JOJO: Saved Cesar at the Start!

Chapter 13

13. Eat In Big Chunks! (For Collection)

Kaz’s purpose is nothing more than to try Qiao Yu, and he is very satisfied with this work, but his attitude really makes him quite angry.

I didn’t intend to let him go, and I had to take out this kid’s brain research and research. After all, in Katz’s eyes, the future earth would be his own.

Lisa Lisa’s heart sank, and she saw Waum waved his hand and said, “Leave half of it, it’s up to you whether you can solve this kid or not!”

Then, before Lisa Lisa could refute, Waum also turned his head and disappeared into a gust of wind!

“It’s a trick! This man of pillars is so hateful, they took advantage of your trust in Qiao Yu!”

JOJO was furious, but it was too late to say anything now, half of the vampires were ready to attack.

In their eyes, Qiao Yu is now nothing but food in their eyes.

“JOJO, go back and get Akaishi! They are targeting me! You must not interfere!”

When Qiao Yu said this, JOJO trembled in his heart, and it seemed that he had always misunderstood Qiao Yu. This statement was righteous and awe-inspiring, and his eyes were full of determination.

At this moment, JOJO can be said to admire Qiao Yu.

“It’s a man, I blamed you in the past! But, isn’t it fifty vampires! I won’t let you die at their hands!”

Lisa Lisa also immediately helped: “Yes, we came in together! You must not be allowed to fight alone!”

With that said, Qiao Yu was about to cry, these guys are all their own bread. If you kill one of Ripple, you will lose several experience points if you eat one less.

When Waum said he was staying halfway, his heart was bleeding!

Although it is said that swallowing human beings by oneself also has experience points, but after being a human being for so many years, how can you just say swallowing people and swallowing individuals.

Moreover, this vampire has enough experience, and nothing can be given to these two ripple warriors.

Especially Lisa Lisa, the scarf is casually thrown, and a vampire will die.

That is the value of living experience!

“No! Kaz did this on purpose. If you take action, it will consume a lot of physical strength. The duel at 0:00 is not good for you!”

Qiao Yu never gave up in order to achieve his goals. He just scolded Kaz’s son and stimulated him, so he kept half of the vampires for himself.

Can’t let Lisa Lisa and JOJO split up!

I have said so myself, if these two still insist, then they must not be swallowed first, and then eat those vampires.

“Hahaha, ridiculous humans, even if you all stay! They are not opponents, they are just our food!”

“Yeah, just save Kaz-sama and fight with you! We’ll take care of you!”

These bastard vampires don’t care what Akaishi is, they don’t have bound time bombs.

And Kaz’s purpose for leaving half of the vampires, of course, is to know that Lisa Lisa has this strength. One hundred vampires are definitely not opponents, and fifty vampires may lose both.

However, he didn’t believe that Lisa Lisa would go all out for a vampire.

“Come on! Lisa Lisa is already a hostage, don’t be fooled by them!”

Qiao Yu’s anger was unstoppable, but it was an unparalleled shock in JOJO’s heart.

“Is this righteousness?”

JOJO was shocked, a vampire who he had been suspecting for a long time, even desperately wanted to let himself go at this moment.

“But you…”

“Nothing but, let’s go!”

Tears flashed in JOJO’s eyes, and he looked at Qiao Yu with gratitude.

“Qiao Yu, if you survive, it doesn’t matter if you are a vampire or a human! You brother, I’ve decided!”

After finishing speaking, JOJO nodded at Lisa Lisa and ran out of the castle.

Lisa Lisa looked at the vampires falling in rows from the sky.

He raised his hand and put it on the scarf.

“You look down on me like that?”

Qiao Yu’s voice was cold, but firm.

“I didn’t, I didn’t look down on you!”

The originally cold Lisa Lisa was at a loss for words. This Qiao Yu’s voice was too cold, with no emotion at all.

But like a knife, it stabbed into his heart fiercely.

“Then step aside, this kind of work is not something a woman can do!”

Qiao Yu’s words are so handsome, Lisa Lisa’s heart is pounding, he is too much like George, or, better than George.

“Thank you just now for speaking for me!”

Hearing what Qiao Yu said, Lisa Lisa was stunned for a moment.

“Didn’t you say that you want to be human again?”

Lisa Lisa was a little nervous and her voice was a little low.

“You are too simple, and Kaz believes it! If you use an empty city plan, he will not be so stupid as to believe whatever you say! When I become a human, I believe in myself more now!”

After that, Qiao Yu waved his hand and shouted at the fifty vampires who had already lined up on the opposite side: “Come on! Suffer!”

The vampires were like an army that had just entered the battlefield, and the manic excitement made the entire castle boil.

“Remember, dedicate his brain to Lord Kaz!”

“it is good!”

Immediately, there were rumbling footsteps. The originally quiet castle was like an earthquake, and even the outer walls of the castle shook.

“I’m sorry, Lisa Lisa! I’ll give this life back to Uncle George!”

While Lisa Lisa was stunned, Qiao Yu hugged her waist and threw her hard, and she was thrown out of the castle by Qiao Yu.

And Qiao Yu, finally, could no longer hold back the ecstasy in his heart, facing fifty buns that rushed over.

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!”

This laughter entered Lisa Lisa’s ears, but it was an endless sadness.

A tear slid down the corner of Lisa Lisa’s eyes. *

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