It makes sense for me to be a demon in the second dimension, right?

Chapter 289

Chapter 292

“Mr. Pacha is so good, did he really put that animal to death?”

“I lean! It’s amazing! I declare that from today onwards, Mr. Pacha Dog is my idol! ”

“Nishihachi! I always thought it was a prank or some kind of reality TV show, but you told me it was true? ”

“I voted yesterday, but today Bae Jizhe died, which is too efficient, right? I guess Bae Ki-chul was arrested shortly after we voted! ”

“In other words, don’t you think this is a bit too much? Even if Bae Ki-chul is wrong, it will not be the turn of this mask man to judge him, he is not a judge or prosecutor, nor a policeman, and it is illegal for him to kill a person privately like this. ”

“Yes, although Pei Jizhe is wrong and has committed a lot of crimes, but he can only let the prosecutors find out the evidence of his illegality, and then submit it to the judge, let the judge judge, whether to let him continue to sentence, just rely on the people to subjectively judge whether this guy should die or not, it’s a little too much of a joke, in case this mask man has bad intentions, in case he finds some people who shouldn’t have died in the future, deliberately forging some crimes that don’t exist at all to try them, at that time, won’t everyone become his accomplices?”

“It makes sense, I hope everyone will not be used by this mask man, he may not really be so kind, a person who can kill people at will, judge others wantonly, and treat human life as a mustard, what is the difference between him and an executioner?” He is breaking the law, he is a murderer! ”


On major news social media platforms.

The topic of the referendum on the death penalty and the mask man directly occupied the hot search list.

Countless netizens issued heated discussions.

There are people who support it, and feel that the mask man is doing the right thing, which is simply very happy.

Scum like Bae Ki-chul is damned.

He hurt so many people.

All children.

How many families have been torn apart, and how many relatives of victims have been in pain.

Live in pain all your life.

And he himself is at large.

Only received a small punishment, after being released from prison, he still sang night and night, red lights and wine. Luxury and dissipation.

This is also so unfair, do ordinary people and civilians deserve to be bullied?

Do the bad guys always have to go unpunished?

Now there is a hero who sees righteousness and kills such bad guys.

It’s a national icon!

It’s a hero!

Many young people and enthusiastic young people worship the mask man and become his fans.

But some older people, don’t think so much.

They don’t think the mask man is a good thing either.

No matter how wrong Bae Ki-chul is, he deserves to die again.

It was not his turn to abuse lynching.

He didn’t have that right at all.

To kill others.

This is not for Skywalk, but for breaking the law and ignoring the law. Punch police, prosecutors and judges in the face!

No different from terrorists!

People with only two ideas have hyped up online.

“Gee, I said why so many people voted against yesterday, it turned out to be you Virgin, it’s disgusting! You guys usually only promise, seeing those victims being bullied, they don’t even dare to put a fart, and now finally a hero has stood up for us ordinary people to uphold justice and punish the bad guys, but you are pouring cold water on the side, sneering, standing on the moral high ground to accuse others, really don’t want any face.! ”

“Exactly! Let me ask you what’s wrong with the mask man? Is it also wrong to kill someone who should have died? Not only is he right, but he has done great things, he is an angel walking on earth, washing away sins, so that all the children who were hurt by Bae Ki-chul have been redeemed! It can be called immeasurable merit, but you say that he is a criminal, what is the head of the hell Ah Xiba! ”

“Huh, do you still need to ask? They must have a defense in their heads, and I am sure that these people who help this devil speak, if not his accomplices, at least they are scum who have done a lot of bad things like him, they are afraid that they will also be judged, they themselves are not clean, the words spoken are naturally crooked, they are also afraid of being killed by the mask man, of course, they can’t wait to jump out and oppose this matter! ”

“The most ridiculous thing is that since some people say that even if he is guilty, the judge should be allowed to judge him, and I am simply happy to die, didn’t the judge judge judge him before?” What is the final result? A fluttering sentence is not enough evidence! ”

“He was in jail for a year not because of the things he committed, but because he ran a company that evaded taxes! That’s why he was sentenced to a year, which means that the shit judge turned a blind eye to those heinous crimes he committed! ”

“Nishihachi! It’s clear that you’re shielding him! Count on these waste judges to stop dreaming, they are all in a gang, collusion between officials and businessmen! They enjoy the privilege of being supreme! The law can’t punish them, the law is the protector! ”

“No need to look, in a word, those who excuse Pei Jizhe and wash his floor are all vested interests, and they are all members of the scum! Mr. Pacha Dog, hurry up and start the second round of trials! I can’t wait to see the second criminal who is voted on the death penalty! I want to vote yes as soon as possible! ”

“Me too!”

“Support Mr. Pachadog, support the death penalty referendum!”

“Bad guys deserve to die!”

“Those scoundrels must be punished as they deserve!”

“Mr. Pachadog, hurry up and start the death penalty referendum again, I will provide you with a candidate, he is worse than Pei Jizhe!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Can I contribute?” I also want to provide a demonic message, he molested and mutilated a little girl named Suyuan, ruined her life, made her organs fail, damaged, and could only live with artificial organs all her life, but was only sentenced to twelve years in prison, and his family also constantly harassed and abused the victim little girl and her family, this family is simply more beastly than a beast, a real demon family! Hopefully, Mr. Pacha can put them to a death penalty referendum! ”

“‘~ I suggest Mr. Pacha Dog shorten the time of the death penalty referendum to once a week! Twice a month is too little! There are so many scum in the world, there is simply not enough ah! ”

“Once a week is too slow! I think it should be once a day! Hell is empty, demons are on earth! Mr. Pacha Dog can accept submissions from the whole people and elect those damned people every day for a referendum! We will definitely support you forever! ”


The people are collectively boiling.

And South Korean officials have finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

This thing is too big.

Especially for all the judicial authorities in South Korea, it is an extremely serious provocation!

Especially the court that tried Bae Ki-chul in the first place.

It has long been surrounded by angry populace, protests, insults.

Others threw bricks at the courthouse.

Especially the judge who sentenced Bae Ki-chul in the first place.

It was even smashed by rotten vegetable leaves rotten eggs, and his head was all over his body.

“Bah! Bend the law for personal gain and collude with Pei Jizhe’s beasts! You are still a judge, really shameless (Zhao)! ”

“Go and die! People like you don’t deserve to be judges at all! ”

“Are you blind? Bae Ki-chul has done so many bad things, you actually say that the evidence is insufficient? ”

“This guy must be corrupt and bribed, don’t let him go!” By the way, we can also make him a new death penalty referendum and let everyone judge him! ”

“That’s right, he used to judge Don’t let it, and we will judge him in the future!” I must vote yes and let him die! ”


The people drenched the blood of the judge’s scolding.


Li Chenghuan also learned about these scolding battles on the Internet.

I know that now national public opinion is basically biased towards the mask man.

As long as you dare to question it.

No doubt they were all scolded fiercely.

It was exactly what he had expected.

Who dares to help Bae Ki-chul speak.

That’s pretty much over.

Directly attacked by the whole people!

When he came to the prosecutor’s office.

Shin Yu and Wen Dongen were already waiting for him in the office.

“Second Chief!” x5。。

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