JOJO: Saved Cesar at the Start!

Chapter 38

38. Kaz’S Nightmare!

Is this the rhythm of “Dragon Quest”?

It just so happens that his stand-in is a slime, and it feels a bit tricky, but Qiao Yu is looking forward to this feeling.

Facing the rushing Kaz, Qiao Yu flashed to the right and kicked the dragon on the head.


Kaz was kicked by the sudden kick.

“This kick is to tell you that I don’t want to be a vampire! Who asked you to put that ugly mask on my handsome face?”

Kaz was a little stunned, shook his head, let out a neigh and continued to attack!

However, after all, Qiao Yu has the blessing of fast movement and double Waum combat power, and falling from the sky is another kick.

He hates himself now that he doesn’t have a long sword, which is the standard for Dragon Quest.

Suddenly, Qiao Yu seemed to remember something.

Since it is the ultimate creature, the long sword made of animal bones is also very powerful.

[The star swallower can reorganize weapons without the host’s body. 】

Sure enough, there is still a good system. In the blink of an eye, a giant sword appeared in Qiao Yu’s hand, and even Kaz, who attacked, was stunned.

Wanted to brake in the air, but it was too late.

Qiao Yu, holding swords in both hands, rose into the air and inserted the long sword into Kaz’s dragon head.


With a painful wailing, Kaz’s whole body was not well. He had just been poke a hole from the back to the front by a beam of golden light, and now he was poke a hole from the front to the back by Qiao Yu.

And at the next moment, when he was about to draw out his long sword to counterattack Qiao Yu.

The darkness in front of him made his heart sink to the bottom again.

Thirty thousand years ago, I saw the sun for the first time, walked in the sun for the first time, and why did it return to darkness, and this is a fairly dark space, I don’t know where it is, and there are no boundaries.

He seemed to have forgotten the long sword stuck to his head. Kaz wanted to shout, but there was no sound. No matter how much he tried to make a sound, it was dead silence.

For the first time in 30,000 years, he felt this kind of intense depression. The loneliness of the past hit him. He seemed to feel that the people he killed were watching him around him, including his parents, even in his There were words in his ears that he didn’t understand.

[Devouring Target: Kaz, Identity: Ultimate Creature, Status: Injured! Digestible, digestion takes 24 hours, expected to gain phagocytic experience 50. 】

Qiao Yu’s whole body is not well, how can this ultimate creature give so much experience. And the digestion time is a bit too long, right?

[The host is also the ultimate creature, swallowed at the same level, and the experience value is within the normal range. 】

“In that case, is there no other solution that is more beneficial to me?”

[You can try to capture his ultimate biological identity! 】

When Qiao Yu heard this, he immediately burst into laughter, the system is still good! Even if this kind of thing can be done, to put it bluntly, it is to demote him.

“Can you turn him into a vampire?”

【You can try it! 】

This is simply 30 years of Hedong, 30 years of Hexi, don’t bully young poor!

This change of identity is really heart-warming and beautiful!

[After systematic analysis, it will take about a hundred days to downgrade Kaz to a vampire. 】

“It only takes forty-nine days for Taishang Laojun to refine his grandson monkey. Isn’t this a bit too long!”

[Every minute can strip him of the ability of a creature, it will take about a hundred days to calculate, please wait patiently! 】

This has the feeling of being executed in a lingering manner. It’s a bit too cruel to peel off a layer of skin in one minute.

“However, I like it very much, hahaha! Kaz, you have today too!”

[The host goes into hibernation for 100 days, and the effect is even better! 】

In this case, a relatively quiet environment is needed, but JOJO cannot be allowed to stay in his star eater all the time.

“Yes, go find Siji Q!”

As JOJO’s wife, this woman should take good care of him!

Find a quiet place by yourself, blow the sea breeze, and sleep well for three months.

Thinking of this, Qiao Yu did not choose to fly, but found a fishing boat on the sea.

Onward to Venice!

Kaz in the Star Eater space, he no longer shouted, because he couldn’t even hear a sound.

Suddenly, he heard a voice, which was like a ray of light in the darkness, making him a little ecstatic.

However, the voice was familiar, but unfamiliar.

“Caz, you’ve grown up and your wings are hard! Then let’s start with your wings!”

This voice came from the father who killed himself, with a gloomy smile on his face, he was walking towards him with a knife.

Kaz was furious, he believed that he had the ability to lead everything, that he was the ultimate creature, the one who ruled the world!

However, at this time, all the abilities were not used, and the father’s hand was pulling the feather from his black feather.

The pain was so real that Kaz began to miss the time when he was called Dad Qiao Yu.

This father is so scary that he is frantically plucking the feathers from his wings.


There was only pain, and even howling, Kaz couldn’t do it.

For 30,000 years, he has personally killed countless people who wailed in front of him.

However, now he has become the target of the murder.

Immediately afterwards, there were footsteps and creepy laughter.

“Caz, it’s time to cut your nails!”

This was the mother’s voice, but she was clearly holding a guillotine, the guillotine used for execution.

“Caz, you’re cold, you can warm up!”

The voice of the old chief.

“Marisa, Marisa, Marisa!”

Estes and Waum!

Katz fell into a fear he’d never felt before, a fear he couldn’t break free of. *

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