Into the World of Medicine

Chapter 136 - Stolen Bone Forming Elixirs (3)

Chapter 136: Stolen Bone Forming Elixirs (3)
Translator: Sissy That Walk
Lin Guangxiong was terrified when he heard that, he explained himself hastily, “Master please forgive me, but this is really a calamity!”

“What happened?” asked Murong Xiong impatiently, “Take your time and take a breath, where are the Bone Forming Elixirs that I asked you to bring?”

“Master, this is exactly why I panicked!” Lin Guangxiong chimed in, “I was unlocking the boxes that store the Elixirs but I found one box was tampered with, so I took a close look at it only to find someone has stolen one Elixir!”

“What? Someone has stolen one Elixir!” as infuriated as Murong Xiong was, he managed to keep his composure, “Which Elixir exactly was stolen?”

Not only Murong Xiong was gazing at Lin Guangxiong, the other three Elders were staring at him with probing intensity as well. Elixir in the Treasury getting stolen was no small matter, the Treasury was the most guarded place in the family mansion, but the Elixir stored in the Treasury got stolen, how horrific that was!

All the advanced elixirs refined by the family pharmacists and the elixirs collected from outside were stored in the Treasury.

Hearing the question, Lin Guangxiong’s shoulders drooped, he gritted his teeth and decided to face the music, “To reply to the master, it was the Recovery Elixir that was stolen?”

“Recovery Elixir!” he asked in a towering rage, he took a glimpse at Lin Guangxiong and asked was unwilling to give up hope, “Have you double checked? Is it really Recovery Elixir that was stolen?”

“I’m afraid so, master, I’ve checked for several times!” Lin Guangxiong’s head was hanging even lower.

“Isn’t that great!” Murong Xiong laughed grimly, “I’m dying to find out who has the guts to steal from me! Whoever it is, he is courting an early death, stealing from me is no different from bearding the lion in his den!”

“Master”, chimed Murong Rui, “in my humble opinion, I’m afraid this thief is from within the family.”

“Oh? The First Elder means the thief is from our own family, a Murong?” Murong Xiong refused that possibility subconsciously, but deep down he knew it was entirely plausible.

“Our Treasury is the most heavily guarded place in the mansion, for an outsider, it was not easy to get access to our mansion, let alone the Treasury.” Murong Rui analyzed, “Only someone who has access to the Treasury could commit such a crime without a trace.”


Murong Xiong pounded on the table, “I’m interested to see which family member is so heaven-daring!”

With that he shot a stare at Lin Guangxiong, “Go find out who it is!”

Lin Guangxiong withdrew the hall hastily and arranged a troop of servants to get down to business.

Soon everyone in the family heard the news and everyone felt himself imperilled.

Murong Qingxue of course had heart the news as well, she tried so hard to keep her composure when she heard it but deep down fear hit her with crippling strength. Little did she expect the lid would be blew out so soon.

She hastily ran to Liu Mei after she got the news, looking for a solution.

“Xue, are you all right?” seeing Murong Qingxue’s pale face, Liu Mei asked with concern, she smiled at her daughter, “look, I’m sewing you a new gown, come try it on.”

Murong Qingxue’s face was still darkened, she lifted her hand and told the servants to leave them alone.

“Xue, what’s going on?” Liu Mei narrowed her eyes and she sensed something different, “I know today is the day you visit the Nangong Family, did Nangong Ye say something to you? Is this about your betrothal engagement?”

“I’m fine.” Murong Qingxue shook her head, she caught hold of Liu Mei’s hand, “Everything is fine between me and Ye, it’s something in our family.”

“In our family?” Liu Mei was dumbfounded, “I’m home all day, I didn’t hear anything. Xue, tell me, what have you heard?”

“Who was there when you stole the Recovery Elixir?” Murong Qingxue frowned, she asked in the most serious manner, “Who was there helping you, just tell me everything.”

Worry and concern written all over Murong Qingxue’s face, she knew it very well that her own mother wouldn’t be able to get access to the Treasury, let alone stealing the Recovery Elixir. She must have sought for help, here came the question, who was the help? Was the help reliable?

“Why are you bringing this up now?” Liu Mei’s eyes flickered and Murong Qingxue had seen doubt and fear from her mother’s eyes, “I told you already no one would find it out.”

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