Interstellar Railway: Copy Morax at the start

Chapter 72

Chapter 72

“In the universe of eternal times, countless destiny walkers broke out in such and such contradictions because of interests and beliefs, and they clashed and fought each other, fighting everywhere every minute and every second, and chaos and disorder were the best portrayal of that time.”

“The ancient beasts of that time were not as difficult to find now, they roamed in the galaxy in groups, bringing a little life to the lonely starry sky, and it was also a beautiful scenery.”

Aha looked up at the sky, and his tone was quite vicissitudes.

“By the way, by the way, I haven’t been through that period.”

He turned his head to look at the Black Tower and Miss Messenger and smiled, shaking the book in his hand.

“Hehe, these are all recorded in the Pioneer’s notes, this kind of Xinmi is very rarely known, after all… There’s a guy who keeps them secret.

“According to what you said, Gu Ze is most likely a person from the ancient period?”

Black Tower looked at Aha and continued.

She didn’t expect Gu Ze to come so big.

“You guess.”

Aha put the book away and replied casually.

“Then why does he have amnesia?”

Black Tower ignored his words and followed to think.


, hey, hey…” Aha didn’t say anything more this time, but turned his gaze to the battlefield side of the valley again.

Two figures jumped out of the hillside and fell violently on the battlefield.

Smoke and dust filled the space.

Immediately after a shining baseball bat scattered the smoke, a muffled bang was heard, and the terrifying-looking monster could not be parried by the stick.

“Hahaha! Well, this power is really strong!

The monster clenched its fists and laughed up to the sky.

It glanced at the members of the Broken Beast and the Fire Moth fighting each other behind it, and couldn’t help but laugh: “Sure enough, only fighting on the battlefield can make me happy.” The

monster stretched its body, its arms were once again stained with a layer of shadow-like energy, and it strode out towards Gu Ze’s bat.

The two collided again, Gu Ze’s bat kept dancing, resisting each fist shadow, and after grabbing a void, he immediately concentrated his energy and hit it with a stick.

Suddenly, something more appeared in the monster’s hand, and the silver light flashed, and it actually directly knocked the bat in Gu Ze’s hand and flew out, and Gu Ze’s right hand was numb.

Before he could see the trick, the silver light was already slashing towards him, straight to his throat.

An earthen wall rose up and temporarily blocked the attack, but the silver light flashed, and the earthen wall shattered in response, and with the burst of earth, the fire flashed, and a flame gun set up the silver light.

Gu Ze saw clearly that it turned out to be a scythe that exuded a fierce killing intent, the scythe blade was extremely sharp, and after touching the Yan gun, the invisible fluctuations on it spread, constantly shaking the Yan gun.

“Haha! Do you remember this scythe? The

monster sneered, exerted force with both hands, and flew Gu Zezhen out at once, and the scythe followed closely, dancing and killing, and slashed at Gu Ze’s shield.

With a crisp click, the shield directly cracked a hole in that instant.

The monster gripped the scythe and roared and slashed out, countless deep black energy instantly condensed on the blade, and under the blessing of its furious speed, it actually cut out thousands of knives in an instant, directly shattering the shield summoned by Gu Ze.

The power above was very strong and terrifying, and after shattering the shield, the remaining excess energy even continued to rush towards Gu Ze, who swung his flame spear a few times to scatter that energy.

At this time, the system’s prompt tone sounded in Gu Ze’s head.

“This is a weapon made of the corpse of the ancient beast that destroys the path of E, and the destructive power on this scythe is invincible.”

“Ruining destiny?”

Gu Ze vaguely remembered that this was a relatively narrow fate.

Without waiting for him to think more, the scythe approached again.

He tried to resist the scythe’s attack with his superb marksmanship, but the monster’s combat skills were also very transcendent, even slightly better than Gu Ze.

The airtight wind of the sickle dance, Gu Ze could not catch the slightest flaw at all, and the silver light on the sickle quickly woven into a large net and rushed straight to Gu Ze.

Gu Ze took two steps back and tried to dodge away, but the destructive power on the scythe blade could even eliminate the space, and the monster re-approached Gu Ze again in just an instant.


Gu Ze’s eyes sharpened, and he clenched the Yan gun and stepped forward and stabbed out hard.


Gu Ze’s flame spear hit the monster’s right abdomen, and a trick that mixed the power of destruction and system energy burned on it.

And that scythe also accurately cut off Gu Ze’s shoulder, constantly destroying his body.


The monster snorted coldly, and was about to change his hand to give Gu Ze another knife, when suddenly there was an air explosion in his ears, it turned out that several rock spears broke through the air, and it was inevitable to assassinate it.

The monster can only retreat, Gu Ze pointed his finger, several rock guns merged into one, became extremely huge in the blink of an eye, and continued to chase towards the monster with great momentum.

“Hmph, it seems that you are still as difficult as before!”

The monster clenched his scythe and shouted,

“New order here!” Rock and earth weapons are forbidden!

Its words fell, and an invisible layer of fluctuations spread, as if some shackles were shrouded here.

The flying rock spear suddenly froze, slowing down, but it was still determined to kill it.

“Damn, the strength is still over-crippled!”

The monster gritted his teeth and re-spoke:

“The power of the rock spear is weakened!”

The rock spear suddenly became loose, and the sand and dust on it kept shaking off, looking like it was about to break.

The monster then swung its scythe and smashed it.

Gu Ze did not continue to pursue, but used the immortal strikeout to constantly recover his injuries, and the destructive power just now was still left, and this power kept damaging his body, and he had to hurry up and clean it up.

Just as he was healing himself, the power of the star core in his body burst out, directly devouring that destructive force.

“Huh? Does this mean that destruction is a broader destiny than destruction?

Gu Ze carefully felt and found that this was indeed the case, the power of destruction could swallow all the power of destruction.

As a result, his recovery speed has also increased by a few points.

However, this guy is really difficult to deal with, what he showed just now should be the power of order fate, and the furious speed and attack power he has, this may be the power of a fate, it may be a patrol? It could also be someone else who is good at frontal combat.

It also said that he especially enjoys war, and this guy’s combat strength in the battlefield has also been significantly improved, does it mean that he still holds the power of the fate of war?

Not to mention that it also holds a scythe that symbolizes the power of destruction … Sure enough, it’s not that simple to deal with.

Gu Ze quickly analyzed the other party’s ability, and for now, I am afraid that the power of the four destinies has been revealed.

He exhaled deeply, stepped forward, and rushed in a flash.

The flame spear in his hand turned again, rushing with burning flames.

The monster snorted coldly, clenched the scythe, and infused its whole body with strength, and the huge and violent black shadow kept twisting, a hundred times better than before.

The scythe blade slashed down, and the energy cut out like a crescent moon.

The earth crumbled and space trembled.

Gu Ze’s side also went all out, and the whole person seemed to merge into this pale flame, sweeping out like a fire dragon.


The two strands of energy collided violently, and a bright light suddenly burst out.

When the light disappeared, Gu Ze’s whole person had approached the monster, and at this time, the clothes on his body became tattered, and even dense wounds appeared on his body.

Gu Ze forcibly held back the pain, and still stabbed the monster with a strong shot.

“Hehe, it seems that you really forgot about me, otherwise you wouldn’t have continued to rush over.”

The monster sneered and raised his arm to Gu Ze.

“Fall into foolish chaos!”

As soon as the monster’s voice fell, Gu Ze’s mind suddenly became empty.

He suddenly did not remember his purpose, forgot who the other party was, forgot everything.

It’s like a memory has been sucked away.

At this time, a trace of sobriety appeared in Gu Ze’s chaotic mind, like a ray of light, leading his sanity back.

“Memory interference!”

Gu Ze, who quickly returned to his senses, thought in surprise.

The other party actually hides this trick.

Before he could continue to react, a scythe that exuded an icy cold aura had already slashed into his body.

As long as the monster gently pulls, it can cut Gu Ze’s body apart.

“Go and die! Gu Ze! The

monster said viciously.

Just as it was about to exert its power, a whirlwind surged and imprisoned its hands like chaincuffs.

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