Imperial Beast Evolution

Chapter 2660

“Chuihong, what happened before has already happened, and everything has been dealt with at that time.”

“Yingzhu also paid the price for this matter, why are you bringing up the old matter again!?”

“Besides, it was us that Yingzhu was sorry for at that time, but not you.”

Zhuihong Wuye didn’t show any expression when he heard the words, he waved his hand and stroked the hair on his forehead, then walked out of the black coffin, and asked the question to Scarlet Yiye.

“Crimson, how long will it take for Ji Wan and Tong Ying to wake up?”

“If it takes more than two months for Ji Wan and Tong Ying to wake up, we might as well start planning now!”

“Anyway, the world of the undead is enough to affect the world’s veins full of death energy.”

Crimson Yipeng frowned when she heard the words under the black-red cloak, and said after pondering for a moment.

“It will take seventeen days for Ji Wan to wake up on the seventh page, and thirty-five days for Tong Ying to wake up on the eighth page.”

“I suggest waiting for Ji Wan Seventh Page and Tong Ying Eighth Page to wake up before trying to integrate the undead world with the main world.”

“Otherwise the seventh page of Ji Wan and the eighth page of Tongying will lose a lot of benefits.”

As soon as the crimson one page finished speaking, Langying six pages, who was dressed in crystal-clear ice-colored long hair and was even softer than a woman’s, spoke firmly.

“I don’t agree to start the plan now. Whether humans and the sea people know whether our plan is on guard or not has nothing to do with our plan. It will not delay the progress of our plan.”

“What I’m more concerned about is that Scarlet said that humans control the swamp world and the water world.”

“Human beings have the ability to control the swamp world and the water world, which means they also have the ability to control the Zerg world, the underground world and the abyss world!”

“What I care about is whether human beings will find a way to combine the five-dimensional world with this world, so that this first-level world can be promoted to a second-level world.”

“If something like this happens, it will have an impact on our plan!”

Langying Six Pages got to the point, and Scarlet One Page shook her head when she heard the words.

“I can’t answer the question you asked.”

“Because I have also been sealed in a black coffin for recuperation, and I didn’t investigate the specific situation of the human forces.”

“But I’m sure that there must be some anomalies in the human world.”

“Otherwise the human world doesn’t have such a means to understand the human world before I fell asleep!”

“I suspect that this matter may be related to the Temple of the Era.”

“Only the Temple of the Era has such an ability!”

“As for the Tarot Round Table, which has been placing people in the tower code, it’s just a group of mobs who have lived longer!”

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“They have no such ability!”

Yingzhu Erye didn’t look away from Caihong Wuye until then.

The second page of Yingzhu said to the first page of scarlet very seriously.

“I personally spied on the Temple of the Era a week ago. This incident must have nothing to do with the Temple of the Era!”

“The Era Temple is still the same, I don’t know what to wait for.”

“If the Temple of the Era wants to do something, there is no need to wait until now.”

“As early as when we injected death energy into the main world’s veins, we will intervene!”

“Crimson Page, you were scared out of your wits by the Temple of the Era thousands of years ago, right!?”

Crimson Yiye heard the words and ignored Yingzhu Erye.

Before the others hadn’t woken up, Crimson Yiye had no choice but to negotiate with Yingzhu Erye.

But now that everyone else has woken up, there is no need for Scarlet Page to do this anymore!

It can be said that the crimson page does not like the second page of Yingzhu.

Cyan Qing Sanye had no intention of communicating with the five people including Hong Yiye, but directly took out a comb with a few eyeballs embedded in it, and combed her long hair.

This comb with eyes embedded in it keeps opening and closing the eyes when combing the hair.

After combing her hair, Sanye Sanye put on jewelry for herself, feeling sorry for herself.

Regardless of the fact that there is a situation that needs to be discussed at the moment.

Seeing Lang Ying Liu Ye looking at her, Cyan Qing San Ye said indifferently.

“You can make up your own mind about such an indifferent matter, and you don’t need to ask my opinion!”

“I’ll save you from having to start the plan now, so that I won’t be able to explain to Ji Wan and Tong Ying after Ji Wan and Tong Ying wake up.”

On the surface, Cyan Qing Sanye looked indifferent, but he took out the hundred-mesh comb that Tong Ying Ba Ye gave him, and mentioned Ji Wan and Tong Ying.

Tong Ying is not someone who cares about things, but if she lets Ji Wan know that she has suffered a disadvantage after she wakes up.

Then this matter is really difficult to end!

Everyone has the same purpose, and they are all old buddies who have wandered into this world.

There is no need to turn against each other because of this more than a month.

On the contrary, it was the selfish behavior of the five pages of the rainbow that made everyone somewhat dissatisfied.

The third page of Qingqing and the sixth page of Langying have expressed their opinions, and the second page of Yingzhu never cares about right or wrong, and only wears a pair of pants with the fifth page of Zhuanghong.

The crimson page looked at the fourth page of the moth.

“What about your decision on the fourth page of moth orchid?”

Mooran Siye blinked, no matter what he said at this time, he would offend two people.

Moth Orchid Four Pages is not willing to have such a situation.

So Moth Orchid Siye chuckled and said to Crimson Yiye.

“Crimson, I listen to you, your decision is my decision!”

“I just woke up, I don’t understand the situation like you do!”

Crimson Yiye heard the words and no longer looked at Mooran Fourth Ye.

The fourth page of moth orchid has always been like this, never doing things like sinners, but it just doesn’t want to let itself suffer.

Knowing his choice, he would still say so.

If it wasn’t for the fact that the eight of them were plotting against each other, the holy vessel carrying the dead energy would be damaged.

There is no need to think about the container of the Temple of the Era!

There is no need for myself and others to sleep for thousands of years.

If the natural disaster of the undead could be advanced thousands of years, the first-level world should have completely merged with the world of the dead.

Let the world of the dead replace the source of this first-level world.

what a pity! pity!

“Then wait for Ji Wan and Tong Ying to wake up!”

“We have also continued to enter the black coffin to warm up during this time…”

Before the crimson page could finish speaking, it was interrupted by the frowning on the fifth page of the rainbow.

Falling Red Pages did not try to overturn the decision of Scarlet Page, which was made by everyone.

If you try to overthrow it yourself, it is tantamount to committing public wrath.

It’s just that the fifth page of the falling rainbow found that after she woke up, she had lost contact with the secret treasure of the dead placed on the top of the falling rainbow tower.

“Where is my Rainbow Falling Tower now? Why can’t I sense the existence of the secret treasure of the dead after waking up?”

Crimson Yiye frowned upon hearing this.

Tadian is an organization founded by myself and others after they came to this world. They regard the eight towers as inheritances and pass them on to the members of the eight pages from generation to generation.

But in fact, these eight towers have been firmly controlled by himself and others.

The power of the secret treasure of the dead at the top of the tower cannot be used by those eight members after the tower code.

According to Crimson One Page’s understanding, the Tower of Falling Rainbow should be in the hands of Five Pages of Truth.

It’s just that I don’t know where the five pages of truth are currently.

But not long ago, the crimson page heard the news that the fifth page of truth had died from the third page of eternal sin.

But once the fifth page of truth dies, the secret treasure of the dead should urge the tower of falling rainbow to return to the tower code!

The secret treasure of the dead is related to the origin of the world of the dead. The world of the dead was previously a dimensional world attached to a secondary world.

The secret treasure of the dead is beyond the level represented by this first-level world, and there is no reason for problems in the first-level world!

“Chuihong, you can send someone to investigate the whereabouts of the Rainbow Falling Tower, but I suggest that at this time, you’d better go back to the black coffin for warming up.”

“Otherwise, when Ji Wan and Tong Ying wake up and everyone starts planning, they will have to sit in the world of the dead and have no chance to warm up.”

Having said that, Crimson Yiye got into the black coffin first, and closed the black coffin’s mouth.

Yingzhu Erye blew lightly to extinguish the candle in her hand, and said softly.

“I don’t need to warm up the falling rainbow anymore, I can help you find the whereabouts of the falling rainbow tower!”

Falling Rainbow Five Pages snorted softly upon hearing the words.

“I will arrange manual inspections myself!”

“It just so happens that the people I send can also help me understand the current situation in this world!”

“Otherwise, I would ask the crimson page about everything, and the crimson page would not share it.”

After saying that, Wuying Zhuihong walked out of the hall, and Yingzhu Erying hurriedly followed.

Three pages of Cyan Blue, four pages of Moth Orchid, and six pages of Wave Ying entered the black coffin together after one page of Crimson.

The light in the main hall brightened again after Yingzhu Erye left.

The shimmering light emitted by that series of fates plunged the hall into a beautiful silence.

Lin Yuan stepped on the spray.

Because of the mermaid emperor’s blood, Lin Yuan subconsciously felt more comfortable at sea than on land.

Lin Yuan has been busy for such a long time, and traveling on the sea actually gave Lin Yuan a sense of travel comfort.

It’s just that Lin Yuan’s heart is hard to let go.

The migration of humans and the migration of the sea people have not yet been completed, Lin Yuan is very afraid that his guess about the time will be wrong.

Ling Liu said to Lin Yuan.

“It will take another day or so to reach the palace in the deep sea of ​​the Wangyang Labyrinth.”

“At that time, I will take you into the deep sea, and you hold this orb.”

“This snail bead produced inside the ten-thousand-year cyclone giant clam can allow you to breathe freely underwater.”

Hearing this, Lin Yuan took the snail in Ling Liu’s hand, weighed it, and then threw the snail back to Ling Liu.

“I can enter the deep sea without external objects, you don’t need to make these extra preparations for me!”

“I saw all the sea clans along the way, and they have begun to gather under the control of the eight sea emperor clans in each sea area.”

“I’m curious about how you, Oceanic Labyrinth, conveyed the order in such a short period of time?”

Ling Liu said it without any concealment.

“To tell you the truth, every member of the Eight Sea Emperor Clans will receive a summons shell when they are sent to rule a sea area.”

“No matter where they go, members of the Eight Sea Emperor Clans can hear the orders of the internal leaders of the Sea Emperor Eight Clans through communication.”

“Our Vast Ocean Labyrinth only needs to give orders to the leaders of the Eight Sea Emperor Clans.”

“After the Eight Ocean Emperor Clans were selected by our Vast Ocean Maze, because the resources we have are abundant enough, the number of clans is also increasing rapidly.”

“The area of ​​the sea area is no longer enough for the members of the Sea Emperor Eight Clans to allocate it.”

“This is also the fundamental reason why there have been so many struggles among the eight Sea Emperor clans in the past thousand years!”

“The Jiaosha clan that was eliminated before has been replaced by the new Sea Emperor Eight clans.”

“The Eight Sea Emperor Clans are the overlords of the Sea Clan in the eyes of many human federations, but in fact the Sea Emperor Eight Clans are nothing more than pawns controlled by our Ocean Maze to manage the Sea Clan!”

Lin Yuan understood why Wangyang Maze didn’t care about the extermination of the Jiaosha clan.

Because Wangyang Labyrinth has never regarded the Eight Sea Emperor Clans as the same thing.

From Ling Liu’s words, Lin Yuan can feel that Wang Yang Maze is actually quite dissatisfied with the internal struggle of the eight Haihuang clans.

Compared with the Sea Clan, the human federations are independent of each other.

It is impossible for such an order to be implemented immediately after it is issued.

In fact, although the Federation of All Nations was successfully held this time, in fact, many human federations did not send envoys to participate.

These human federations who did not go to Huiyao may not even know the undead disaster that is about to be encountered.

Neither Lin Yuan nor Yuehou can do anything about it.

At this time, Lin Yuan and Ling Liu had come to the waters near the Azure Federation.

The sea environment near the Azure Federation has been completely cleaned up, and there are no more toxins left.

Of course, the ability to achieve this in a short period of time was not done by the powerful members of the Zhanlan Federation, but by the secret help of the Mermaid Clan.

Suddenly Ling Liu’s brows were tightly wrinkled together, and there was a look of incomparable horror in his eyes.

Ling Liu found that in the sea ahead, there were nearly a hundred creatures above eternity.

Not only that, behind these nearly a hundred creatures above eternity, there are thousands of huge sea beasts.

Judging from the breath of those sea beasts, they are probably dimensional creatures in the water world.

Ling Liu is still very familiar with the breath of dimensional creatures in the water world.

Lingliu knew that a sixth-level water world dimensional crack had opened in the sea area near the Azure Federation.

These dimensional creatures must have come out of the dimensional cracks in the sixth-level water world!

Ling Liu once heard that Lin Yuan had taken control of the water world.

It is also necessary to integrate the water world with the main world to provide a paradise for the sea people to survive.

Ling Liu looked at Lin Yuan.

No matter how he feels, Ling Liu feels that the nearly one hundred mermaids whose strength is comparable to the powerhouse above eternity and the nearly thousand powerful sea beasts are here to find a place.

As the emperor of the mermaid clan, Lin Yuan can naturally feel the position of the creatures with mermaid blood.

Lin Yuan smiled and said to Ling Liu.

“These in front are the helpers I arranged for the migration of the Sea Clan. They have been waiting for me here for a long time.”

“We will take them to Wangyang Labyrinth in a while.”

While Lin Yuan was speaking, the mermaid and sea beast waiting here had already come to Lin Yuan.

These king-level mermaids left the water in the current, and when they saw Lin Yuan, they all curled up their fish tails and knelt on the water column, lowering their heads and daring not to look directly at Lin Yuan.

He said in a very respectful and soft voice.

“Welcome to the Emperor!”

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