Is It Too Late to Leave the Chat Group?

Book 6: Chapter 23:1: The Holy Grail…Carnival? Part 1

Book 6: Chapter 23:1: The Holy Grail…Carnival? Part 1

The very day Chen Heng traveled to another world, a colossal change engulfed Earth. If he weren’t part of the Dimension Administrators Association, he might have believed he had crossed over to a parallel world, as the changes were too great.

“Even if there was a world merger, the changes shouldn’t be that great, right?”

It’s quite normal. After all, this is a world merger combined with a change in world consciousness. It’s a normal phenomenon. Absolutely normal.

“Is it really normal?”

Of course, it’s normal, only the process was a bit too fast. Normally, the change from an old world consciousness to a new one can change the world’s style—or rather, its artistic direction. However, cases like your world—where your ancestor killed the world consciousness and then recreated it—are rare.

“So, are you saying it’s all my ancestor’s fault?”

No, no, no! Please don’t misunderstand. I’m not badmouthing your ancestor. Really, not at all. You have to trust me. I’m just saying it’s a rare example; there’s no mockery in it.

“Your words sound very submissive.”

A life is at stake, so I have to be clear. What if you casually mention this to your ancestor one day, and your ancestor comes to settle scores with me?

“Alright, alright. Let’s not go off-topic now. Can you contact that world consciousness?”

What do you want to do?

“I just have a few questions to ask it.”

Then you can forget it. The world consciousness contacted me upon awakening and said it doesn’t want to talk to you. Whether it’s important or not, don’t bother it.

“…How can it be like that? I watched it grow up, after all!”

Doesn’t your conscience hurt when you say that? Watched it grow up?

“Is that wrong? Even if there was a little misunderstanding, it’s still a world consciousness, so there shouldn’t be any feelings of shame, right?”

What do you take world consciousnesses for? The new generation of world consciousnesses has started to anthropomorphize. Do you know what that means? It’s just like the one you once encountered in Under One Person’s world; it’s an example of one of the new generation.

“What about Root Shiki?”

No, no, no! Don’t bring it up. It’s an old witch, not a new-generation world consciousness at all.


If you want to know why the world changed so much, your world consciousness did tell me it wanted a style change.

“So, the world consciousness can change the world at will?”

Why not? The world consciousness has the right to change the world; the world belongs to it, after all. It can do as it pleases. Don’t worry; every world consciousness sincerely wants its world to develop in a good direction and won’t change it without reason.

“So, the hidden world might end up getting revealed in the future?”

I didn’t say that, but considering the current Spiritual Energy Resurgence, probably. However, each world consciousness has its own ideas, and yours seems to have quite a wild imagination.

After learning the general situation from Customer Service, Chen Heng closed the chat window.

The college entrance exams were tomorrow, and Chen Heng was somewhat nervous. Even though he had full confidence in scoring high, it was natural to feel some anxiety.

What pleased Chen Heng most about this world merger was that his exam entry proof, stationeries, and other essential items were already arranged on his desk. He didn’t have to handle it and just had to wait for the exams the next day.

He had to admit, this world consciousness was truly thoughtful, truly Papa’s caring little darling.

Lying on his bed, Chen Heng contemplated what kind of university he wanted to attend.

Now that the world had schools for ability users, he pondered whether to attend one or pursue his original goal and apply to a regular university.

If he chose a regular university, he could experience the life of an ordinary person—oh, the wonderful college life…

If he opted for an ability-user university… Well, Chen Heng didn’t think they could teach him anything useful. After all, these schools were new, and there was no guarantee they had figured anything out.

Chen Heng also guessed that even after a world merger, any ancient clan with any substance wouldn’t send their precious ability users to these institutions.

Ability users were the treasures of cultivating clans. Although the people of the hidden world looked down on pure ability users, cultivators with abilities stood at the top of the chain of disdain.

Furthermore, these clans had more understanding of ability users than such schools, unless large clans allied with the schools.

Chen Heng did not feel many could compare to him in ability. Do you believe this great me can form an ultrasubdwarf star with my hands?

[TL Note: An ultrasubdwarf star is the smallest subtype of cool subdwarf stars. A subdwarf star is a type of star that is smaller and fainter than typical dwarf stars. These stars are characterized by their extremely low luminosity and small size. The Sun is a yellow dwarf; an ultrasubdwarf is very small compared to the Sun. Here is the Wikipedia entry, but it gets quite technical:]

From stellar cores to white dwarfs to neutron stars and even black holes, the ability to manipulate space and time could easily create these phenomena. Moreover, where attraction fell short, electromagnetism would step in to make up for it.

[TL Note: Stellar cores are the cores of stars; a white dwarf is the stellar core remnant from after a giant star dies out without becoming a neutron star or a black hole. A neutron star is the collapsed core of a supergiant star after a supernova takes place. Here are the Wikipedia entries for these terms:,,, and]

Of course, perhaps because the electromagnetic ability was not Chen Heng’s innate ability, it still had limits even after being awakened twice by the Dimension Administrators Association.

While Chen Heng’s electromagnetic ability had limits, his attraction ability did not. His attraction force was however strong his Will Energy was.

However, he could not do it because he did not dare to try.

His attraction ability had been limited in the past, so he couldn’t do it. Now that he was strong enough, he had no place to use his power.

Chen Heng felt a fondness for Earth. He didn’t want to risk destroying the planet by experimenting with attraction force. What if he accidentally blew it up?

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