Interstellar Railway: Copy Morax at the start

Chapter 49

Chapter 49

Because of the movement just now, many residents have noticed here. They stared at Gu Ze and the two of them deadly, their eyes were cold and dangerous, and the muscles on their bodies were trembling slightly, as if they were about to pounce in the next second.

“Let’s go first, there is no point in spending time with them here.”

Gu Ze shook his head and slowly retreated back, and Nastya immediately followed, leaving the street all the way on guard.

When they left, they did not see those people chasing them into monsters, and although the onlookers just now changed, they seemed to be suppressed in the end.

“It’s scary, I thought we were going to be surrounded!” Nastya looked at the more and more residents gathered behind, and patted her chest with a palpitation, “I felt wrong on the first day I came, and now it seems that my intuition at that time was still very accurate.” ”

Oh? Did you feel any dangerous breath?

Gu Ze asked curiously, could it be that this girl’s senses were very keen?

“No, I’m not as adventurous as the captain.” Nastya shook her head, then explained, “I just noticed one place unusual. ”


“The movements of the residents here are too well organized! Or rather too stiff.

Nastya said with a furrowed eyebrow.

“What do you mean?”

Gu Ze really didn’t notice this, and people’s movements didn’t look abnormal.

“That is, their movements are too regular, like robots that have been programmed and executed well.” Nastya first threw out the conclusion, and then immediately began to explain the reason.

“I came to the hospital the day before and started observing the doctors and patients there, you know, the first thing to gather information when you go to an unfamiliar place is a skill that explorers must have.”

Nastya’s tone was a little old-fashioned, and eight or nine percent were imitating their captain.

“And then what? What did you find?

Gu Ze followed her words and continued to ask.

“I sat in the reception hall of the hospital for almost half a day and noticed a strange phenomenon.” Nastya’s eyes moved slightly, and she slowly recalled the situation of that day.

“The whole hospital is in good order, people’s communication and actions are very smooth, there has not been a single accident such as saying the wrong thing, walking and bumping into people, this is the first point.”

“Second, I overheard their conversations, and the tone and content of the language were too rigid, such as very mechanical greetings, and everyone would only say hello, me and so on when greeting.”

“What’s wrong with that? This is just a very ordinary greeting. Gu Ze raised his eyebrows and said directly.

“Big problem, the next day, I stayed in that place for a while, eavesdropping on the conversations of those people, and guess what I found?” When Nastya said this, her eyes could not hide a little frightened.

“You don’t mean to say that those guys are still repeating yesterday’s greeting, do you?” Gu Ze answered.

“Even scarier than that, everyone is repeating yesterday’s greetings with precision! The greeting object is also the same! Just like it’s set. Nastya shook her head and said, “I have a good memory, absolutely no mistake.” ”

Oh? Could it be like a puppet who only follows instructions performing a play?

Gu Ze’s brows couldn’t help but wrinkle, after Nastya said this, Gu Ze also faintly realized that something was wrong, these people’s words were too rigid, and their movements seemed to be moving methodically according to a certain script.

“Your analogy really fits the way.” Nastya raised a finger, “Another point, I took advantage of the nurses at the front desk not paying attention, once skimmed the contents of their medical record books.

“What’s weird inside?”

Gu Ze hurriedly asked.

“I found that before we got there, there were always only five people who were discharged and admitted to the hospital, that is, each page only had the names and hospitalization information and conditions of five people, and arranged back and forth until the page of the form was filled.”


Gu Ze knew that there were more than four patients hospitalized in the hospital, could their names still be repeated.

“But I remember that the second daughter of the Ivan family has just been discharged from the hospital.” Gu Zeyou glanced at the direction of the battle just now.

“That’s right, those five patients include her, can you imagine? The same person keeps being admitted and discharged, and the hospitalized condition is actually the same! Nastya said a little excitedly, “That’s why I came to investigate them.” Gu

Ze rubbed his chin, feeling that things in the Ice Capital were becoming more and more confusing.

What kind of world is this? Is everyone doing something mechanically and repeating all the time before we come?

While thinking, the two quickly came to the city gate of the Ice Capital, where further left turned was the hospital.

“Wait a minute.” Gu Ze stopped and touched out his mobile phone, “I’ll first communicate with someone outside to find some support.” ”

There is still a wounded person here that needs to be transported, so I can only find Sister Ji Zi and they provide safe treatment and transportation equipment.

Gu Ze took Nastya to the city gate and saw the little girl who led the way at the beginning.

“Hello, what’s the matter?”

The two made ethereal and emotionless voices, and their eyes were a little more dull than before.

“I’m going out of town.”

Gu Ze directly expressed his purpose, there is no signal here, and there is no communication.


What he didn’t expect was that the two women actually shook their heads together.

“What do you mean by that?”

Gu Ze stretched out his hand behind him and took out the bat.

“It’s the preparation for the celebration, and the city gate will not be open for the time being.”

A woman explained.

“If you want to go out of town, you can wait until after the celebration.”

Another woman continued.

“What is the reason for this?”

Nastya asked in confusion.

Her question seemed to have stumped the two women, and it took them a long time to answer.

“…… We don’t know.

“It’s incredible.” Gu Ze raised his eyebrows and smiled angrily, “Don’t you even know the reason?” ”

It’s hard to imagine that the gatekeeper doesn’t even know why the gates were closed.

The two women, you look at me and I look at you, just stood in place without saying a word, ignoring Gu Ze’s question.

Gu Ze did not continue to say anything, he had already noticed the abnormality of these two people, and took Nastya to a place where the two could not see, and then jumped directly onto the wall on tiptoe.

He was standing on the city wall and was about to jump outside the city, but he was stunned by the sight in front of him.

Where there are still snowfields outside the walls of the Ice Capital, there is only an endless dark void, like a monster’s big mouth, ready to devour everything.

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