Interstellar Railway: Copy Morax at the start

Chapter 66

Chapter 66

“That’s right, your energy.”

May nodded.

“After research, it has been found that the power in your body can effectively eliminate the enchantment.”

Dr. May shook the information in his hand.

“This is a study on the energy in your body compiled by Dr. Mebius, and after we integrated it, we found that that energy seems to have an elimination effect on the enchantment.”

“The specific situation needs to be concluded after you go to the enchantment.”

“In other words, this time your energy may also be used to eliminate the enchantment, which may be more effective than the first plan.”

For Dr. Mei’s conclusion, Gu Ze was not much surprised, and the Black Tower had also said that his energy intensity was not weak.

“I suggest that these two schemes be implemented together to ensure that the enchantment can be broken.”

Dr. May continued.

“I’m okay with that, you guys? This is a mission that is very likely to die.

Gu Ze’s eyes swept over his teammates.

“Captain, you don’t have a problem, we naturally don’t.”

Ye said firmly.

“Since you have joined the Fire Moth, then everyone must have put life and death aside long ago in order to deal with Honkai.”

“Well said, Captain, we all have this idea.”

Mingzhe echoed from the side.

The other team members also nodded one after another, even Hazel showed a determined face, no matter how scared they were before, everyone still strengthened their faith at this moment.

“Other fusion warrior squads have also expressed their willingness to adopt such tactics.”

Dr. May continued.

“Then next…”

She was about to continue to arrange the task, when suddenly, the ground shook, and the intensity became more and more violent, as if an earthquake had erupted here.

“What’s going on?”

Gu Ze carefully sensed it and found that a large number of Collapsed Beasts were rushing from all directions.

This vibration is caused by their footsteps.

“That’s a lot.”

In Gu Ze’s induction, the team of Collapsed Beasts stretched for thousands of miles, there were all kinds of them, and the number was too large to count.


At this time, a soldier opened the tent and walked in in a panic.

“What happened?”

Sid asked hurriedly.

“It’s the enchantment,”

the soldier said breathlessly.

“The enchantment has contracted!”


The crowd was stunned when they heard this.

They hurried out of the tent and looked far away.

The hemispherical light curtain in the distance is indeed shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“What the hell is going on here?”

Gu Ze was puzzled, there was no such paragraph in the original plot.


A few minutes ago.

Not far from the Fire Moth combat camp, on a small hillside.

The Black Tower and Miss Messenger were watching the enchantment of the Law of Restraint from a distance.

“Is this Gu Ze’s opponent this time?”

The Black Tower holds a device and constantly detects the data of the lawyer.

“Her ability should be to suppress the energy in the enchantment, hehe, this is interesting, Gu Ze’s energy intensity is much stronger than her, she can’t restrain Gu Ze.”

“This battle shouldn’t be difficult.”

As soon as the voice of the black tower fell, a not very serious voice came from nowhere.

“I don’t think so.”

“Who’s talking?”

The Black Tower was stunned, this is a simulated space, it stands to reason that no one should find out about their existence.

“What’s going on, is there a problem with the machine?”

The Black Tower tapped his watch, summoned the virtual screen, and kept checking the data, but found no fault.

“Lady Heita, nothing will go wrong, right?”

Miss Messenger also noticed something strange.

“No way, the operating data here is normal.”

Heita said suspiciously.

Suddenly, the screen flowered, and countless hip-hop clown patterns filled the entire screen.

“What? Got a virus? The

Black Tower rushed to get the code back to normal.

“Hehe, it’s not a virus.”

A clown grinned on the screen.

The laughter is particularly lively and infectious.

The screen immediately shattered, turning into a stream of light and flying into the sky, exploding like fireworks.

“Dangdang! The great Lord Ahab has appeared! In

the explosion of the flowers, a clown with heavy makeup painted with heavy ink appeared halfway up the mountain, and he showed a funny and exaggerated smile, and walked towards the Black Tower and the messenger.

“Aha? Joy Star God? The

Black Tower and Miss Messenger reacted instantly, looking at the visitor warily.

“Hehe, it seems that the contemptible people don’t need to introduce themselves more.”

The man took off the hat on his head and pressed it to his chest and saluted slightly.

“Two beautiful young ladies, please forgive for the abrupt move in the next time.”

“Because I saw something funny, I unconsciously followed, and apologize for the trouble I caused you, hehe.”

“Then, Joy Star God, your purpose is…” Black

Tower didn’t dare to be careless, don’t look at this person politely, but everyone in the universe knows that Joy Star God is not a good character.

He once lurked on the Star Dome train for fun, and even blew up part of the train.

“Hmph, I have long heard that Miss Black Tower wants to know something about the Star God, and even made a Raushizi simulation universe.”

Aha didn’t answer, but grinned instead.

“So I can’t bear that Miss Black Tower is tormented by curiosity, so I showed up to meet you, how about it?” Am I particularly kind? Is there an urge to praise Aha? ”



at the way he laughed, the Black Tower and the Messenger felt pressured.

As for his answer, neither of them believed it.

“Haha, don’t be so nervous, I look like a bad person.”

Aha waved his hand at them, and then a teleportation came to the side of the two, ignoring them, but looked towards the camp of the Fire Moth, watching Gu Ze and the group of personnel walking towards the tactical command room.

“Oh, isn’t that who it is? I haven’t seen it for so long, why are you pulling it so much now?

Aha looked at Gu Ze with interest and showed a mocking smile.

“You know him?”

Black Tower asked.

“Of course…”

Aha showed a serious expression.

“I don’t know.”

“Who is this kid, it looks quite ordinary, why should I know him, what is special about him, I just looked at the wrong person just now.”

“Hey, hey.”


Tower was a little speechless, obviously unable to communicate seriously with this guy.

“That… Is he a star god?

After being speechless, Black Tower asked sullenly.

The power in Gu Ze’s body was extremely powerful, and she had imagined that Gu Ze might be a star god.

“Hey, it’s not oh, this guy is not a star god, and the star god is not like him.” Aha rarely showed a sneering expression, his eyes were full of mockery, and even his tone was a little wrong, “He is a…”

Speaking of this, he suddenly closed his voice again, rolled his eyes, and pretended to be abruptly realized.

“Oops, I forgot, I shouldn’t know him.”

“Don’t mind, I don’t have a good memory!”



the Black Tower and Miss Messenger looked at him speechlessly, looking a little crazy.

“It’s really humiliating to make the two of you laugh.”

Aha laughed, almost bursting into tears, he took out a doll out of nowhere, knocked it hard twice, and the doll immediately spoke.

“Ahazhen has no face, Ahazhen has no face.”

The doll was repeated twice, and then it was thrown aside by Aha.

“Aha has lost face, and now he can only have some fun.”

Aha looked at the enchantment of the Law of Restraint and smiled slightly.

The space there twisted for a while.

The aura of the Restraining Law floating in mid-air changed, and the girl who was originally full of divine aura suddenly showed a viper-like cunning in her eyes.

The entire enchantment also began to shrink slowly.

“What did you do?”

Black Tower was startled, and then asked.

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