Job Transfer For All: From Bronze Lord To Immortal Demon God

Chapter 71

Chapter 5 The Second Super Evolution! Monarch Class! Invincible!

The countdown to monster siege is 54 hours!

The Dark Maze debuff is refreshed again!

[The king of the golden-level secret realm, the King of Unhappy, releases his power! All players who enter the dark maze will suffer from negative status! 】

[Ding! You are affected by the power of the king, and you must participate in the throwing of fate for the next action. You will get the way of advancing according to the points of the fate dice. Each way of advancing can only be used for five minutes. After losing the way of advancing, you will be imprisoned. This status takes effect for all normal units and will be refreshed after six hours. 】

Does this debuff look familiar?

Yep, it’s been there before!

Zhang Qian didn’t design new debuffs in this wave, but directly modified the debuffs that appeared before and used them.

The players in the dark labyrinth are constantly being updated. Some new players have not experienced the baptism of the old debuffs, so using the old debuffs can also generate a lot of power of faith.

【Throw a point and you will get a two-person three-legged forward method. In this forward method, the impact force is increased by 100%, and the duration is five minutes. ~]

[Throw two points and you will get the leapfrog forward method. In this forward mode, the jumping ability is increased by 100%, and the duration is five minutes. 】

[Throw three points and you will get the cockfighting leg forward method. In the previous golden method, the explosive power is increased by 100%, and the duration is five minutes. 】

[Throwing four points will result in somersault forward mode. In this forward mode, the movement speed is increased by 100% and lasts for five minutes. 】

[Throwing five points will result in an upside-down advancing method. In this advancing method, one’s own gravity is reduced by 90%, and the duration is five minutes. 】

[Throw six points and you will get the standing jump forward method. In this forward method, the strength of the upper body is increased by 100%, and the duration is five minutes. 】

Compared with the previous one, the way forward of this debuff has not changed, the key is that some inexplicable boosts have been added later.

Players are all data-based bodies. As long as there is no change in combat-related attributes, the damage caused and received by the enemy will not change.

Therefore, relatively vague attributes such as impact force, explosive force, and upper body strength basically do not affect the outcome of the battle.

In other words, this debuff seems to have a lot of increases, but in fact all the increases have nothing to do with combat.

Compared with the previous debuffs that were more punishing, this debuff is obviously more stingy.

In fact, it’s not that Zhang Qian is stingy, but that after his power has been improved, the degree of freedom in designing debuffs has increased a bit.

As a BOSS, he actually has no way to design debuffs as he likes, and balance must be considered when designing any debuffs.

The heavier the debuff, the player must be given a certain amount of gain, otherwise those more serious punishments cannot be realized.

This is also the fundamental reason why the previous debuffs always came with some buffs.

This wave of debuff punishment is not serious, even if you don’t roll the dice, you will just be imprisoned in place, so you don’t need to make too much extra compensation.

Those boosts set by Zhang Qian seem to be beneficial to the players, but they are actually uneasy.

Take the impact boost setting as an example, in the two-person and three-legged mode, it is basically equivalent to rampant domineering, and it is not easy to turn when advancing from the passage.

If there are other players in front, it is easy to bump into them if they can’t dodge. Originally, they could only bump them into a stagger, but now they can directly hit them into a shit, so that the hit people can bear it?

It is also true that the jumping power of the Leapfrog Jump mode has been improved. Originally, it could only jump half a meter high, but now the jumping power has been doubled, and it can jump one meter high all at once. Is it more difficult to control the direction?

If someone happens to come in front of you, you can’t just ride on someone’s waist?

Of course, that was an ideal situation, so Zhang Qian just casually arranged a few tricks, whether it would work or not would depend on the actual situation.

If the effect is not good, it is not too late to adjust next time.

As the new debuff fell on him, all the players in the maze breathed a sigh of relief.

“Why does the King of Unhappy seem to have changed his temper? These two waves of debuffs are not terrible! I’m not used to it!”

“Isn’t this a good thing? The explosion rate in the labyrinth is so high, and the King of Unhappy has less moths, and we can kill a few more monsters.”

“But this wave of debuffs doesn’t increase combat power very much! Let’s deal with those level 50 monsters in this normal state, it will be very difficult to kill them!”

“That’s right, there are a lot of players over fifty levels in the labyrinth now, how can we low-level players beat them?”

“Then there’s no other way. You can’t have both. If you want to fight monsters comfortably, you won’t be able to enjoy those weird buff states.”

“No matter what, it’s good to rest for a while, don’t relax, it won’t be long, maybe the next wave, those horrible debuffs will appear again, let’s do it and cherish it!”

Players who accepted the reality began to hold sports games in the maze.

As Zhang Qian expected, even players who have experienced the Child of Destiny debuff before are not used to it this time.

Accidents happen all the time throughout the maze.

Although the negative emotions contributed by each player are not much, in general it is not much less difficult than the previous two waves of hell. After all, there are more players in the maze now than before.

If the quality is not enough, the quantity can be combined, and the effect is similar.

If we want to talk about the difference, it is probably that the troops under Zhang Qian’s command suffered more losses.

The later players are all higher level, and their equipment is more luxurious than those low-level players. Many people can single out the undead knight in a normal state, and the more powerful dark knight and horror knight need multiple people to fight in teams.

But this is harmless, as the master of the secret realm, Zhang Qian can consume power to revive his troops, this is the so-called refresh function.

In the past, the power was insufficient, even if he wanted to refresh, he couldn’t afford it. Now, with the promotion of rank, Zhang Qian’s power has been greatly improved, and finally he has enough energy to use the refresh function.

From this moment until the monster siege starts, Zhang Qian does not plan to design new debuffs.

Those debuffs that have been used before can be reused enough to last for a long time.

In fact, designing those anti-human debuffs consumes too much brain cells. No matter how flexible Zhang Qian’s brain is, he will not be able to think of more debilitating debuffs in a short time.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the maze debuffs were refreshed one after another.

Every time the debuff is refreshed, the players in the maze are jumping around for a while.

Then, enjoy the torment as much as you like, while enduring the torment, while struggling to beat the treasure in the maze.

During this period, a lot of good things have naturally exploded, but occasionally a few debuffs on the difficulty of hell have been spawned, which also dissuaded many players.

During this period of time, Zhang Qian’s power of faith also rose again and again.

On average, more than two million Power of Faith can be obtained in an hour.

Thirty hours until the start of the monster siege!

A battle group of hundreds of people overcame many difficulties, broke through countless traps, and finally broke into the third floor of the maze.

For a moment, everyone was stunned by the scene they saw.

“Damn it! There are so many monsters! I said why there are so few monsters on the first and second floors of the maze, so they are all gathered on the third floor!”

“What on earth does this King of Joyless want to do? How did he gather so many monsters on the third floor? If all of them are allocated to the first and second floors, how many players are not enough to kill?”

“Hey! There are tens of thousands of skeleton monsters alone! If you kill all these skeleton monsters, how many costumes will it take to explode?”

“There are skeleton archers and skeleton mages behind, as well as a large number of undead knights and dark knights, and there are also quite a few terrifying knights and death knights! The last row of people wearing magic robes must be the legendary necromancers, right? What the hell, it can launch a natural disaster of the undead!”

“Isn’t the density of this monster too high? With just our team, I’m afraid we will be submerged by the sea of ​​undead in no time!”

“Let’s form an formation, let’s just kill some skeleton monsters at the top of the stairs, we can’t kill the monsters behind.”

“That’s the only way to go. Killing skeleton monsters can also explode good things, so there’s no need to die.”

Several hunter players in the battle group released scout falcons to observe the situation on the third floor of the maze, and they were shocked by the results.

There are no organ traps in the entire three floors, and the structure is very simple.

It’s just a big flat, big empty room.

But this entire floor is full of monsters, densely packed and overlapping, and the number is unclear.

Every time Zhang Qian subdues an undead lord, there will be a batch of undead troops.

There are many undead under the command of those undead lords, and when they gather together, they form an extremely huge force.

And these troops in the third floor of the maze are just some regular troops, not really elite.

This world is a real world, not a real online game. The monsters are also real. They are not a string of data, so there are differences between individuals.

Take the undead as an example. There are countless undead creatures in the underworld. They are immortal and absorb the dead energy and dark power of the underworld to strengthen themselves every moment.

As time goes by, the undead who are revived earlier will definitely be stronger than the undead who are revived later.

This is not only true for bosses, but also for ordinary monsters.

This gap between strength and weakness is also obvious from the data. There are always some common monsters whose attributes are higher than those of the same kind.

Zhang Qian selected some ordinary monsters with outstanding attributes to form an elite force, and placed these real elites on the fourth floor as personal guards.

The monsters sent to the first and second floors to die before all came from the third floor.

Seeing that someone broke into the third floor, Zhang Qian was not in a hurry to drive them all out.

Give them some sweetness first, and then kill them. When they explode the situation on the third floor, wouldn’t the attraction of the dark labyrinth be raised to a higher level?

The players, who didn’t realize that they were about to be used, quickly lined up, relying on the narrow stairs, and started slaughtering skeleton monsters recklessly.

The width of the stairs in the dark labyrinth is about three meters, and the third floor is on the top and the second floor is on the bottom, so the undead side is condescending at the moment.

But this is not an advantage of the undead side, but a weakness.

Because the closest to the stairs are the lowest-level skeleton warriors and zombies, they don’t have any long-range attack methods, they are blocked by the melee players in front, and they can’t attack the long-range players behind them at all.

…ask for flowers…

On the contrary, the long-range power on the player’s side can easily attack skeleton warriors and zombies.

In this case, the surging skeletons and zombies fell down one after another, and one or two items burst out from time to time.

That wonderful sound greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of the players for killing monsters.

But the good times don’t last long, and the good situation in front of them is, after all, only the sweetness that Zhang Qian is suitable for them.

Seeing that this group of players had gained enough benefits, Zhang Qian immediately controlled the group of monsters on the third floor remotely,

Order the skeleton monsters and zombies to get out of the way, and let the long-range units in the rear pass.

A large group of high-level long-range undead rushed to the front in a hurry, and directly launched a devastating blow to the melee players in the front row.

Dark Wizard, Necromancer, Lich, Skeleton Axe Thrower, Skeleton Archer…..

All kinds of long-range monsters attack together, the damage can be called an explosion, the blood volume of the melee players in the front row is like a waterfall, and the nurses in the back row will use all their strength

Can’t make it up either.

In an instant, 80% of the melee players in the front row fell.

“Damn it! I can’t bear it anymore, go back!”

“Retreat! All retreat to the second floor, speed up! Don’t dawdle!”

However, simply retreating to the second floor will not help at all.

The monsters on the third floor chased after them, and they didn’t intend to let this player group go.

And the players were still covered with all kinds of messy debuffs, so they couldn’t run with all their strength, and all the monsters who were chased down were wiped out in just a moment.

Zhang Qian smiled in satisfaction, and brought the monster he chased back to the first floor.

It’s okay to take advantage of him, but it’s a bit too much to get out of the whole body after taking advantage of it.

After the players of that battle group were hung back, the situation on the third floor was indeed exposed.

Some people even used special treasures to record images of the battle process and posted them on social platforms. This move immediately caused an uproar on social platforms.

———The third floor of the dark labyrinth! The real sea of ​​undead! Come in and visit quickly!

I am 4! There are so many monsters in the dark labyrinth? My dear, if all of them are dispatched, I am afraid that the entire maze will be emptied!

-What is the King of Unhappy going to do? How did he hoard so many troops?

I don’t understand! There are so many monsters under your command, why don’t you put them on the first and second floors, and squeeze them all on the third floor?

—This is called concentrating superior forces to wipe out the enemy’s vital forces? The King of Unhappy really knows the art of war!

– In the video, this battle group killed a lot of skeleton monsters and exploded a lot of good things!

I also saw a few pieces of fashion, should I see it right?

There are also some strengthening stones, and some other good things! Dark maze yyds, this explosion rate is really invincible!

—How many levels has the King of Unhappy reached? How long will it take to reach level 60? I am at level 65. I really hope that the King of Unhappy can reach level 60 soon.

Players with multiple levels can also enter the Dark Labyrinth.

————It’s still early, and the monsters are getting harder to level up as you go later on. Now the level limit for entering the Dark Labyrinth has only been raised to level 54, which means that the King of Unhappy has only reached level 49 and will wait for a while.

—Wait again? Continue to wait, I’m afraid it will be after the monsters attack the city.

——That can’t be helped, who told the King of Unhappy to torture players for fun? If he likes to kill, then the upgrade speed may be faster.

Alas! What a black-bellied fellow!

Undoubtedly, after this wave of publicity, there will definitely be more players entering the Dark Labyrinth.

And as more and more players entered the dark labyrinth, the speed at which Zhang Qian gained Faith Points would definitely become faster and faster.

Maybe he can super-evolve again without waiting for the monster siege to start.

What happened next was indeed as he expected.

Stimulated by the astonishing gains of the previous wargroup, many players who had no interest in the Dark Labyrinth were also attracted.

The stress resistance of this new wave of players is obviously not comparable to those of the old fritters. They entered the dark labyrinth full of joy and looked forward to bursting into the sky with good things.

But after entering the maze, they realize that they are just ignorant and poor people.

What good stuff? Where is the good stuff?

Want something good? Make sure you are not tortured by all kinds of weird debuffs in the secret realm first!

Of course, there are also some lucky ones who, in the process of enduring all kinds of torture, got the favor of God and got some good things.

But there are only a small number of such players, most of them were killed by the undead monsters sent by Zhang Qian even if they were not tortured insanely.

Under Zhang Qian’s deliberate control, the number of players in the secret realm has always been kept at an appropriate level, neither too many nor too few, just right.

The countdown to the monster siege is 5 hours!

On Zhang Qian’s attribute panel, the super evolution progress bar has come to the end.

100 million Faith Points is finally enough!

Without the slightest hesitation, Zhang Qian directly chose super evolution.

His strength began to increase rapidly again!

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