Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 671 Boy… you are crazy

Chapter 671 Boy… you are crazy

[Eon's POV: ]

After finishing the lunch, the children were sent with the servants to the other room to play by themselves and the adults had gathered at a round discussion table, with Miss Carolina sitting right before me and Rein, her aura completely different from what it was a moment ago when we were eating together.

She felt like an authoritative figure on par with Emperor August, our grandmother, or mom when she was working. 

It was completely different from what I had expected it to be. Like, completely different. To the point that it was a little scary…

And, she was using no power, no skill, or authority, no nothing. This was her pure presence, her aura that she had gained with her unnatural talent and abundant experience in the field.

'People don't call her the (Mystique of the political world) for nothing, hun.'

She was a completely different being now, and, she was looking at us seriously. 

"Tell us, Axion, the sun of Nolen, grandson of Marchioness Heliox, master of countless resources. Tell us, what exactly do you want from us?"

There was a president present here, a king-ranked knight; master of a household whose ancestor was someone who forcefully made divinities do something he wanted; and someone who possessed boundless talent and magical powers to be a world-renowned architect, but, a normal person like Miss Carolina with no great stats, no great magical powers, or any particularly unique skills… just a question from her made me feel as if I was standing before a godly being themselves.

As if this was the most serious question anyone had ever asked me in my entire life. 

Something I had not even felt I was with my master...

'This whole experience was something else and there was no way I would get anything out of it if I lie at this point.'

She was giving us her time, her undivided attention, so, I couldn't possibly betray this opportunity. We couldn't afford to do it.

"What we want-"

"Not what the both of you want, young boy. I know you heard my question correctly and are smart enough to know what I am asking. 

Just tell me straightforwardly what you want, I know you already have figured out I don't like going around in circles."

"I apologise…"

Now she wasn't even taking Rein into this whole wide picture… haaaaa. Damn.

'Master had once told me I would meet all kinds of unique people in my life that I wouldn't have expected to meet. She told me how there will always be beings, people out there that will always surprise me, always be something far beyond my own understanding, all my knowledge, powers, and talents.'

Lady Carolina was one of those people. One of those one-of-a-kind beings that master had talked about.

There was nothing visibly special about her but, now that I was experiencing this strange pressure myself, a pressure generated from within me, because of a spark of fear bubbling inside of my deep soul, I knew how it felt like to actually stand before an absolute of their field in their most serious form… it was terrifying.

"I only want one thing from You, Lady Carolina."

"From me?"

"Yes, from you. The state, the power, the one that grants authority, the Mastermind. I have one request, I want to ask of you."

She gave me a question, and I had the answer to that question. That simple yet unfathomably difficult question.

"And, what is this request?"

"Your trust."

She flinched visibly as soon as she heard those two words.

"Your absolute trust."

And, then, the other three with her flinched after hearing those three words.

"You know you are asking for too much, right Axion?" Master Maverick asked me with a serious expression of his own since he understood the best what it meant to have her trust her, the one that held the true power in these political circles where most of the things that happened were absurd or beyond the simple human comprehension. 

He knew the best just how precious her mere trust was, but, I was going beyond my own limitations and was asking for her absolute trust. 

The questions on all three of their faces were obvious however, Lady Carolina was calm still and was looking at me, in my eyes, directly. 

And I was looking back at her instead of paying attention to Lord Maverick's question.

"You are a young person but you are clearly older than your age, so, I conclude you are a reincarnation as well. However, age doesn't mean anything in this world, as you two know the best.

So… why would a smart one like you would ask for something they already know is impossible to get? 

Tell me, translator of the greatest novel of the Era, what is in this relationship of absolute trust for me? What will I get?"

"My absolute trust, and my resources, and… my knowledge."

This was the biggest gamble of this life of mine. The biggest.

She knew what I was offering her since her eyes widened as soon as she heard those words of mine.

She knew what it meant to have my trust, my resources, and my knowledge.

She knew about me more than even the emperor or the three empresses, she was one of the people who knew most about what was going inside and outside of this world. In the darks to the things that were being done under the brightest blinding lights.

She knew my achievements, she knew what it meant to be a reincarnation, and, she knew how I strangely had many, many resources. Far more than even my own mother.

She knew about my knowledge as well, the same knowledge that had created the greatest food clan of this world, introduced many useful artifacts to this market, and given this world a precious text that all the people will keep close to their hearts for their own unique reasons.

She knew I was also the person who had gotten the top spot among the academy's student council members, an overwhelmingly higher score.

She knew my relationship with the headmaster, the divinity that existed among the humans, and, she knew my worth.


She knew all that, and she knew I knew it all better than anyone else.

My trust, my resources, my knowledge… they weren't something anyone could put a price tag on. Those were priceless things that the world would die fighting for. I understood it better than anyone else. That was the reason I had kept all that to myself only.

"Why would you go so far?"

However I was offering all that to her, and, in return, I was merely asking for her trust.

'She has a shocked expression. I wasn't expecting this after feeling that absurd pressure, haaa.'

If I wanted, I could cause chaos all over the world, destroy all the political powers that might be a hindrance to me, bribe the people who were good and useful, and cause endless trouble for the ones that were against me, but, instead of doing all that, instead of using the absolute power, I wanted to play politics… she couldn't understand this shit.

She couldn't understand many things even with her great knowledge and insight.

Her question… why would I go that far, wasn't something I was hearing for the first time either.

Mom, Rein, Grandmother, and even Uncle Theo had asked me this when I told them what I wanted to do. And, well, my answer to all of them was simple…

"For those precious to me. For… my Anna. My Zoe. My love."

Knowledge is power. Resources are power. Connections are power. Strength, skills, talent… power is an abstract entity. And, I happen to possess a little too much of it. In many of the forms.

And, people, the world that was admiring it right now, isn't going to be the same in the following few years.

The greed of humans is insatiable, the Pride of humans, as well as some other races residing within this human dominant society, is immortal, the Gluttony to devour all that got ahead of themselves, the Lust to go after everything that belonged to those same successful ones, the Sloth, Wreath, Envy… the seven deadly sins are just the surface of what the dark humankind is capable of.'

And, even if I could stand against them, Mom, Dad, grandmother, Grandpa, and some of the others could, I am not sure what they would do to my friends, to the people who only have a little connection to me, to my Anna, to my Zoe… I fear the humanity. The dark one, the one that the ones in political circles come across every once in a while.

I fear it, and, since I have the knowledge that grants me the foresight to faintly predict what might happen in the near unknown, I cannot possibly just stand by and do nothing.

"Please, Lady Carolina. I won't give you any chance to regret your decision."

I looked at her, deep in her eyes, sincerely. And, all four of them couldn't help looking at each other with uncertain looks.

Rein clenched my hand.

She was nervous but, she also looked at them with the most serious eyes she could make, and, Lady Carolina, after looking at her for a minute, after looking at me afterward, looked at Lord Maverick and others, with a unique look and sighed deeply.

"Haaaaa… With power comes great responsibilities, and with power comes great challenges. Those who cross the hurdle become extraordinary, those who couldn't, fall into pits of despair…

I see a light so bright I feel blinded from you Axion, however at the same time… the abyss hidden behind that brightness is not something I wish even my worst enemies would come across.

Huuuuu… I am uncertain, however, Axion, and Reinelle. I will give you the benefit of the doubt and, accept this absurd proposal. However, you have to tell me what you plan to do with my absolute trust, my power… my authority."

She looked at me seriously once again, but, she just said she accepted my proposal. And, she couldn't go back on her words now.

"I will tell you, Lady Carolina. However, would you mind taking an oath of origin with me?"

I gave her a smile, and, Rein finally sighed a sigh of relief.

She had been anxious all the while, but now that things had concluded, she was relieved.

And, the first thing she did after I had asked for another absurd thing from the ones before us, was give me a deep kiss without caring for the people present there.

"Hmmm? Did you just say… an oath of origin?"

And, I could only answer her question after Rein was done with her 'thing'… that Lady Charlotte found to be quite, attractive.

"Yes, Lady Carolina. An oath of origin would be necessary if I am going to tell you all about a rebellion, the creation of a country on a newfound land, and, the great wars that would start because of that, right?"

Lightshade was going to do many things in this world, and all of it would be to accomplish parts of these final goals.

'We will need backing for that, from someone that was as good as her, however, her expression right now… well, it doesn't look so good.'

She was making the most twisted expression she had made in the entire time we had been together, and, she wasn't the only one doing it.

"Boy… you are crazy."

"Unbelievably crazy…"

"Absurdly stupid as well."

"But bold."

All four of them were making that twisted face, and, it was funny in a way… ptff. 

'Badly funny… hehe.'

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