Is It Too Late to Leave the Chat Group?

Book 6: Chapter 26:1: Adding Another Name to the Grudge List, Part 1

Book 6: Chapter 26:1: Adding Another Name to the Grudge List, Part 1

Here was the question:

Imagine you live in a world of martial arts. You’re an orphan picked up by a young man. During your childhood, he deceitfully made you call him “Papa.” When you grow up and become the second strongest in the world, you learn the truth. What would you do?

Note 1: The young man is very petty, holds grudges, and records his enemies in a grudge list.

Note 2: The world’s strongest is the young man’s ancestor, who is many times more powerful than you but is currently traveling far away. However, the young man can contact him.

The answer should be comprehensive, precise in expression, linguistically coherent, and conceptually lucid. It should not exceed 150 words.

The world consciousness is being too cheeky, right? Furthermore, can such a question appear on a college entrance exam paper? The audacity of the question setter! Is he not afraid of a backlash?

Erm… Chen Heng gave this some thought. Then he decisively took out his notebook and wrote down the world consciousness’s name—Dog Shit.

After all, he had watched the world consciousness grow up. Giving it a name shouldn’t be overboard.

The primary goal of a world consciousness was survival. It’d be a shame if it suffered the same fate as its predecessor, so Chen Heng named it something he felt was easy to nurture.

Don’t look down on this name. It carried Chen Heng’s deep wishes and blessings for the world consciousness.

After writing the name, he stored his notebook in his spatial storage.

Chen Heng didn’t worry about being disqualified for cheating in the college entrance exams. Before taking out his notebook, he’d used his electromagnetic ability to block the cameras, then manipulated the electromagnetic waves around everyone, making them think nothing had happened.

Everything had gone smoothly except…

Chen Heng glanced at the ability suppressor device three meters away. Using his electromagnetic ability in front of this powerful suppressor had given him a slight headache. Of course, it was extremely mild.

Chen Heng really had bad luck. The high-efficiency ability suppressor device was placed in his examination hall.

The Special Affairs Bureau had one in every examination hall to prevent its destruction. However, there was only one real one, and it was in Chen Heng’s examination hall.

After a quick look at the ability suppressor device, Chen Heng refocused on the exam question.

He made a mental note of his vendetta.

Then he began writing:

“First, see how far you lag behind the strongest. If the difference is unacceptably vast, just accept that person as your father, regardless of your feelings.

“Remember, as long as we live, there’s hope.

“Avoid causing trouble, especially during the exams. Beware of that young man tattling on you to his ancestor.

(Note: Remember, while the heavens watch man, man also watches the heavens.)”


Having completed the essay question and checked his answers, Chen Heng saw he still had about 40 minutes before the exam’s end.

How could Chen Heng be so fast? Well, if one had to ask, one would not understand. If one simply copied the answer key, one would be fast. Furthermore, as a martial artist, Chen Heng was confident in his finger dexterity. Although he wrote fast, his words were quite legible.

Students could hand in their papers early, but only up to 30 minutes before the end, meaning Chen Heng had to stay in the classroom for a while longer.

He Who Knows Fate: I’m taking my college entrance exams and have finished all the questions in the current paper. However, I still have some minutes left before I can hand in my paper. What should I do now? Online waiting, urgent.

Efreet: Why not try watching Yakumo Yukari’s livestream with Merlin? I’m curious, and I want to watch it, but the system tells me minors can’t view it.

Iron Fist Teacher: Having seen that livestream, I can only say: don’t watch it. It’s too much for the eyes.

Lord of the White Night: I agree. It’s a bit much. No wonder Yakumo Yukari set age restrictions.

Umaru-chan: Now, I’m even more curious. However, I still can’t watch it. What should I do?

God Sai: By the way, He Who Knows Fate, can you sell me more life-extending pills?

He Who Knows Fate: Huh? Oh, sure. Now?

God Sai: After some thought, I decided to buy some for my good-for-nothing brother and some friends and family.

He Who Knows Fate: OK.

Herrscher of Pufferfish: Elder Brother, you’re in the middle of college entrance exams; shouldn’t you be more focused?

He Who Knows Fate: Sirin, you’re up early. Isn’t it just past 7 a.m. there?

Herrscher of Pufferfish: Yes, it’s just after 7. But, Elder Brother, what kind of person do you take me for? Can’t I wake up early for once?

He Who Knows Fate: Oh, by the way, Sirin, I’m letting you know in advance. After summer break, you’ll attend classes with Immortal—rather, Master. You’re in the same school.

Herrscher of Pufferfish: What?

He Who Knows Fate: You’ll be in St. Freya Academy’s middle school division; she’s in the high school division.

Herrscher of Pufferfish: Huh?

He Who Knows Fate: It’s a bit complicated…

Chen Heng explained the situation to Sirin.

Herrscher of Pufferfish: So why am I attending the school of that shortie? She used to be my punching bag. Will she give me a hard time now that I’m attending school there?

He Who Knows Fate: I don’t know. Probably not, especially since she might not remember.

Faillen Angel Gabriel: Speaking of Immortal, she’s still in high school, even though Chen Heng is taking his college entrance exams?

He Who Knows Fate: Furthermore, it turns out my senior sister, Cheng Lixue, is named as my master’s guardian.

Flat-Chested Chinese: Ahem!

He Who Knows Fate: Hello, Master.

Flat-Chested Chinese: Mm…

Kazuma the Brute: Why does Big Brother Chen Heng act so timid in front of Immortal Phoenix? Come on, you’ve even dared to challenge a world consciousness. Why not defy your master?

Self-Centered Elder Sister Shiki: …

He Who Knows Fate: Actually, it’s because my master has a ring.

Herrscher of Pufferfish: What’s so special about a ring? I have one, too.

He Who Knows Fate: Ahem!

Herrscher of Pufferfish: Erm…. Never mind. Continue, Elder Brother.

Sirin suddenly remembered Chen Heng’s warning: never to expose the ring in front of Luo Li and Mo Qingtong.

Chen Heng felt slightly relieved seeing Sirin’s understanding.

The ring wasn’t the main issue, but the finger Sirin wore it on was crucial. Mo Qingtong and especially Luo Li mustn’t see it.

Knowing Luo Li was far stronger than him, Chen Heng definitely didn’t want her to discover this secret. Who knows what she would do after finding out?

He Who Knows Fate: My ancestor provided the ring. As for its effects, Master, you explain.

Flat-Chested Chinese: The ring restrains Chen Heng’s abilities. His ancestor feared Chen Heng would defy me, so he had another transcender make it. Simply put, it’s especially effective against Chen Heng.

Queen of Ice and Snow: Hmm…how should I put this? Your ancestor really cares about you, Chen Heng.

He Who Knows Fate: Right? He’s so good to me.

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