Although the three of them didn’t know Tadian’s conspiracy, they still felt ashamed.

There is a feeling of being ashamed of the thousands of creatures in the main world.

Otherwise, when Wang Yang Maze negotiated with Hui Yao on behalf of the entire Hai Clan, it would be impossible not to mention any demands!

The man in front of the table, tall and thin, with an elegant face and long black hair hanging down to the ground, asked the other two men.

“Big Brother, Second Brother, what else is there to hesitate?”

“We must ask Hui Yao for help!”

“Huiyao’s strength is far from being as simple as it is currently shown on the surface. I have already investigated it.”

“The entire Glorious underground is indeed covered by a layer of 50-meter-thick metal slabs, as the rumors say.”

“Compared to the dangers faced by humans, the dangers faced by our sea people are greater!”

“We also need to use this special metal rock slab to pave the seabed, otherwise the entire sea area will have no shelter for the living when the undead natural disaster breaks out!”

“Don’t forget that in the first and second eras, all creatures originated from the ocean.”

“It was not until the beginning of the Third Era that the creatures began to climb the land.”

The man with long black hair spoke very excitedly. There are few things in this world that can make the overlord of Wangyang Labyrinth flustered.

But now this matter is too big, it is related to the life and death of the Hai Clan.

Said the man with short blue hair, curly hair, two blue tear moles under his eyes but not feminine at all.

“No matter what, the third brother must maintain his minimum composure!”

“Since we have come to Huiyao, we just want to ask Huiyao for help.”

“Our Ocean Maze has shown enough sincerity. Without the hundreds of thousands of island whales we have on hand, human beings simply cannot complete the migration.”

“According to Sister Ziqing, Hui Yao is not difficult to deal with.”

“Besides, the relationship between us and human beings is an offensive and defensive alliance in this natural disaster of the undead.”

“It’s just that I have to make up my mind on how to speak and what conditions to promise to human beings!”

The man with a few black scales on his face, a burly man with short silver hair smiled wryly.

My second brother thinks things too simply!

Right now is the juncture of the race against time, and the help I offer to Hui Yao is tantamount to snatching the trump card for human survival.

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