King of Industry

Chapter 41

Chapter 41 – I Am Born To Be Useful

Chapter 41 I am born to be useful

”Monkey”, formerly named Sun Ning, is Zhao Guoyang’s deskmate in junior high school and high school, and also his best friend.

This guy is not tall, and he is relatively thin, which is why his nickname came about.

Sun Ning’s academic performance is quite good, and he is also very smart. He was also a good student among the top students in his class in high school.

At the end of the college entrance examination, his score was enough to pass the junior college mark, but because his family really had no money, after hesitating for a long time, he still gave up this great opportunity.

At the beginning, Zhao Guoyang also sighed for his friend, but he couldn’t help it. His family was not rich, and his younger brother and sister had to go to school, so he could only watch his friend go back to the countryside with regret.

Four years have passed, Zhao Guoyang has graduated from university and found a good job, but his best friend from high school looks a bit downcast.

“Monkey, how are you doing these years? I remember that you were going home to start a chicken farm. You should be doing well, right?” After chatting for a few words, Zhao Guoyang couldn’t help asking.

“Hey, don’t mention it!” Sun Ning sighed, and his face was a little depressed.

Seeing the distressed look on his face, Zhao Guoyang was puzzled for a while.

He managed to pull himself together and smiled at Zhao Guoyang: “It’s nothing to say. Originally, I planned to open a chicken farm, but the village’s control over private chicken farms was too strict. I lost my boss’s strength and finally failed Under the hands of a wealthy family in the same town…”

Houzi gradually opened up the chatter box and began to talk about his experiences after graduating from high school.

It turned out that after graduating from high school, Houzi could have entered a regular factory in Jianghai County as a temporary operator with a diploma, and he could become a regular worker after two or three years of work.

Although this kid is from the countryside, he has a high spirit.

He didn’t want to be inferior to others after entering the factory, so he went back to his hometown Heima Township to find another way out. He felt that with his clever mind, no matter what he was looking for, he could always make some achievements.

However, Monkey missed one point. Although he has the ability and ambition, he has no contacts and capital. In the current environment, it is difficult to use his fists.

After failing to apply for a chicken farm, the monkey started several small businesses one after another, but all ended in failure.

Not long ago, his old mother suddenly fell seriously ill and was admitted to the county people’s hospital. The monthly medical expenses cost tens of dollars.

Monkey’s father is an ordinary farmer, and the little income from farming alone is really not enough to make ends meet.

He really had no choice, so he thought of going to Xinglong County next door to collect ginkgo fruits from farmers and sell them in Jianghai County, which is considered a second-hand dealer.

Who knew that the ginkgo fruit was considered a luxury in that era. Although it is a good thing, no one cares about it in the county.

A week passed, and only after the monkey’s only 30 yuan was spent, he sold a few catties of ginkgo. He didn’t know that there was a night market in Ninghai City, so he carried a bag of ginkgo fruit to try his luck.

As a result, the day passed, and I couldn’t sell a catty.

After listening to the monkey’s narration, Zhao Guoyang sighed.

He knows a lot about monkeys. In terms of ability and talent, this kid is definitely a leader among his peers.

But it is such a talent, and there is no such thing as laziness, it is really a pity that he has fallen to this point.

“Monkey, after you finish eating noodles, take me to see your mother… Oh, yes, the old man should rest now. Tomorrow, come to my factory at noon tomorrow and take me to see Look at your mother.” Zhao Guoyang patted him on the shoulder and said.

“Guoyang, I accept your wish, but I still don’t want to go. My mother has pneumonia, and she suffered from tuberculosis in the old society. It is easy to contagious…” Monkey said with a wry smile.

“Is your kid learning for nothing? You can’t tell the difference between pneumonia and tuberculosis? Tuberculosis is the aboriginal term for tuberculosis, and pneumonia is not contagious at all!” Zhao Guoyang gave him a hard look and said without doubt.

“Don’t talk nonsense, it’s settled like this! At noon tomorrow, come to Hongda Machinery Factory in the west of the city. If you can’t find it, just ask anyone.”

Monkey has always been quite convinced by Zhao Guoyang. Hearing what he said, he stopped talking, but there was a faint sparkle in his eyes.

Zhao Guoyang didn’t notice the strangeness of the monkey, he was thinking about how to help this good buddy rebuild his passion and confidence.

Yes, Zhao Guoyang has already seen that the current monkey passion has been exhausted by the hard life, and the old complacency and enthusiasm have long been wiped out in reality.

It cannot be blamed on him, but it cannot be avoided.

Thinking about triggering his own hairpin in Yangcheng, Zhao Guoyang said casually: “Monkey, you said that if you are asked to open a factory and sell some gadgets, do you think you can do it?”

“Huh? Open a factory? Me… Me?” The monkey opened his mouth wide and asked in disbelief.

Seeing this guy’s incompetent appearance, Zhao Guoyang was a little upset: “Nonsense, of course it’s you. You were very arrogant when you were in school, why did you get discouraged after entering society!”

“Guoyang, it’s not that I’m cowardly, I really don’t dare to think about it!” Monkey said with a bitter face.

“After I graduated, I started a few businesses but failed. How dare I think about opening a factory. To be honest, now I really regret that I didn’t enter the factory in the county.”

“Chen Yan in our class, do you remember that when she graduated, her grades were not as good as mine, and she was just a temporary worker when she entered the factory, but she became a full-time worker two years ago, and now she is the monitor of the assembly team in the workshop!”

“If I also entered her factory…” the monkey sighed.

“Come on, don’t envy others.” Zhao Guoyang patted the monkey’s shoulder heavily and said.

“As the so-called natural talents must be useful, everyone has a suitable path. Chen Yan, I know that although he is not as smart as you, he is more careful. Such a person is suitable for the current position. And you…”

“I, how am I?” Monkey anxiously waited for Zhao Guoyang to give him an evaluation.

Zhao Guoyang smiled and said: “You, with such a flexible mind and the ability to endure hardships and stand hard work, you are more suitable to be a capitalist! Listen to me, you are right, opening a factory is very suitable for you!”

“Ah! Seriously, I can still be a capitalist like me? Guoyang, don’t tease me!” Monkey heard this, although he couldn’t believe it, but the depression on his face had dissipated more than half , the previous self-confidence seems to have returned a bit.

Zhao Guoyang pushed the monkey amusedly, pointed to the no longer steaming ramen and said: “Sit down, the noodles are cold, eat first. It’s not that you don’t understand me, kid, when did I ever lie? You said, hurry up and deal with these ginkgo fruits, and wait for my notification anytime!”

“Okay, I’ll listen to you, Guoyang!” The monkey was overjoyed when he heard this.

Although he didn’t know Zhao Guoyang’s current status in that Hongda Machinery Factory, he said that opening a factory was as easy as setting up a stall.

But with the name of a college student there, he must be much better than himself, and following him will be much better than now.

(end of this chapter)

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