King of Industry

Chapter 957

Chapter 957 – Yachting Is Also Hype

Chapter 957 Yachts are also hype

When Zhao Guoyang and the others returned to SJ City, it was already three days later.

In “Xingtai International”, Zhao Guoyang first took Sandro, who had just joined the company, to visit the two research institutes of the company.

Although Sandro is going to join the “Automobile and Motor Vehicle New Technology Research Institute”, Zhao Guoyang will of course show him around on his first day.

Therefore, he also took Sandro for a walk around the “Ship Industry-Special Materials Research Institute”.

Don’t look at it just by looking around, but with Sandro’s knowledge and knowledge, it is easy to see the strong technical strength of “Xingtai International”.

In Sandro’s rough view, the research level of the two research institutes of “Xingtai International” is already quite high.

Especially in the “Institute of New Technology of Automobiles and Motor Vehicles”, Sandro saw some design ideas of locomotives provided by Zhao Guoyang to his subordinates.

Each of these design ideas is unique.

Sandro himself is very confident in industrial design.

But after seeing Zhao Guoyang’s unconstrained design ideas, he couldn’t help shaking his head, feeling ashamed.

Seeing Sandro concentrating on the three-dimensional design sketches he drew, Zhao Guoyang said with a smile: “Professor Sandro, I will have time to look at these design drawings in the future. Now, let me go to the building and have a look. Your office!”

After hearing Zhao Guoyang’s reminder, Sandro nodded with a “huh” and said, “Okay, Mr. Zhao! I just want to see what the working place looks like!”

Because the “high-speed railway project” is about to be fully launched, “Xingtai International” has set up a special studio for this project, and vacated a whole floor for the special studio.

Among them, Zhao Guoyang was originally going to be in charge of the technical research and development team of the “Special Studio”.

But now that Sandro has been recruited, he has a lot of peace of mind.

These days, I have gotten to know Professor Sandro very well, and Zhao Guoyang still recognizes his ability very much.

There is no doubt that there is absolutely no problem in handing over the train design of the “High Speed Railway Project” to this person.

Of course, in addition to the design of the train, the “high-speed railway project” also requires a lot of manpower and material resources in the research of roadbeds and rails.

In this regard, Zhao Guoyang is not worried.

The reason is very simple. After he returned from Canada this trip, he brought back a lot of infrastructure technology from “Bombardier Rail Vehicle Design and Manufacturing Group Corporation”.

With the support of these technologies, coupled with his own guidance, Zhao Guoyang believes that the “Three Constructions of the Capital” can fully undertake the task in this regard.

Taking Sandro to the sixteenth floor of his “Xingtai International”, Zhao Guoyang pointed to the empty office in front of him and explained: “Professor Sandro, this floor is the special area for our company’s ‘high-speed railway project’ in the future.” The studio has it all.”

“The various teams in the special studio have not yet assembled, and you are the only one working on this floor for the time being. So, you can choose any of these vacant offices…”

Hearing this, Sandro nodded with a smile and said: “Mr. Zhao, it’s blank, so it’s much easier to choose this one. I’ll just choose the westernmost one that I just passed by.”

Zhao Guoyang shrugged his shoulders, made a gesture of “please feel free”, then turned his head and said to Isabella and Olivia who were following behind him: “Isabella, how many people will you call later, Help Professor Sandro move computers, office supplies, etc.”

“In addition, the ‘special studio’, you two have already been on the list. If you are not busy, you have just chosen your own office, and are ready to work at any time!”

“Yes, we’ll do it right away!” Isabella and Olivia looked at each other and quickly agreed.

Seeing that the matter was almost explained, Zhao Guoyang looked at Sandro with a smile and said, “Professor Sandro, please tidy up the office first. I will arrange a few things here, and see you at the ‘Philips Western Restaurant’ tonight!” “

When Sandro heard this, he quickly waved his hands and said, “Mr. Zhao, there is no need to spend money. Since I am already a regular employee of our ‘Xingtai International’, I should naturally eat in my own cafeteria. I can’t specialize Bar?”

Zhao Guoyang smirked when he heard the words: “Don’t worry, Professor Sandro. I’m not a special person. However, today is different. After all, you just came to Huaxia, so I should give you a chance! “

After Zhao Guoyang said so, it was difficult for Sandro to refuse.

After shaking the professor’s hand, Zhao Guoyang went out with Shi Shiran.

After returning to his office, Zhao Guoyang was about to pour a glass of water for a drink when there was a knock on the door.

“The door is unlocked, please come in!” Zhao Guoyang put down his cup and looked up.

The next moment, Zhang Yufang pushed the door open with a smile on her face.

Seeing that it was his deputy, Zhao Guoyang showed a bright smile and said: “Mr. Zhang, I was going to go to your side to listen to you to explain the specific situation. I didn’t expect you to fall down. Sit down, sit down!”

During the days when Zhao Guoyang went to Canada, “Xingtai International” received several big orders in a row, all about yachts.

Speaking of which, this matter has something to do with Zhao Guoyang’s brazen attack in the futures market in Southeast Asia.

Back in the futures market, Zhao Guoyang made almost a few million in just a few days, as if he was cheating.

Such a magical method has made some bigwigs in the international futures market have a strong interest in him.

Subsequently, a research investigation on Zhao Guoyang began immediately.

After receiving the analysis data of their subordinates, the international futures bosses and financial oligarchs were all dumbfounded.

No one expected that this genius futures trader turned out to be an industrialist.

Moreover, their business is still booming, and almost everyone in Asia knows about it.

Especially the several “yachts” launched by Chairman Zhao, which are even more popular in West Asia.

After understanding this situation, the futures bigwigs became more interested in Zhao Guoyang and “Xingtai International”.

You must know that this futures is a financial model with a lot of changes.

Whether it is raw materials such as petroleum and ore, or crops such as grain and fruit, they can all be the target of futures speculation.

Yachting, as a product, is also on the list of futures speculation.

Although a lot of funds are needed to speculate on “yachts”, these futures bigwigs are not fighting alone, and their connections with each other are still very close.

After learning that the yachts produced by Zhao Guoyang and his “Xingtai International” were very popular, futures speculators began to gather their attention as if they had suddenly discovered a new continent.

What finally made these “hungry wolves” determined to hype the yachts of “Xingtai International” was the embarrassment of insufficient productivity of the yachts of this company.

Because its subsidiary “Daewoo Shipping Company” was already in a state of semi-bankruptcy, before “Xingtai International” acquired it, the company’s production staff had almost left.

After Zhao Guoyang took over the “Daewoo Shipping Company”, he quickly discovered the “yacht project”, and it is in a continuous hot sale.

As a result, the company’s productivity is even more stretched.

With the development of two more “Ocean Transport Ships” in the first half of this year, the labor gap at the “Daewoo Shipping Company” can’t be closed at once.

Although Jin Xiuzhu has tried his best to recruit high-wage workers in Malaysia, it is an extremely long process from the training of this new employee to the time when he can really do the job.

In just a few months, there is no way to close this gap.

The gap in employment is wide open. As a result, the yacht manufacturing speed of “Xingtai International” has been unable to increase.

The construction cycle of a yacht itself is very long, which takes one or two months.

As a result, the number of yachts that “Xingtai International” can ship every month is at most three. This is on the basis of workers working overtime every day.

Knowing this situation, those futures speculators are happy.

For them, this profit is the only thing to chase.

Since the “yacht” of “Xingtai International” has no worries about selling and its production capacity is limited, it fully meets the requirements of futures speculators.

After some planning, the international futures giants quickly set a joint goal—to enter the yacht market.

After tentatively placing two orders, the futures bigwigs found that the delivery speed of “Xingtai International” showed no sign of improvement at all. This situation is perfect.

As a result, “Xingtai International” soon began to receive various orders from all directions.

The least order, there are two or three yachts.

You know, the cost of this yacht is several million dollars.

This order, at least, is worth 10 to 20 million.

Within a few days after Zhao Guoyang left Huaxia, Zhang Yufang received four or five large orders. This surprised her, but she couldn’t help feeling a little uneasy.

After finally waiting for Mr. Zhao to come back, Zhang Yufang naturally wanted to discuss this matter with him.

After listening to Zhang Yufang’s narration, Zhao Guoyang said happily: “Mr. Zhang, it’s a good thing that there are more orders. Why should you worry too much?”

“But… the buyers of these orders are all financial oligarchs. After they buy them back, they must sell them at a price much higher than the selling price. Will this do anything to the reputation of our ‘Xingtai International’? Bad influence?”

After Zhang Yufang finished speaking, Zhao Guoyang waved his hand indifferently and said: “Mr. Zhang, don’t worry about this. Everyone knows the identities of these futures oligarchs. The customers who really want to buy our company’s yachts are I won’t fall for it.”

“Moreover, some regular customers and dealers, as long as we communicate well, they will definitely wait and won’t add money to buy…”

(end of this chapter)

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