Job Transfer For All: From Bronze Lord To Immortal Demon God

Chapter 67

Chapter 1 New Debuff: Birth, Old Age, Sickness And Death

As the treasures produced in the secret realm of the dark labyrinth became more and more high-end, the top guilds of the True Dragon Kingdom gradually became unable to hold back.

The Magic Light Society and the Excalibur Society from the Imperial Capital, the Golden Flower Society from Chang’an, the Wild Wolf Group from the Shu Capital, the Faye Alliance from Yingtian, and the Emerald Dream from the Demon City, these top guilds gathered together , ready to negotiate on how to conquer the dark labyrinth.

There are not only these few top guilds in True Dragon Kingdom, but each of the top guilds has their own things to do. Currently, these are the only ones that have not made any big moves.

Ms. Tang Wan, the vice president of Emerald Dream, who was newly promoted to the top guild, was very arrogant. She used the excuse of advertising the Dark Labyrinth to demand exorbitant endorsement fees from several other top guilds.

Faced with such unreasonable demands, the leaders of several top guilds naturally refused.

The vice president of the Magic Light Society, Yan Zhi, said in a deep voice: “Logan, it’s hard to say how much cannon fodder your actions will bring you to explore the dark secret realm, but you really want too much, we can’t give you a thousand and two Tens of billions of gold coins. And I have reason to suspect that your so-called advertising is just incidental, and your fundamental purpose of buying fashion is actually for your own selfish desires. You just want this Phoenix Dance Nine Heavens fashion to look good! Don’t use advertising as an excuse Use an excuse to make us pay for your own selfish desires!”

Tang Wan waved her hands indifferently when she heard the words, and then said with disgust: “Oh, you are still so boring, I was just joking with you. It’s just 120 billion gold coins. We have a lot of gold coins in the Emerald Dream, unlike you These poor people can’t even afford a decent fashion.”

Ran Zhi kept silent, as if it wasn’t him who was humiliated.

Bomb, the vice president of the Golden Flower Association, asked the elder Panda of the Excalibur Association in a low voice: “I have been in seclusion for five months and I have not been out of it for a long time. How did the Emerald Dream suddenly become so rich? The 120 billion clothes are said to be won.” Just took it? Isn’t this too embarrassing?”

The panda whispered: “A few months ago, the Emerald Dream built a magic gold mine in the abyss plane, and also won the right to mint coins in the magic city. Now people can print money by themselves”

It’s a bit petty to say that the Emerald Dream is getting rich, so let’s say it’s getting rich!”

Bomb couldn’t help complaining: “When did you stutter? You can do whatever you want if you can print your own money? Wouldn’t that lead to inflation?”

The panda curled his lips: “Aren’t you talking stupid? Did you forget the price of enhancing the artifact? It costs hundreds of millions of gold coins to enhance an artifact once. 120 billion seems like a lot, but it depends on who uses it.” ! The total amount of gold coins in circulation on the market has to be discounted every once in a while, and the purchasing power of gold coins is generally relatively stable, so how can there be inflation?”

Zha Tan couldn’t help but sigh: “So, she really has the right to call us poor.

The panda nodded and said, “Isn’t it?”

At this time, A Shui, the deputy leader of the Faye Alliance, said: “Sister Wan, our family is indeed poor, and it is also good for the Emerald Dream to send the King of Joyless, so don’t worry about some gold coins with us, I think. Let’s discuss the distribution of benefits.”

Tang Wan sneered and said, “Since this is the case, then tell me how you plan to distribute the benefits of the Dark Secret Realm.”

Yanzhi said: “Let’s follow the old rules. Let’s send the King of Unhappy together, and then each family will fight once, and draw lots to determine the order. If other forces want to get involved in the Dark Labyrinth, everyone will block it together. Are you different?” Opinion?”

Tang Wan shook her head slightly: “I have no disagreement, but I have to remind you that this King of Joyless is very unusual, and may lose control in the end.”

Ran Zhi smiled: “You worry too much, the left and right are just a king BOSS, no matter how powerful it is, how powerful can it be? It’s not like we haven’t killed the legendary king BOSS before, so what’s there to be afraid of?”

Tang Wan sneered and said nothing, but secretly thinking about her plan.

Having experienced so many storms, Tang Wan thought that she was well-informed, but it was the first time she had encountered a boss like the King of Joyless in over a hundred years.

From a twentieth-level bronze lord boss to a silver king boss, and it took such a short time, there must have been some kind of incredible change, otherwise such a thing would not have happened.

As a top player, Logan has her own understanding of this era of job change for all.

In this day and age, rules rule everything.

Abandoning subjective consciousness, from an objective point of view, rules are like a complicated program.

Each player, each wild monster, and each boss can be regarded as a subroutine under the main program.

Each subroutine has corresponding permissions, and different levels have different permissions.

Every time a player changes jobs, he will gain greater authority.

Correspondingly, wild monsters and BOSS are the same every time they advance, and they can also obtain greater permissions.

In the final analysis, all permissions come from the main program, that is, the rules.

So under what circumstances, the main program will suddenly let a subprogram crazily elevate permissions?

Logan thought for a long time but didn’t think of the answer, but she had a ridiculous guess in her heart.

She knows that wild monsters and bosses can be upgraded, and can be mutated and advanced.

But she is not wild monsters and bosses after all, and she doesn’t understand the upgrade mechanism of wild monsters and bosses.

The existing information can only prove that wild monsters and BOSS can gain experience and upgrade by killing players, but no one knows why wild monsters and BOSS can be upgraded.

The power of faith is a very high-end thing. Even a top player like Logan only knows that there is such a mysterious power.

How to possess and how to use this power, she doesn’t know at all.

Those real bosses who have already ignited the divine fire to confer the gods may know, but when Logan asked, he never got a positive reply.

The ambiguous attitude of the god-level player made Tang Wan realize that it might be difficult to obtain the power of faith, otherwise the other party would not be so secretive.

The fallen dark sword master turned into the king of joylessness, and the evolution process from the dark cave to the dark labyrinth gave Tang Wan an absurd guess—the king hiding in the depths of the dark camp, the sneaky top man Perhaps the Gu expert is secretly collecting the power of faith, and he has achieved remarkable results, otherwise how can he explain such an incredible transformation in just a few days?

This unreliable guess made Logan realize that the King of Unhappiness itself may be more valuable than the artifact.

Several other top guilds were all staring at the artifact that the King of Joyless might drop, but what Tang Wan focused on was the King of Joyless himself.

“But, the King of Unhappy is very difficult to deal with! This guy definitely has superhuman wisdom, otherwise how could he come up with so many anti-human debuffs! How could Bo be used as a debuff, it’s really obscene!”

Thinking of the various debuffs in the dark labyrinth described in the intelligence, Logan also had a headache.

Even if she is a top player, once she enters the secret realm, she must follow the rules.

When the day came that she could enter the dark labyrinth, she wasn’t sure if she would dare to go in or not.

The entrance to the second floor of the Dark Labyrinth.

After a difficult exploration, Qin Xi’s painting team finally reached the second floor.

After being drained of mana in the magnetic channel before, this team of purely beautiful players was not spared, and was also brutally killed by skeleton monsters.

After they died and went back, they learned from the pain and “finally decided to spend money to buy the road.

What is spending money to buy a road?

It is to find those players who have found the correct passage to buy the map, then choose a suitable debuff refresh time, and quickly reach the next floor of the maze through the correct passage.

There are quite a few players who made the same choice, and Qin Xihua’s team is not the only one.

Even exploring the dark maze has formed an industrial chain, and many people sell maps, hooks, punts, kayaks, mechanism mounts and other props at the entrance of the maze.

After waiting for a while, Qin Shishi’s team successfully got a suitable debuff.

That’s right, their so-called suitable debuff is the complex debuff called the various forms of life.

Although Zhang Qian is thoughtful and thoughtful, there are always times when every secret is neglected.

When designing the life debuff, he overlooked a problem, that is, he forgot that the flying mount does not need to walk.

Unless it is the kind of flying mount that needs to run up, the mount that can take off directly will not trigger the debuff at all.

Undoubtedly, as the famous Bai Fumei team, the flying mounts of Qin Shengdi and others cannot be the kind of low-end goods that need a run-up to fly.

So after knowing that the debuff was refreshed, they immediately entered the maze and followed the map to the second floor.

Zhang Qian saw their actions, but didn’t pay much attention to them, and there was an urge to laugh in his heart.

Because he couldn’t figure it out, what are these women trying to do by rushing up to the second floor so persistently?

Daguai Explosive Baby? Kill Boss?

not like!

If you want to fight monsters and kill bosses, you can do it on the first floor, so why go to the second floor?

After thinking about it, Zhang Qian only thought of one possibility, they might be obsessed with wanting to see him.

This kind of mentality is not difficult to understand. For rich players, general treasures are not very attractive. What they care most about is the sense of accomplishment from killing bosses.

So here comes the question, if a boss downloads a dungeon and hangs up several times in a row without even seeing the boss, what will they think?

You must be very unhappy, right?

This unwillingness will soon turn into an obsession—the obsession to meet the boss!

Under the urging of this persistence, they will subconsciously ignore other problems, as well as the purpose of their original copy.

The few people in Qin Xi’s painting team are not local tyrants but they are better than local tyrants. It is not surprising that they have such a mentality after successive setbacks.

“Young people are impulsive,” Zhang Qian smiled: “Even if you see me, what can you do? Can you kill me?”

Although Qin Xi’s painting team moved quickly, they also encountered some monsters along the way, which delayed a lot of time.

So now the next debuff refresh is not far away.

Zhang Qian pondered for a moment, and quickly figured out what debuff to refresh next time.

The countdown to monster siege is 66 hours.

The system prompt sounded again in the ears of all players.

[The king of the silver-ranked secret realm, the King of Unhappy, releases his power! All players who enter the dark maze will suffer from a negative state!】

[Ding! You are affected by the power of the king. For the next period of time, you will face a language test every five minutes. If you pass the test, all attributes will increase by 100%. If you fail the test, you will randomly get the following status One type: deep sleepiness, gibberish, crooked mouth and eyes, hemiplegia, acute appendicitis, severe epilepsy, intermittent absence; HP increases by 100% in the state of deep sleepiness, defense increases by 100% in the state of nonsense, The power of the skill is increased by 100% in the state of crooked mouth and eyes, the movement speed is increased by 100% in the state of hemiplegia, the attack is increased by 100% in the state of acute appendicitis, the attack speed is increased by 100% in the state of severe epilepsy, and the magic power is increased by 100% in the state of intermittent absence.. .Each speech test

The time limit for the test is 30 seconds. If you do not accept the test within the time limit, you will continue to lose 1% of your maximum HP per second until your HP is exhausted or the next speech test begins. This status applies to all

The unit will take effect and will be refreshed after six hours. 】

As soon as the new debuff was refreshed, many players were at a loss.

“What does this language test mean? Has anyone encountered this debuff before?”

“Don’t even think about it, there is no semicolon except the dark maze for this kind of weird debuff!”

“Let’s not mention the language test or anything else, the debuff that comes after this is really anti-human! I feel that it is not worse than the previous debuff of all kinds of life.

How much is it!”

“This debuff is called Birth, Aging, Sickness and Death…Could it just let us experience Birth, Aging, Sickness and Death?”

“Needless to say? The cliff is like this!”

“Hurry up, the first language test has begun!”

“Put beans in the pocket, fill the pocket with beans, break the pocket and leak the beans… pour out the beans, mend the broken pocket, mend the pocket, put beans again, fill the pocket, don’t leak the beans… this is special What the hell? Ask me to speak louder

Read this passage, speak fast, and speak clearly without any mistakes? There is only one chance?”

“Mine is this – Huahua has two red flowers, Honghong has two yellow flowers, Huahua wants yellow flowers, Honghong wants red flowers, Huahua gives Honghong a red flower, Honghong gives magnificent

Hua Duo yellow flowers. Nima! It’s so difficult!”

“I finally understand what the so-called language test is. This is a tongue twister! It’s a thing for language practitioners to practice eloquence before the whole people change jobs!”

“This is really a language test, damn it! I’m too busy talking, it’s time to time out…Gah!”

Because it was too shocking, the players couldn’t recover for a while, and no one passed the first language test.

Some fast-talking players uttered a few random words, and then they were given additional status.

And those players who didn’t challenge the test from the beginning to the end were directly hanged with a debuff of 1% blood loss per second” and had to take out the blood bottle and pour medicine into their mouths.

All of a sudden, all the players in the dark labyrinth once again fell into the torment of various wonderful debuffs.

Some players fell asleep suddenly while walking.

Some players were fighting monsters with their teammates, and suddenly started yelling at their teammates.

Some players tilted their mouths and squinted their eyes, looking as arrogant as they wanted, as if they were provocative, which made strange players angry.

Some players can’t move half of their body 5.4, they can only lie on the ground pitifully waiting for the next speech test to start.

Some players rolled on the ground holding their stomachs in pain, life would be worse than death.

Some players were lying on the ground, foaming at the mouth, twitching, and biting their tongues from time to time.

Some players were doing other things one second, then suddenly froze in place and started to daze in the next second.

All kinds of chaos made the atmosphere of the entire dark labyrinth even more strange.

While admiring his masterpiece, Zhang Qian watched the rapid increase in his faith value, and the joy in his heart could not be described in words.

He turned his gaze to a passage on the second floor, smiled and murmured: “The deeper you sink, the harder it is to escape the punishment. Haven’t you guys thought about this problem?”

On the first floor, if you encounter a debuff you don’t like, you can leave the maze as quickly as possible.

When you reach the second floor, it will be difficult to leave the maze.

Not only do you have to go through all the traps along the way, but sometimes you also encounter monsters patrolling the maze.

If you want to leave the maze alive, strength and luck are indispensable.

“Qin Xihua, do you know that I have loved you for a long time? Let’s get married, I love you, really!”

In a certain passageway on the second floor, Xia Miaojun’s pretty face was flushed red. She was full of anxiety, and she didn’t want to say a word, but her small mouth kept opening and closing, and she couldn’t stop it.

Say nonsense.

Qin Xiyin, with crooked mouth and slanted eyes, looked at Xia Miaojun stupidly, and couldn’t tell whether Zhenmiaojun was telling the truth or purely negative state.

“Yu Yaya, listen to me, Qin Xi’s painting is mine, you are not allowed to snatch it from me!”

Yu Yaya, who was enduring the pain of acute appendicitis, rolled her eyes and moaned while clutching her stomach.

It hurts so much! Don’t want to talk!

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Big guys! I will post a big chapter after it is put on the shelf, this chapter is 5,000 words! Not to mention the author is even less proud!.

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