King of Industry

Chapter 38

Chapter 38 – Copper Repair Welding Method

Chapter 38 Burning Copper Repair Welding Method

After taking the copper wire from Liu Linzhi’s hand, Zhao Guoyang glanced at it and nodded in satisfaction.

It can be seen that these copper wires have just been removed from the cable, and the appearance is very smooth, which is a good material for copper repair welding.

Zhao Guoyang chose two copper wires of similar length, put them aside, and then picked up the fuel tank that had just been tested for leaks.

“Master Zhou, after I finish welding this fuel tank in a while, please use a fan to cool it down. If you burn copper for repair welding, it is easy to oxidize with water cooling, so you can only use air cooling.” Before starting welding, Zhao Guoyang had a fight with Zhou Jingfang. Hello.

Zhou Jingfang responded with great interest: “Okay, leave this to me. In fact, I am more concerned about how you repaired this fuel tank, Chief Zhao…”

Zhou Jingfang’s question is also a big guy’s question.

In the early 1990s, domestic welding techniques had not yet been fully standardized, and many welders hadn’t actually learned much theoretical knowledge, and they learned little by little from their masters.

Zhou Jingfang’s welding level should be said to be very good, but in terms of theory, she is still a bit weak.

It is rare to have Zhao Guoyang, who understands both theory and practice, give a demonstration. She naturally wants to learn more.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Zhao Guoyang turned on the welding machine calmly and started the work of repair welding.

He did not put the copper wire directly on the leaking position of the fuel tank, but first heated the place for a while to prevent the weakening of the strength around this position after repair welding.

Seeing that the temperature was almost heated, Zhao Guoyang picked up a copper wire and put it in the corner of the fuel tank.

Under the high temperature of the welding torch, the copper wire melted quickly. Zhao Guoyang skillfully turned the fuel tank so that the melted copper water spread as evenly as possible on the leaking **** and corners of the fuel tank.

Under high temperature fusion, the copper water quickly fused with the corner of the fuel tank that was burnt red.

Then, Zhao Guoyang picked up another copper wire and repaired it at the corner outside the fuel tank.

After a while, Zhao Guoyang re-welded the junction of the corner and the flange.

From the appearance, the corners and flanges after welding are slightly thicker than before, but they are still flat. Almost as long as a little polishing, it can be regarded as a finished product and leave the factory.

After one corner was fixed, Zhao Guoyang did the same and repaired and welded the remaining seven corners of the fuel tank.

The whole process took only ten minutes in total.

Actually, Zhao Guoyang didn’t need to be so troublesome. Because only one of the corners of this fuel tank leaked, but to be on the safe side, he reinforced all the corners just in case.

After the repair welding work was completed, Zhao Guoyang handed the fuel tank to Zhou Jingfang, and said with a smile: “Master Zhou, my work is done, I will trouble you next time.”

“Well! Don’t worry!” Zhou Jingfang didn’t say much, took the fuel tank and put it under the big fan to cool down.

While Zhou Jingfang was cooling down the fuel tank, Zhao Guoyang turned to Wang Youchang and said, “Director Wang, after the repair welding, there shouldn’t be a big problem. The batch of fuel tanks that have already been made can all be repaired according to my repair welding method. “

“As for the fuel tank that hasn’t been made yet, Master Hua and I will check the size again later and hand it over to the production side again.”

When Wang Youchang heard the words, his eyes turned to Hua Guosheng. He already knew the cause of the incident, and he also understood that the problem this time was entirely due to Hua Guosheng’s negligence.

But Wang Youchang is a very kind person. Although he was anxious, he didn’t say anything serious about Su Mu and severely punished Hua Guosheng.

Seeing Director Wang’s gaze sweeping over at this time, Hua Guosheng nodded repeatedly, and expressed his attitude: “Guoyang, don’t worry, I just informed the production side and asked them to stop. Wait for your side When the repair welding results came out, I immediately went to re-determine the **** size with them.”

Zhao Guoyang nodded, still affirming Hua Guosheng’s attitude towards mending the past.

In fact, Hua Guosheng still has a certain level. The problem this time was also because no one reviewed the plans and drawings for him.

In the past life, according to what Zhao Guoyang came into contact with. No matter how powerful the technical department of the enterprise is, the review of every drawing and every plan must go through four procedures.

That is, design, review, standardization, approval, these four procedures.

Of course, some more rigorous manufacturers will have an additional approval procedure after the approval. Usually, those who sign the “approval” order are factory-level cadres who understand technology and have senior qualifications.

Even with so many procedures, sometimes the technical department will inevitably make some mistakes.

But this error rate has basically been reduced to the limit, and if something goes wrong, it is not a problem with this set of procedures.

However, in Hongda Machinery Factory, a manufacturing drawing or a manufacturing plan, from the completion of the design to the end, only the technician is busy, and the others are at most just doing it.

It seems that Hua Guosheng’s blueprint plan for production this time has only passed through his hands, and then sent it to the production department, and no one else helped to review it.

In fact, Hua Guosheng was also very helpless. He also wanted someone to review the drawings and plans for him, but before Zhao Guoyang showed his talents, there was not even a technician in the entire technical department who could review for him.

He, a technician, can’t go to Wang Youchang, the deputy director of the factory, to review the drawings for himself, right?

In Zhao Guoyang’s view, if Hongda Machinery Factory wants to develop step by step, the review process of drawings and plans must start.

Among the young people in the technical department, Xu Dongfeng has the best relationship with him, and he is considered smart. You can start to change from him first.

If there is any drawing, let him draw a rough drawing first, then let Hua Guosheng review it for him, and finally check it out by himself. Basically, after this set of procedures, there will not be too many problems.

While Zhao Guoyang was secretly thinking about how to reform the technical department, Wang Youchang patted him on the shoulder in fear, and asked, “Guoyang, how confident is your method of burning copper and repairing welding?”

“If we are not sure, we might as well make two-handed preparations. On the production side, let the factory manager Ma continue to prepare materials, so that we can be prepared!”

Hearing this, Ma Jian laughed and said, “Old Wang, it seems that you still don’t have enough confidence in our Guoyang. I don’t think you need to be so troublesome. Since Guoyang is so sure, he can definitely handle the repair welding. To him , I trust you unconditionally.”

Wang Youchang did not expect Ma Jian to have such confidence in Zhao Guoyang. He was worried that if he said a few more words, it would refute Zhao Guoyang’s face, so he could only wait for the result of Zhou Jingfang’s repair welding.

(end of this chapter)

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