Job Transfer For All: From Bronze Lord To Immortal Demon God

Chapter 97

Chapter 31 From Today, Chaos God Sect Is Established

“Damn it! Brother, you are so courageous! You dare to attack the ideas of the two bosses, aren’t you afraid of being beaten to death by them?”

“Hey! Let me just say, how dare you really think about them? What kind of characters are the two bosses, how could they have a crush on me?”

“Hehe, it’s good if you have self-knowledge. The president of the tenth-level guild Yanyu Pavilion used to pursue our president, but he was chased and killed by the president more than a dozen times before giving up. If you can make the president look at you, then you Even better than the president of Yanyu Pavilion!”

“Hiss! The president is so scary? Can’t be provoked! Really can’t be provoked!”

“I really can’t afford it! I don’t know which man in the world can be attracted by the two presidents……”

“Hey! Look quickly, the vice president walked up to the altar holding a statue. Is that the statue to be added this time?”

“Zoomed in! The statue started to zoom in! Damn it! It’s a man!”

“Who is this man? He looks even more handsome than Lao Tzu! He also looks very imposing! Does our guild have such a man?”

“I don’t know! Why did the two bosses put such a man on the top of the altar? This is even higher than the president!”

“Hiss! This statue… the Chaos Emperor statue?! Is this the Chaos Emperor I know?”

“Fuck! Besides the Chaos Emperor, who else is there?”

“The attribute of this idol is so abnormal! What the hell, if I can equip it on my body, will it be invincible at different levels?”

“Who isn’t? Let’s not talk about the added basic attack, and the attributes that are based on percentages will turn blue!”

“Look at the attributes at the back, that chaotic halo is awesome! All members get 10% bonus to all attributes, so what an advantage you have in team battles! It’s terrifying! It’s also immune to all kinds of damage in the dark labyrinth.” debuff, take this artifact to the dark labyrinth to spawn monsters, don’t you just spawn as you want?”

“Don’t even think about it. No one will take this divine artifact statue away. We can only get the small statue through prayer.”

“Small statues are not bad, at least the halo effect of immunity to the maze debuff is still there. Saving more ordinary statues can synthesize bronze statues, and bronze statues should also be able to be combined upwards. The higher the quality of the statue, the better the attribute, but I don’t know. Can you synthesize another artifact idol?”

“Don’t dream, I guess it would be nice to be able to synthesize a legendary idol.”

At this time, the statue has been enlarged to more than 30 meters high.

The sacred altar has also expanded a lot. This expansion is not unreasonable expansion, but requires filling materials to expand 15.

Moreover, the larger the expansion area and the higher the height, the more materials will be consumed.

The members of the guild looked at the exaggeratedly large sacred altar, and they were all dumbfounded.

Earlier, the statue of the president was only ten meters long, but now a statue of more than 30 meters has been directly placed on top of it, which is truly astonishing!

“With such a large expansion, how terrible is the daily maintenance cost? Is this necessary?”

“Don’t worry, the reason why the president and the others made this kind of decision must be after careful consideration. If there are not enough benefits, why should they do this? Do you think they are silly girls who are in love?”

Some people question it, and some people understand it.

In this way, the statue of the Emperor of Chaos was placed on the sacred altar of the Emerald Dream Guild.

Then, Tang Wan put her own statue next to Yao Yao’s statue.

The three god statues are arranged in the shape of a character, with the statue of the Great Chaos Emperor placed at the highest point, and the next level is the statue of Tangkou Jumping.

There are still many positions below, which are prepared for players who will become gods in the guild in the future.

After finishing the statue, Tang Wan stood directly on the sacred altar and said in a crisp, loud and pleasant voice: “From today onwards, the Emerald Dream Guild will officially begin to transform into the Chaos God Cult. From now on, the only belief in this guild is the Chaos Emperor. Someone who cannot accept this decision can withdraw from the guild now! Above all, I encourage you!”

Someone asked loudly: “Vice President, do we have to change our name after that? Is the President the leader? Can I be a Catholic?”

Tang Wan smiled and responded loudly: “That’s right, the president is the leader, and I am the deputy leader. As for other positions, our Chaos God Sect doesn’t engage in those messy things, and everything depends on the quality of the gods! Whoever owns ordinary gods, then Whoever is an ordinary believer, whoever has a bronze statue, is a bronze believer, and so on, the higher the quality of the statue, the more pious the faith. The most devout fanatic will definitely receive the richest reward from the Emperor of Chaos!”

Another asked: “Then can we get the artifact?”

Tang Wan waved her long sleeves and said with a light smile: “Want to get the artifact? Go to the dark labyrinth to browse, there is everything there, now you should find a way to get the statue first.

After she finished speaking, she left hand in hand with Yao Yao, and the rest of the matter would naturally be resolved by the senior management.

After the two presidents left, the players of the Emerald Dream began to pay homage to the statue.

Due to the guidance of rules, the exchange of beliefs between gods and believers is very simple.

Guild players have three chances to pay homage to the statue every day, and each visit can get 100 points of power of faith.

The 100 points of power of faith can be allocated by the player to any statue on the sacred altar.

It can be divided equally, or all can be allocated to a statue.

It is precisely because of this setting that Logan did not erect her god statue at the beginning, otherwise there would definitely be players in the guild who would give her the power of faith.

In that case, Yao Yao’s growth rate will inevitably be affected.

In addition to the three fixed visit opportunities every day, players also have a certain chance to get various offerings such as joss sticks and other offerings when doing temple tasks.

Use incense candles and offerings to get extra opportunities to worship.

And the higher the quality of the incense candles and sacrifices, the more power of faith you will get when visiting the worship.

The highest quality mythical incense candles and mythical sacrifices, one can gain the power of faith in the ten directions.

For Conferred God players, sacrificial items such as incense candles and sacrifices can definitely be regarded as indispensable consumables.

Therefore, most ordinary players without guilds will get the sacrificial items and sell them on the trading platform.

Even the top guilds dare not force all players to use the sacrificial objects for nothing on the players who pay homage to the gods of the guild, and can only spend money to buy them first.

In this respect, guild bosses absolutely dare not try to save money, because if you don’t give a reasonable price, guild players dare not sell it publicly, but they can secretly sell it in private.

If you don’t buy it, someone will buy it. You can’t just watch others improve their strength and just stand still, right?

If you really want to do this, you will definitely seek your own death.

Right now, the players of the Emerald Dream didn’t stop after the three chances to pay homage were used up, and those who had sacrificial objects took them out to pay homage on the spot.

And the players who didn’t have any sacrificial objects rushed out of the secret realm to the city to find the temple to accept the task to collect the sacrificial objects.

It is much more convenient for rich players, who directly take out their savings and buy sacrificial items on the trading platform.

Wealthy rank-and-file members, and even more so the rich management, were buying up the sacrificial offerings.

Even Tang Wan and Yao Yao are not immune!

As a result, due to the purchase of the Emerald Dreamland, the price of the sacrificial objects on the trading platform began to rise wildly.

Many non-guild players are crazy about it, and the sacrificial items are immediately sold out as soon as they are put on the shelves, and the price hikes can’t stop it!

This abnormal phenomenon was quickly discussed by players on social platforms.

——Holy shit! What’s going on? Why did the sacrificial objects suddenly become so popular? What happened?

—I don’t know! It seems that the Emerald Dream Guild over there in Shanghai is making a big purchase.

—Yes, it is true that the Emerald Dream Guild is making a big purchase, they are completely unruly!

– It’s rolled up! Fengshen players are going to roll up!

——Haha! Roll it up! Usually set a high price, and those Conferred God players would not buy it, for fear that the price of the sacrificial objects would not be able to be suppressed. Now someone has finally broken this deadlock! I saved hundreds Sacrifice objects, this wave can finally make a fortune! Wait for the price to rise!

——Brother upstairs, you can’t do it, you only saved a few hundred, and I saved more than 8,000!

———Holy shit! The boss is so ruthless, he must be a professional businessman, right? Your sacrificial objects should be purchased normally, right?

———That’s right, hoarding goods, I finally made me wait!

—The businessman upstairs, I want all of your more than 8,000 beliefs, and the price is up to you.

—Hiss! Isn’t this a manager of the Emerald Dream? Are you really going to buy something of faith at any cost? What is this plan?

— Needless to say? It must be the Emerald Dream who chose to believe in God! Hehe, I didn’t expect that it was the Emerald Dream who first decided to become the lackey of the gods. I’m really disappointed!

—Don’t put it so harshly, what’s wrong with choosing to believe in a god? Who stipulated that you can’t choose to believe in a god? Let me just say that we have indeed chosen to believe in a god in the Emerald Dream, but you must have no idea which god we chose!

— Haha! Don’t think about it, the insider of your guild has already spread the news! I’m laughing to death, the majestic tenth-level guild actually chose Chaos Emperor, a legendary emperor OSS, as the god of faith [he’s not even a god! Haha!

―What the hell? The Emerald Dream actually chooses the Emperor of Chaos as the God of Faith? Isn’t this crazy?

——A group of idiots with long hair and short knowledge, just wait! What’s the use of laughing now? When you cry!

The forest is so big that there are all kinds of birds, and the total number of members of the Emerald Dream is as many as several million. It is not difficult at all to plant a few traitors among so many people.

For the Grand Council, this is also a routine operation.

Everyone is well aware of this, and they are not in the mood to completely clean up the inside.

At this moment, Tang Wan and Yao Yao also saw various discussions on social platforms.

Yao Yao frowned and said: “Those traitors in the guild are too abominable! Teacher, do you want to clear them out? We will gain a major advantage in the dark labyrinth, and we must not let those traitors take advantage of it.”

Tang Wan smiled slightly: “Don’t pay attention to them, there is a huge difference between the religious system and the guild system. You don’t need to bear too much price for betraying the guild, but the price for betraying the religion is not so easy to bear. Those traitors, they want to keep Let them keep it as long as they contribute more and more power of faith, sooner or later they will truly integrate into our Chaos God Sect. One day, when the Great Emperor becomes a real Demon God, no one will dare to betray! A Demon God Which player can afford the punishment?”

Yao Yao was still a little unwilling: “It’s really cheap for them!”

Tang Wan said calmly: “Yao Yao, you have to remember that a dead enemy is the best enemy, but only by turning the enemy into a tool can we maximize our benefits.”

Yao Yao was thoughtful, and finally nodded: “Okay, then let them go first.”

The Imperial Capital Restaurant is still the conference hall.

The vice presidents of the five top guilds and a group of staff members gathered together, all of them were frowning and at a loss.

After thinking for a long time, he said in a deep voice: “The matter of eradicating the Chaos Emperor is irreversible now, let’s discuss the matter of the Emerald Dream. That crazy woman Tang Wan started to convulse again, and suddenly asked the guild members to buy sacrificial objects wantonly. thing

What do you think?”

Panda, the vice president of Excalibur Guild, sneered and said, “Ranzhi, don’t pretend to be confused anymore. The Emerald Dream Guild chose Emperor Chaos to do the work of believing in God. I don’t believe you.

have no idea. ”

Because of being sprayed bloody on social platforms before, and none of these allies are in their early years, Panda has been holding back his breath, and now he is too lazy to continue to maintain

Protect allies.

The attack on the dark labyrinth failed, and the eradication of Chaos Emperor Bayi failed.

It is not difficult to see from the expressions of the people that they seem to have decided not to spend any more time on this matter.

Their idea is obvious. Anyway, there is nothing they can do. It is better to let things develop freely.

In this case, the existence of the alliance has little significance.

Without the restraint of the alliance relationship, the panda will naturally not get used to meddling with this old enemy.

Bomb, the vice-chairman of the Golden Flower Club, said with a smile: “Let’s stop beating around the bush, the vice-chairman Renzhi should also know the attributes of the Chaos Emperor Idol, immune to the dark maze deb

uff! With this, you can unscrupulously spawn monsters in the dark labyrinth. What a terrible profit that is? For the benefit of the dark labyrinth, invest a lot of gold coins to buy sacrifices

It’s also worth it. I guess getting involved in the vice president is nothing more than 493 wanting to make a fortune with the Emerald Dream Guild, right?”

Gray Wolf, the deputy leader of the Wild Wolf Group, and Ah Shui, the deputy leader of the Faye Alliance, looked at each other, and an imperceptible sneer flashed at the corners of their mouths.

I don’t know if this ridicule is a disdain for the hypocrisy of the finger, or a contempt for the Emerald Dream guild’s selection of a monster to be the god of faith, or maybe a combination of both.

Seeing that his thoughts were seen through by everyone, Ye Zhi simply stopped hiding it, and immediately said with a smile: “Children are the ones who tell right from wrong, adults only care about profit, and we want to kill corrupted people first.”

Isn’t the dark sword master also trying to explode the artifact? It’s just that as he became stronger step by step, this goal failed to be achieved in the end. Now the Fallen Dark Sword Master has become the Emperor of Chaos,

We can’t kill it, so we can only find alternative benefits in other aspects. Judging from the current situation, the basic output of the Dark Labyrinth is already greater than that of artifacts.

Even if you kill the Chaos Emperor, you can’t give up the interests of the Dark Labyrinth!”

The panda said coldly: “It’s up to you to say that? Which company hasn’t sent an elite battle group to attack the Dark Labyrinth? You’d better put forward some constructive suggestions, and don’t talk about these nonsense

Seeing so many people making a lot of money in the Dark Labyrinth, the five top guilds definitely couldn’t sit still.

So during this wave of debuff cool-down period, the five top guilds also sent battle groups into the dark labyrinth.

Moreover, since the level of the Chaos Emperor has been raised again, the restrictions on entering the secret realm have also been increased. The five top guilds are all sending high-level elite groups.

Originally, the five top guilds planned to go in to fish for a wave and then leave, waiting for the next wave of debuff cool-down period before going in and continuing to fish.

In this way, we have been exploiting the loopholes in the rules of the dark labyrinth, and we can get a little bit.

But now, the Emerald Dream Guild has come up with such a thing as the Chaos Emperor God Statue.

This caught the five top guilds by surprise.

The Emerald Dream has the chaotic halo of the god statue, immune to the maze debuff, and can continue to brush in the maze.

In the end, sooner or later, he will be able to completely distance himself from the five top guilds.

How can the five top guilds tolerate this situation?

The reason why they can still sit here and maintain the alliance relationship is because they have discovered new common contradictions.

Facing Panda Cong’s reprimand, Ran Zhi’s expression was also a little chilly, but he suppressed the anger in his heart, and said with a smile: “I mean, can we also choose

Believe in Chaos Emperor? Join if you can’t beat it, not Xiangling. ”

Hearing this, the panda said angrily, “It’s really a good idea to join if you can’t beat it, but it’s a pity that if you want to join, they may not want you.”

“Panda!” Yan Zhi couldn’t help it: “If you want to talk, say it well, our alliance hasn’t disbanded yet!”

Panda shook his head, mockingly said: “Is there any meaning for this alliance? Everyone is sitting here for a meeting on the surface, but in fact they are secretly mobilizing people to buy sacrificial objects, right?

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of the other vice presidents showed embarrassment.

There is no doubt that they are also responsible for the sharp price increase of sacrificial objects.

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