Into the World of Medicine

Chapter 112 - Unforeseen Event Took Place and They Met Again (7)

Chapter 112: Unforeseen Event Took Place and They Met Again (7)

Translator: Sissy That Walk

Seeing his behavior, the guard behind the man felt surprised. Just now he had felt it strange when his master came here. And he didn’t expect his master would give a hand to her.

Because his master never liked interfering others’ business. He identified the girl in danger was the person his master was interested in the first two times, but by no means had he thought he would do this for the girl.

However, as a competent guard, he said nothing but stood there silently.

Not far from them, Xiao Bai also muted itself and stopped shouting. It didn’t know who the man in front was, but it could see that the man was helping its master.

At the crucial moment for its master, it could feel that and very nervous. But it was trapped by the man and couldn’t get out. But even if it could get out, it didn’t have the ability to help its master and could only watch her helplessly.

It didn’t expect the man in black would give a hand at the moment, not attacking its master but helping her.

Though it had no idea of his identity and the entanglement between him and its master, it felt relieved for he now was helping its master.

With the help of the man in black, Murong Qingyan felt it easier to melt the fire of the earth’s core.

Two hours later, the fire around Murong Qingyan gradually became blurred and disappeared finally. Perhaps it didn’t disappear but directly melted into Murong Qingyan’s body.

Melting the fire of the earth’s core, the cultivation of Murong Qingyan began to improve constantly.

The mid stage of the Light Level, the advanced stage, the initial stage of the Melting Level, the mid stage…

Finally she stopped at the top of the advance stage of the Melting Level. She didn’t stop on her own initiative, but the mysterious and powerful force help her stop.

She felt relieved. The rise of the cultivation was a good thing indeed. But if it rose too fast, it would be unsteady. And if the mental state didn’t follow with it, the demons would emerge easily.

Finally, Murong Qingyan opened her eyes and a dark figure suddenly came into her sight.

The man before her wore a black robe that fell to the ground, and the sleeve edge of the gold ribbon roll could be seen dimly like the moonlight flowing and spread out light with his movements.

He was standing there, calm and strong, as if stepping across every raging fire and coming with poise from the unbounded dark hell. Even the most enchanting red spider lily couldn’t be as half as his elegance.

The man had a strong aura but he looked cold. The man’s unruffled eyes were full of indifference that meant to look down upon the world. It was the expression that a superior had, as if everything in the world was merely ants in his eyes.

Murong Qingyan stopped breathing. The man was so strong, she thought.

But then she sensed the man familiar. She rolled her eyes and immediately got it.

“It’s you.”

Murong Qingyan couldn’t help crying out. The man in front of her was the person she met when she cultivated in the mountain behind Murong family. She clearly learned about his strength and coldness. She even felt fortunate after saving her own life from the man.

Never would she expect she could meet the man again. The force that helped her right now was—

“You helped me?” She asked the man with certainty.

“You seem not an ingrate.” Hearing what Murong Qingyan said, the man snickered.


Murong Qingyan’s face was full of confusion. They were merely chance acquaintances of each other and their meeting was even unpleasant. But the man showed up in her crisis moment and even gave a hand. What did he do that for?

“Why?” Hearing her question, the man was a little stupefied, then after thinking for a moment, he said, “The reason is simple, that is, I want to do that.”

Murong Qingyan was also shocked at his answer, because she didn’t expect the man would give such an answer.

Murong Qingyan stood up and opposite the man.

A man in black, a girl in white. The two incompatible persons looked strangely harmonious when they were standing together.

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