Job Transfer For All: From Bronze Lord To Immortal Demon God

Chapter 93

Chapter 27 The Fourth Evolution! Legendary Emperor!

Judgment of Darkness: Use on dark creatures to restore the target’s health at 300% of its mana cost, and use it on living creatures to deal magic damage at 150% of its mana cost.

The special effect of this skill is very obvious, and many players know it. It is one of the signature skills of the dark mage.

The damage healing effect is not bad, and it is a relatively commonly used small skill.

But in the hands of the Monarch BOSS, the power of this skill has multiplied several times!

“Fuck! Why does this BOSS increase blood?”

“Is there a mistake? Playing tricks?”

“The boss fights with a nanny, how can this nima be killed? Isn’t the milk supply too much? How can you play with tens of millions of blood at once?”

“The key point is that she has thick blood, high defense and high attack speed, and her movement speed and attack speed are not weak. Isn’t this too versatile?”

“Stop talking nonsense! Hurry up and focus on the fire, and kill this BOSS that will increase blood first!”

However, after enduring a lot of attacks, Lucifer flew away briskly flapping his black wings when his health was only one third left.

This move directly made the players completely stunned!

Seeing that he was about to be beaten to death, but the boss ran away, and they couldn’t catch up, how could there be any reason for this?

But what the players don’t know is that what makes them collapse even more is yet to come.

Only two or three minutes later, Lucifer reappeared, and at this time her health and mana had been fully regenerated.

After she joined the battlefield, a dark trial directly fell on a king boss.

This king boss originally had a trace of blood left, and it seemed that he could be completely killed in a minute, but after being judged by the dark, his blood volume instantly returned to full value and his combat power recovered again.

“I’m vomiting blood! How the hell do you beat me? This amount of milk can’t kill you!”

“How come her mana is back to full? Are you dying?”

“What’s so strange about this? High-level mages have almost the same skills as our players, and our player mages can make up for teammates, as can those dark mages!”

“The monster still uses this method? It’s really a long time to see!”

“Obviously, this BOSS is also very smart, not the kind of stupid BOSS who kills indiscriminately!”

“Stop talking nonsense, let’s think about how to kill her. With such a super nanny to take care of, those big bosses can’t be killed at all, okay?”

“Summon the gods! The current situation is obvious, the later we summon the gods, the greater our losses will be.”

The united front commander thought about it, but did not adopt the opinions of the regiment members.

The Spirit Summoning Scroll is a top-level strategic resource, and it must not be used lightly before seeing the target of this trip.

“Use the exile scroll, first send the two monarch bosses away, and then open the situation as soon as possible to let the people behind come in.

410 When top-level guilds attack big bosses, they naturally have to cover everything, simulate possible situations in the secret realm, and then find out countermeasures.

So in addition to the means to deal with the biggest target, this player army has also prepared many temples.

Consumables such as group healing scrolls, group acceleration scrolls, and exile scrolls are naturally indispensable.

Following the order of the united front commander, the two deputy officers immediately took out the exile scrolls and sealed Lucifer and Thanatos.

This kind of scroll is very precious and rare, and its effect is also very powerful. Moreover, it seals a directional exile skill, and the selected target cannot avoid it at all.

Although it does not cause any harm, it can determine the direction of the overall situation when used well.

After Lucifer and Thanatos were sealed, the players’ situation immediately improved a lot.

Waves of undead creatures have been destroyed, and players have more and more strategic depth space.

The players behind finally have a place to start the queue.


twenty thousand!

More and more players are entering the Temple of Chaos!

During the period, Lucifer and Thanatos broke out several times, but were quickly sealed up again. They had great strength but were unable to display it.

Finally, all the 160,000 player legions entered the Palace of Chaos, occupying one-third of the space of the Palace of Chaos.

At this time, there is no need to seal Lucifer and Thanatos.

When they broke out again, the player united front commander decided to mobilize long-range forces to directly kill the two king bosses on the spot.

But just when he was about to execute the plan, a strong coercion suddenly filled the empty Chaos Palace.

“What happened? What happened again?”

The frontline players were at a loss, and then quickly changed their expressions.

Because they saw from a distance, on the high throne of the Temple of Chaos, a tall figure stood upright, and then slowly floated in the air.

Energy surged around him, and countless runes lingered around him, looking mysterious and noble, like a legendary god, making it hard to look directly at.

“The Emperor of Chaos…he, is he going to advance again? How come so fast?”

The players were so shocked that they couldn’t believe this guess at all.

But the fact is right in front of you, if it is not advanced, then what is it?

This terrifying power, as well as that violent energy, are all these fake?

As the players guessed!

Zhang Qian is indeed about to advance again!

Less than six hours after the last super-evolution, he ushered in the moment of advanced legend.

From the start of the super evolution, his power of faith will be divided into two parts, one part will be poured into the evolution progress bar, and the other part will be poured into the super evolution progress bar.

Due to the different demands on the power of faith between the two in the early stage, the two evolutions are always unable to proceed simultaneously.

That’s why the current situation came into being. It wasn’t long before the super evolution, and he ushered in the normal evolution again.

The energy equivalent to the super evolution not long ago was poured into Zhang Qian’s body again.

It’s just that he encountered a similar baptism once, and this time the reaction in his body was much calmer.

The body is strengthened again, the skills are strengthened again, and the authority is strengthened again…

Every aspect is step-by-step, advancing steadily to a higher level.

After a full quarter of an hour, this ordinary evolution was completely over.

【Chaos Great Emperor (Underworld Emperor)】

【Level: 166 (Experience Points: 1.3e/7.6e)】

[Stage: Legendary Emperor]

【Evolution: 18w/100e】

【Super evolution: le/100e】

【Life: 26.56e】

[Mana: 2.65e]

【Attack: 2.65e-3.98e】

【Defense: 2.65e】

[Skills: Dark Sword Slash, Death Pact, Dark Nine Slash, Dark Flame, King’s Power, Eye of Chaos, King’s Domain, Chaos Sword, Broken Void, Elegy of Soul, Gate of the Underworld, Elemental Control, Driving Personal Conquest, Doomsday Judgment, Dimensional Descent, Endless Circle, Immortality, Time Control, Ragnarok]

【Territory: Dark Labyrinth】

As usual, after completing normal evolution, Zhang Qian gained another skill.

Ragnarok: Increases damage to gods by 300%.

A skill with a very simple attribute, but very useful to Zhang Qian, he even doubted whether the rules were favoring him.

Otherwise, why would you let yourself awaken such a skill at this time?

With such a skill, he will have a great advantage when fighting against the gods in the future.

However, Zhang Qian frowned quickly.

The rules do not arbitrarily favor any one creature.

I can have the dusk of the gods, so does it mean that the gods also have the ability to restrain dark creatures?

This question flashed in Zhang Qian’s mind, and he was not overly afraid, but just kept it in his heart, and when he encountered it, he just wanted to be on guard.

Then, he put away his thoughts, and flew towards the invading player camp with a thought.

And everyone on the player’s side couldn’t help but gasp when they saw the legendary emperor’s halo shining around the Chaos Great Emperor.

Although there is no system announcement for ordinary evolution, this dazzling halo alone is enough to make players confirm that the already very troublesome Chaos Emperor has become even more terrifying now!

“Sure enough! He really has advanced again! Legendary Emperor! I don’t know how strong it will be?”

“Don’t think about it, this is definitely not a boss we can deal with, quickly summon the gods!”

“Yes! Hurry up and summon the gods, we can’t let them kill the person with the summoning scroll!”

Amidst the bursts of discussion, a loud hymn suddenly sounded in the player camp.

Then, the first puppet god descended!

This is a tall and burly angel. He has blond hair all over his head, and the wings on his back are also glowing with a faint golden light. He holds a huge golden sword in his hand, and even the armor on his body is made of divine gold.

From a distance, it looks like a dazzling golden sculpture.

Immediately afterwards, the second, third, fourth, and fifth puppet gods descended in sequence.

The god of the earth with skin like rocks!

A slender elf elementalist with butterfly wings on her back!

An unknown protoss that seems to be full of tentacles but is actually indescribable!

The god of Bimon with hair like steel needles and sharp teeth!

Zhang Qian used the Eye of Chaos to pass through it, and the attributes of the five (bcdd) puppet gods were immediately clear.

【Battle Angel Pavaro (Puppet God)】

【Level: 650】

[rank: myth lord (divine fire first rank)]

【Life: 1.47e】



【Defense: 1497w】

[Skills: Healing, Group Healing, Resurrection, Holy Judgment, Barrier, Holy Praise]

【Territory: None】

【Earth God Beru (Puppet God)】

【Level: 655】

[rank: myth lord (divine fire first rank)]

【Life: 1.48e】

【Mana: 1498kw】


【Defense: 1498w】

[Skills: Shaking the Earth, Falling Stars, Summoning Earth Elements, Body of Rock, Stone Skin for Body Protection]

【Territory: None】

【Spirit Elemental Maker Rila (Puppet God)】

【Level: 622】

[Stage: Mythical King (Shenhuo Tier 1)]

【Life: 14.3e】

[Mana: 1.43e]

【Attack: 1.43e-1.86e】

【Defense: 1.43e】

[Skills: elemental magic, forbidden spell, source of magic power, enchantment]

【Territory: None】

【Void Walker Sidibe (Puppet God)】

【Level: 651】

[rank: myth lord (divine fire first rank)]

【Life: 1.47e】

【Mana: 1497kw】


【Defense: 1497w】

[Skills: Void Shuttle, Pain Entanglement, Dark Ray, Silent Torment]

【Territory: None】

【God of Bimon Zeta】

【Level: 644】

[rank: myth lord (divine fire first rank)]

【Life: 1.47e】

【Mana: 1497kw】


【Defense: 1497w】

[Skills: Man of Steel, Claw of Destruction, Berserk, Blood Rage]

【Territory: None】

The five puppet gods have their own characteristics, and all of them are the first-order god fire, which means that their attributes have doubled from the original basis, and it also means that they all have holy attack and holy defense.

It is precisely because they have holy attack and holy defense that they can say that their offensive and defensive attributes are not bad.

Otherwise, with this little attack, hitting Zhang Qian’s body would be no different from scratching an itch, and it would be impossible to break through the defense.

Among the five puppet gods, only the spirit element makes Rila worth noting.

This puppet god is the big boss of the mythical king class!

Its various attributes are already at the same level as Zhang Qian, and it also has an absolute advantage in offense and defense.

If he was hit by him, Zhang Qian would also be in pain.

“Ants!” Zhang Qian said casually, “Are you trying to destroy me with these things?”

According to his true personality, he definitely wouldn’t say such rubbish words before the war.

However, stimulating players can also get faith points, why not do it?

“Damn it! This boss is so pretentious! He actually called us ants!”

“Damn it! Fuck him to death!”

“Kill him! Dare to say that we are ants, can a small boss turn against the sky in front of the five gods?”


Under the control of the United Front Commander, the battle angel Pavaro casts the enchantment technique, covering all players in the enchantment, providing the players with indestructible defense support.

Then, he put a large-scale group buff.

Holy salute!

As soon as this skill is released, all aspects of the players’ attributes will be greatly improved immediately.

Beru, the God of the Earth, also releases a large-scale group buff body protection stone skin, which once again improves the defense of all creatures in this camp.

Rila, the spirit elementalist, can also cast various buffs of forbidden spells, as well as the rage and blood rage of Zeta, the god of Bimon, which can be blessed on the player.

After evolution time and time again, the power of common skills of creatures will become more and more powerful. Skills such as berserk and blood rage can only be used by themselves, but after evolving into gods, they can bless allies on a large scale.

“When everything is over, you will kneel down and beg for my forgiveness, and I will reject you. Your wailing of pain will be the best proof of my wild strength!” Zhang Qian’s majestic voice stirred the nerves of the players again.

After he chanted briefly, he released a big move that had never been used before.

Dirge of the Soul!

Countless translucent souls were enslaved by him, flew out of his palm, and rushed towards the player’s camp angrily.

The damage caused by each soul is very limited, but Zhang Qian has accumulated too many souls.

After acquiring this skill, the souls of all creatures killed by him will be collected by him.

If it is not protected by the rules, those creatures will die completely.

Under the impact of countless souls, the barrier arranged by the battle angel Pavaro is crumbling, and it seems that it may be broken at any time.

Beru, the God of the Earth, and Zeta Qiqi, the God of Beamon, rushed out of the barrier to kill Zhang Qian.

These two puppet gods are close combat, and the attack power of the latter is very terrifying.

They rushed in front of Zhang Qian almost instantly, Zhang Qian was happy and unafraid, he waved the huge sword in his hand, and slashed at Beru, the God of Heaven and Earth.


A terrifying injury shocked all players!

Beru, the god of the earth, has more than half of his health bar empty, and it seems that Ping will fall completely if he is attacked again.

With the blessing of the passive skill Ragnarok, Zhang Qian can deal triple damage to the gods.

If it weren’t for the various buffs and damage-free skills on Beru, the god of the earth, this blow would definitely kill him instantly!

“Damn it! One sword does 120 million damage! Isn’t this shit too exaggerated?”

“The gods can’t handle this!”

“This Chaos Emperor’s attack is too abnormal!”

The other puppet gods didn’t look at it either, they launched an attack on Zhang Qian.






There was a lot of damage on Zhang Qian’s head, but the blood bar didn’t move, and all the damage was offset by the undying light.

The players were dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

“Nimma! After suffering so much damage, how come the blood volume doesn’t decrease?”

“Is this BOSS open? Or locked blood?”

“There is a shield! He must have a shield on him, we must destroy the shield first!”

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