Imperial Beast Evolution

Chapter 29

Chapter 29: Break Through The D-Class Reiki Professional

One hundred pots of Qingluo were carefully fixed by Yang Mingkai on the tufted fire lizard and taken away directly.

And Lin Yuan also got a 3.3 billion shining coin in this transaction. If the shining coin is converted into federal currency, it will be 3.3 million federal currency.

Let Lin Yuan know that he had the ability to make money by means of evolution of spirits.

Now that the income of the three-point three-bright Yao coins made Lin Yuan realize that money is no longer a barrier in front of him.

What I want to do is no longer about how to make money, but to make the money better transformed into my own strength.

It’s okay when the creatures evolved at the low level, and it will take a lot of resources to reach the high level.

As far as the Ling Ling space is concerned, if Lin Yuan wants to transform, he does not know how much resources he needs to consume.

Lin Yuan felt that he had to become a hoarding mouse and hoard resources.

Experience the happiness that only hoarding rats can experience.

Two days later, when Lin Yuan evolved into the elite level in the thirty-fourth pot.

Suddenly Lin Yuan felt that the huge thin aura in his body was compressed for a while, and finally was violently compressed into a mist of aura.

Now this misty aura of his own is very thick, as if it can become liquid when it is thicker.

If the mist-like Reiki turns into a liquid, then you have also touched the threshold of a C-level Reiki professional.

Lin Yuan took another pot of elite Qingluo and found that he became a D-tier Reiki professional. It only took less than ten minutes. This ordinary pot of Qingluo became an elite level, saving six times more time .

At this time, Lin Yuan only listened to two slight sounds from his body.

Lin Yuan looked down and found that these two slight sounds came from cleverness and sound.

These days when I am evolving spirits, cleverness and sound will always depend on myself.

Now, he has broken through the limitations of ordinary level and reached elite level.

Lin Yuan looked at the sound and clever data. This elite skill of looking at clever and sound made Lin Yuan quite surprised.

[name of the creature]: Baiwen Beast

【Spiritual Species】: Feline family

[Spirit Level]: Elite Level 1

[Spiritual Department]: Department of Spirit

【Comprehensive quality】: Elite quality


【Precise Memory】: When memorizing things, it can accurately memorize every detail.

【Knowledge Analysis】: You can conduct a preliminary analysis of the knowledge of memory.

The analysis of skill knowledge realized by smart elite level can integrate the knowledge of smart memory through system integration.

Then made integration and analysis based on the original knowledge, such a skill really surprised Lin Yuan.

Even a high-level scholar, I am afraid that I cannot memorize the knowledge recorded in hundreds of books accurately.

can’t fully analyze the details of the knowledge in these hundreds of books.

This elite-level skill directly makes smart a wise man, a walking knowledge database, and a data analysis master.

This really made Lin Yuan feel that the name he gave to Smart was deserved.

At this moment, the evolved cleverness suddenly said.

“Lin Yuan, I can remember more things now.”

When he was talking, he jumped cleverly on Lin Yuan’s lap and shook his small head happily, looking for praise.

Lin Yuan touched the fur on his smart head and asked.

“Smart, how much can you remember now?”

cleverly evolved to elite-level body shape has not changed, but the silver-gray gradient hair has become thicker and more shiny.

The clever little head was crooked, and then said quickly.

“Lin Yuan, the thing I can remember before was an energy cookie, so now there are as many as five energy cookies!”

For the metaphor of cleverness, Lin Yuan rubbed his clever jaw a little bit distressedly.

snoring immediately and wisely enjoying.

The best thing I’ve eaten with this snack is braised pork, so I use metaphor of braised pork for everything. Now the best thing I’ve eaten is energy crackers, so the metaphor also changed from braised pork to energy crackers .

The growth of smart memory surprised Lin Yuan.

was clever at first, from the knowledge reserve of three or five books, which evolved into an ordinary level into a knowledge reserve of one hundred books.

And now the promotion of elite-level memory has once again been enhanced, becoming a knowledge reserve of 500 books.

Maybe an ordinary person has no way to read 500 books during his lifetime, let alone write down these 500 books completely.

Lin Yuan had to screen when he was clever in studying books, but now he can let cleverly write down all the books of junior scholars, spirit observers, and spirit analysts.

can even spare some cleverness to learn some other knowledge in advance.

Baiwenbei’s breakthrough to the ordinary level has made Lin Yuan very happy. Now the breakthrough to the elite level has brought Lin Yuan such a big surprise.

has to say that the evolved Baiwen Beast is more like a perfect housekeeping beast. UU reading

At this time, some confused sounds after the evolution also came to life.

[name of the creature]: sound bird

【Spirit Species】: Blue Finch / Kingfisher

[Spirit Level]: Elite Level 2

[Spiritual Department]: Sound system/Qi system

【Comprehensive quality】: Elite quality


【Tone】: A spike made of sound will be fired over the designated target.

【Turbulent flow】: flap the wings to emit a continuous rapid and irregular airflow.

Yinyin was about to fly to Lin Yuan’s pinna, just before fluttering his wings, he saw his feathers.

Yinyin immediately tweeted in surprise.

Perhaps it is because the sound evolution of the song Ji bird failed, the song Ji bird’s feathers are blue, so Yin Yin has always been particularly fond of blue.

And now the feathers on Yinyin have completely transformed from blue to blue.

It’s just that the sound of the sound is completely different from the song Ji bird.

First of all, the sound is still half the size of the previous slap, and there is no slight change in body shape because of the upgrade of the level.

is more exquisite and compact. The blue feathers on the body are not the dark blue of the song Ji bird, but the sunless sky like a cloudless sky, and the blue of the sky.

The kind of blue color that can **** people’s eyes at a glance.

Yinyin’s pale blue feathers also have faint lines. The color of the lines is a little light. Lin Yuan couldn’t see anything for a while, but felt like a faint cloud.

The evolution of spirits is traceable, and it will not evolve something special for no reason, and then disappear in the next evolution.

So the moiré, which can’t see the characteristics now, should reach the copper level, in order to see exactly what role it has.

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