Into the World of Medicine

Chapter 133 - The Auction (7)

Chapter 133: The Auction (7)

Translator: Sissy That Walk

“Master, can we get this scroll please?” Xiao Bai looked particularly interested in this scroll, “We can collect them in pieces and find that Nether Fire, how fun.”

Murong Qingyan smiled and nodded, she agreed with Xiao Bai.

Murong Qingyan pushed the button in her box and said “one hundred thousand gold coins.”

With that price Murong Qingyan got the item, people outside were not that interested in this scroll anyways, no one kept bidding after they heard such a high price.

And that was the last item of the whole auction, it was a good auction Liu Pinyan hosted.

Everyone left the hall after they got what they had auctioned.

Murong Qingyan was sitting in her box, waiting for Liu Pinyan.

Soon enough, Liu Pinyan knocked on the box and a young girl followed him, there was a tray in the girl’s hand, that was the scroll Murong Qingyan just auctioned.

Liu Pinyan smiled at Murong Qingyan, “Mr. Mu, can I please have your violet golden card now?”

Murong Qingyan handed her card to him.

Liu Pinyan took it over with respect, he swiped the card on a black jade and returned the card to Murong Qingyan. “The auction House took a five percent cut of your Foundation Elixirs of Third Grade, and also you bid one hundred thousand gold coins for the scroll, the rest of your money now is in your card.”

Seeing Murong Qingyan listening to him indifferently, her facial expression kept the same when she heard the amount of the money in her account, Liu Pinyan exclaimed in his heart this young man surely would become something one day. He asked Murong Qingyan, “Mr.Mu, are you satisfied with the outcome?”

“Yes,” Murong Qingyan nodded and she continued, “It went better than I expected, looking forward to having more cooperation with you and your House, and also, how good is the privacy…”

“Please rest assured,” Liu Pinyan smiled, “Privacy has always been our top one priority, no one will find out you are the owner of the elixirs, don’t worry about that, that’s what has made us the biggest Auction House in the whole country.”

“I’m glad to hear that.”

Liu Pinyan signaled to the young girl standing behind him, and he pointed at the tray the girl was holding, “Mr. Mu, this is what you had just auctioned, please have a look”

Murong Qingyan took over what the young girl had handed over her and checked, “Yes, this is my item.”

Murong Qingyan said goodbye to them after she got what she had bid.

Liu Pinyan let out a sigh of relief.

Murong Qingyan was no doubt the biggest winner from the auction, she also found out the whereabouts of Nether Fire besides a ridiculous amount money.

Murong Qingyan entered space right after she returned to her own room, she also brought the scroll with her.

“Master, you are here.” Xiao Bai greeted Murong Qingyan happily.

Murong Qingyan put aside the herbs she got from the auction and she unfolded the scroll, started to read. Xiao Bai also jumped on the table and joined Murong Qingyan.

The two looked at the scroll carefully.

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