JOJO: Saved Cesar at the Start!

Chapter 524

524 Devouring Fate!

In the void, a blank, the whole world seems to see nothing, but it seems to see everything.

Although fate is the master of everyone in this world, his attack method is relatively simple, that is, to control people and pull everyone’s future into the established track.

He had no choice but to use the people around Qiao Yu to threaten him.

Fate has always indulged Qiao Yu, let him save everyone in this world, as long as now, he will destroy everyone’s fate! He doesn’t believe that Qiao Yu will not give in!

“Hahaha, the power of destiny! Disperse!”

Fate is also unambiguous, the speed is so fast that the naked eye can’t see clearly, if Qiao Yu didn’t have the ability to swallow Fate, he wouldn’t even know how Fate attacked.

[Can analyze the trajectory of the fate attack, whether to intercept it! 】

The Star Eater, like a super computer, calculates the fate’s attack trajectory in an instant.

In Qiao Yu’s eyes, the attack of fate was like a colorful brilliance, flying towards Jonathan, Elina, Zebelin, Spitwagen and even DIO and others.

“Qiao Yu, this is your choice! Jonathan will be killed by DIO, Elina will be humiliated, not only will she be pregnant with DIO’s child, she will die at the hands of DIO! The curse of the Zibelin family It will never be lifted, DIO’s grandson will kill his grandson Cesar, Spitwagen will be poor for the rest of his life, it’s all your fault!”

The voice of destiny echoed in the air, and he could no longer see his body. It could even be said that he himself was transformed by this colorful brilliance! There is no body at all!

The Star Eater instantly turned into a blue lightning bolt. When the colorful brilliance was about to touch everyone, it was instantly bounced off by the Star Eater. Fate had no chance to touch everyone he planned to change!

“Yes, your avatar is very fast, but you can’t catch up with the speed of fate! Qiao Yu, you will regret it 々”!

The five-colored brilliance that was bounced off rose into the sky again, and in an instant, just like the fireworks of the New Year, it burst into countless brilliance, and these brilliance instantly rushed to everyone in this world.

“I really like a word, it’s called the butterfly effect! Someone in this world, maybe he just throws a banana peel, can rewrite the fate of a country! Of course, these are my masterpieces, and these seemingly accidental It becomes inevitable to connect things together! Hahahahaha!

Looking at the five-color brilliance that just gathered in the air, I don’t know when, it exploded in an instant!

If you use mathematics to count, those brilliance of different colors are like stars in the sky, and you can’t even count them.

Destiny is to rewrite everyone’s fate to affect the fate of the Joestar family! Not only the Joestar family, but also the later Bugarati and others will be affected.

Just to satisfy his wicked taste, let the wicked continue to be wicked, and let the good men all be wiped out?

Qiao Yu took a deep breath, didn’t panic at all, and suddenly opened his slightly closed eyes.

“Star swallower, swallow it for me!”

In an instant, the star swallower was like a bubble machine in the hands of a street child, and countless bubbles flew into the air.

One becomes two, two becomes four, and four becomes sixteen!

That speed is increasing in geometric multiples, and the fireworks blooming in the face of fate are not inferior at all.

“Qiao Yu, are you crazy, I am destiny! Your doubles are scattered! It will tear you apart! 35

“Even if you tear me to pieces, you must swallow your fate of helping the tyrants!”

The first bubble has rushed towards the red brilliance, as if in a vacuum environment, the speed of the bubble is not slower than that of the brilliance, or even faster!

In the sky, it was like two groups of troops were chasing, but only scattered star swallowers were chasing the fate of colorful brilliance!

[Devouring Destiny Fragment x1, Devouring Destiny Fragment x2… Devouring Destiny Fragment x10000]

The system prompts very quickly, indicating that the speed of the star swallower is not slow at all, and the arrogant voice in the void seems to be slowly weakening.

“How, possible! How could you swallow me! I am destiny, but if this world had no destiny, what kind of world would it be, hahahahaha!

The laughter stopped abruptly and was replaced by the voice of Joshua.

“I didn’t expect that you have today! As fate, you acted erratically, and everyone called fate unfair, but you are really unfair! Now let me replace you and become a new fate!


The whole world is quiet.

[Successful swallowing fate, gaining the power of fate! 】

Qiao Yu understands that he also gave Joshua his ability, but he is fate! He can be said to be the fate of fate!

When no one manages fate, he can indeed be arrogant, crazy, and even do whatever he wants.

When Qiao Yu becomes the fate of fate, fate will be fair.

Let the Joestar family, everyone have a good death.

No matter the golden spirit or the dark will, everyone who works hard will always be rewarded, and those who have love will be loved.

`This may be happiness. It is not that those who are enlightened will be happy forever, but those who have pursuers will be happy! 99

Joshua looked at Qiao Yu and bowed his head slightly, which was also his effort.

He spent his whole life trying to overcome fate, and finally he won, with the help of Qiao Yu.

But now, Qiao Yu has the ability to manage fate, and he is not from this world, so it seems more appropriate for him to control fate.

“We want to get happiness, maybe this is the happiness that everyone wants to see! Let those stoic people find their happiness, maybe the happiest! 99

Qiao Yu looked at the Jonathan couple who were snuggling together, and thought about his own happiness.

“Looks like it’s time to go back!”

“There’s one more thing you haven’t done!

Joshua reminder!

“As for DIO, Jonathan can solve it himself. I won’t interfere. He is so kind and can’t give DIO his body, but what about Giorno?”

Qiao Yu thought about it!

Gently wave your hand, the track after one year, just follow the track that you have changed!

The colorful thread of destiny turns around in Qiao Yu’s hand, and instantly merges into the orbit of destiny.

“One more thing! 35

The stubborn Joshua continued to remind.

Qiao Yu suddenly realized, smiled and disappeared in this era!

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