Interstellar Railway: Copy Morax at the start

Chapter 39

Chapter 39


There was a call from behind, and Kokolia turned her face to see Bronia and Ciel running towards her.

“Bronia! Are you okay.

Kokolia hurriedly asked.

“Are you all right, Mother? You’re not hurt, are you?

Bronia threw herself into Kokolia’s arms and said nervously.

“It’s okay, we blocked the monster.”

Kokolia stroked Bronia’s hair and said softly.

“Belobor is out of danger, and the star core is estimated to have been sealed by Gu Ze.”

“It’s all over.”

“Great, this is great, Beloberg can also slowly get rid of the wind and snow, the disaster is finally over.”

Bronia was incoherent with excitement.

“Is this your companion?”

Kokolia raised her head and looked at Xi’er.

“Well, I, I’m Xi’er.”

Seeing Kokolia suddenly looking at her, Xi’er introduced herself in a panic.

“She is a friend I met in the Lower Zone, a heroic warrior, and she protected the people of the Lower Region during the invasion of the Rift Monster just now.”

Bronia nodded and said.

“So, you’ve made very good friends.”

Kokolia hugged Bronia tightly again, but her voice became softer and softer, until finally she was as thin as a mosquito fly.

“Now I can also rest assured, you will definitely become an excellent big guardian in the future and lead Belloberg down.”

“No, I think, I’m not qualified yet.”

Bronia hurriedly resigned.

“No, you are already good enough to take on this position, trust me, my judgment will not be wrong.”

Kokolia’s voice became weaker and weaker, and in the end, the whole person had slowly fallen.

“I believe that with so many friends with you, you will definitely be able to take on this position.”


Bronia hurriedly helped her up, and Xi’er behind her also hurried to check the situation.

“I’ll go to the doctor now, mother, cheer up!”

“No thanks, Bronia, no thanks.”

Kokolia shook her head, in the long erosion of the star core, her body had been severely assimilated and depleted by the energy of the rift realm, and became broken.

Coupled with this hard fight, her life was violently consumed, and she was almost at the end at this time.

“Listen to me, Bronia.”

Kokolia held Bronia’s tear-covered face and smiled.

“Mother is very happy, happy to finally fight to defend Belloberg, although this is not enough to atone for my sins, but… At least it put me at ease.

She trembled and raised her hand to wipe Bronia’s tears.

“Child, the road ahead is up to you, as the nineteenth Great Guardian, Bronia Rand, are you willing to lead Belloberg out of the wind and snow and move forward?”

Kokolia’s tone became serious, and Bronia nodded hurriedly.

“So… Poop.

Kokolia’s arms hung down, and the whole person fell into Bronia’s arms, no longer living.

“Mother !!”

Bronia hugged Kokolia tightly and cried sadly, and she had deep feelings for this mother who had been taking care of her since she was a child.

Xi’er on the side wanted to comfort her, but she didn’t know how to speak, so she could only gently hold Bronia.


“Hey! Gu Ze, here! Here we are! ”

In the lower district, Panyan Town, March Seven waved hard at Gu Ze in the crowd, for fear that he would not find himself and Danheng.

“How? Are you all right?

Gu Ze walked towards the two.

“It’s almost something, if you make a move a little later, Danheng and I will probably be eaten by those guys.”

March Seven said thoughtfully.

“Have you successfully sealed the star core?”

Danheng asked Gu Ze.

“Well, it’s stuck with me now, and there’s no way to continue doing things anymore.”

Gu Ze nodded, now the star core is still honestly in his system space, just wait until he returns to the train and gives it to Himeko and Walter.

“Oh, you see, Mr. Walter has sent a message, the space distortion has been lifted, and the train can continue moving.”

Gu Zehuang shook his phone.

Just now Walter had sent a message to inform them.

Walter: You did a great job on this pioneering trip.

[March 7]: I’m so tired, I want to drink juice, Pam still owes me a glass.

[Pam]: When you come back, please have a drink.

[March 7]: Great!

[Gu Ze]: We may have to stay here for a while to help clean up some monsters.

After all, the rift has not disappeared, and there will still be monsters invading here.

The Earth Fire and the Silver-Maned Iron Guard were seriously damaged in the offensive and defensive battle just now, and they could only temporarily rely on Gu Ze’s strength to protect the city.

Walter: It’s okay, just go at your own pace.

“What about Ciel and Bronia? Where did the two of them go?

Natasha asked from the sidelines, looking concerning.

“Don’t worry, both of them are in the upper district… The Great Guardian Kokolia dies, and Ciel comforts Bronia. ”


This sudden news stunned March 7 and others.

“She died in battle, and Kokolia fought to the last moment to protect Beloberg.”

“It seems that she finally fulfilled her responsibilities as a great guardian.” Danheng hugged his arm and said.

“Well, I think she should be able to rest in peace.” Gu Ze nodded.

At this time, Gu Ze thought of something, and turned to the people of the entire lower district and said loudly:

“By the way, Bronia asked me to tell everyone that the blockade of the upper and lower districts has been lifted from today.”

“From now on, you can also go to the upper area to breathe fresh air, and there will be no more barriers between the upper and lower floors!”

“That’s really good news.” Oleg said, “Breathe freely… But what a wish we’ve always had.

“That’s right, the people of the lower classes have longed for freedom for a long time.” Natasha echoed.

“Oooh, finally, finally, I, the guardian of the cable car, can go back to work.”

Someone said excitedly.

“Who wants to go up the cable car? I can tell you, it feels good.

“Has your employment license been renewed?”

Gu Ze glanced at him and asked.

“Ahaha, be accommodating, this has been blocked for so long, I have no place to get new ah, but my technology is still there!”

The man scratched his head and smiled sheepishly.


The people in the lower districts had smiles on their faces, and their expressions of joy gradually washed away the tense atmosphere.

Everyone is thinking about the future,

a future full of happiness.

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