King of Industry

Chapter 980

Chapter 980 – What Can’T You Figure Out?

Chapter 980 What can’t you figure out?

In the “Red House” western restaurant, Zhao Guoyang and two capable generals sat opposite each other, chatting freely.

As for Zhao Siyan and Li Zhaohe, they really gave Zhao Guoyang a surprise in the past two years.

Because he didn’t ask too much about the “SMS company”, one of the two men presided over the daily affairs, and the other was in charge of technology, and managed the company in an orderly manner.

The existence of Zhao Siyan and Li Zhaohe also allowed Zhao Guoyang to withdraw from the “SMS company” and put more energy on the “Xingtai International” side.

Another year has passed in a flash, and of course Zhao Guoyang wants to encourage these two vice presidents.

While Zhao Guoyang was thinking about these things secretly, Li Zhaohe, who was opposite him, had already reported the company’s profitability last year in detail.

“Mr. Zhao, some economic data from our ‘SMS company’ has not yet been released, but the estimates have already been made. According to the estimated financial reports, our company’s gross profit last year should reach 1 billion yuan. …”

When Li Zhaohe said these words, his face blushed uncontrollably.

Indeed, the gross profit alone is 1 billion. Any private enterprise in SJ is something to be proud of.

You must know that at the just-concluded SJ City Annual Industrial Economy Summary Conference, the top few large state-owned enterprises in terms of profit were only at the level of 2 billion.

Of course, there is still a big gap between gross profit and profit, after all, various taxes and expenses have to be deducted.

However, there is no doubt that there is not much difference between the “SMS Company” and the first few large state-owned enterprises in SJ City.

As for Zhao Guoyang personally, if the net profits of several companies under him are added together, it is afraid that it will exceed a behemoth like Songqi Group.

More importantly, most of the shares of these companies under him are his personal.

From this point of view, Zhao Guoyang’s own assets are a bit scary.

Thinking that his chairman might be the richest person in SJ City, Li Zhaohe felt extremely emotional.

Thinking about it, if I hadn’t listened to Mr. Zhao’s persuasion and joined the “SMS company”, now I’m just living a mediocre life in a certain city’s bureau committee. How can I have the current glory?

Indeed, relying on the towering tree of “SMS Company”, Li Zhaohe has been doing well in SJ these years.

Whether it is Zheng Hongxia, the director of the Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau, an old friend, or Meng Guoliang, the vice president of Baosteel Group, an old classmate, their status in the city has now been faintly compared by him.

As for the income, Li Zhaohe, whose annual salary is hundreds of thousands, has completely blown away these old friends.

Zhao Guoyang naturally couldn’t see Li Zhaohe’s emotion.

After listening to the report of the factory manager Li, he said “uh” and said: “Although the gross profit of 1 billion is not bad, it is still a bit short of my expectation… After all, last year we only paid for yachts. This item has earned hundreds of millions of dollars…”

Zhao Guoyang’s words did not mean to deny Li Zhaohe’s achievements, but just telling the truth.

Li Zhaohe also knew that Chairman Zhao had a personality of talking one and one, so he immediately blushed and humbly received instruction.

On the other hand, Zhao Siyan was worried about Li Zhaohe’s embarrassment, so she helped him with a smile.

“Chairman, although our company made a lot of money last year, we also invested a lot. After the previous two yachts sold well, we invested an additional 500 million in Daewoo Shipping Company…”

“In addition, the development of new products such as bulldozers and excavators at the company’s headquarters also consumed a lot. Therefore, it is understandable that the gross profit did not meet your expectations!”

After Zhao Siyan finished speaking, Zhao Guoyang smiled slightly.

Looking at Li Zhaohe inadvertently, he said with a smile: “What’s the matter, Siyan, do you think I’m the kind of mean boss who only picks on my subordinates?”

Seeing Zhao Siyan blushing slightly and wanting to explain, Zhao Guoyang waved his hand and said, “Don’t worry, I have seen the achievements you two have made. What I said just now, I just hope that under your leadership , our company can take a bigger step.”

After hearing Zhao Guoyang’s words of encouragement, Zhao Siyan and Li Zhaohe looked at each other, feeling a little grateful.

After cutting a piece of steak, Zhao Guoyang changed the subject and said, “Okay, let’s talk about the distribution of the year-end bonus.”

“In principle, my idea is that the year-end bonus for all employees of the company this year should not be less than 30,000; for middle-level cadres, not less than 50,000; for senior executives, 80,000 is guaranteed; as for the two of you… I will send you red envelopes directly later. All right!”

“Huh?” After hearing this, Zhao Siyan and Li Zhaohe trembled.

You know, in 1996, the annual income of the average working class in SJ was around 10,000 to 20,000.

But this chairman Zhao directly gave 30,000 yuan to the employees below as a year-end bonus. He is simply a local tyrant.

As for the middle-level cadres, the year-end is as high as 50,000, which is also a very high number.

You must know that some middle-level cadres of state-owned enterprises with relatively good returns in SJ City only get a year-end bonus of around 20,000 yuan.

Mr. Zhao has more than doubled this standard, which is really amazing.

As for the 80,000 year-end bonus for executives, it did not surprise Zhao Siyan and Li Zhaohe.

After all, they also know the income of the executives of “Xingtai International”, and it is indeed not much different from this figure.

But what the two of them didn’t expect was that the two of them were not counted as executives by the chairman, but they said something else.

No matter how many “red envelopes” the chairman gave in the end, it was at least more than 100,000.

This figure, in this era, is a huge sum of money.

After finishing the matter of the year-end award with ease, Zhao Guoyang brought the topic back and talked about the previous construction machinery and equipment agent.

After some inquiries, Zhao Guoyang probably heard the clues.

Needless to say, this agent should have been in this business for a long time.

The other party should have seen the strong advantages of “SMS Company” products in the market, and the sales volume is very hot, so they took the initiative to come to the door.

Businessmen are all for profit, which is understandable.

After explaining his judgment to Zhao Siyan and Li Zhaohe, Zhao Guoyang said indifferently: “Well, we can cooperate with this agent. But we must keep the bottom line of 5% in terms of profit sharing. went down…”

After hearing Zhao Guoyang’s instructions, Zhao Siyan was a little confused.

In her opinion, since her own “SMS company” is not worried about selling things, and there are foreign trade companies like “Xingtai International” behind it, there is no need to cooperate with this dealer at all.

But why does Chairman Zhao want to give the other party a profit and cooperate with him after analyzing these situations?

Noticing the puzzled look on Zhao Siyan’s face, Zhao Guoyang laughed and explained: “Siyan, this matter is easy to understand, what can’t you figure it out?”

“Think about it, Mr. Schultz’s company is mainly responsible for the markets of Western Europe and Northern Europe. Although our ‘SMS Company’ and ‘Xingtai International’ have been involved in these two markets, they have not been strong enough promotion.”

“More importantly, there are many well-known construction machinery companies in Western Europe and Northern Europe, and the competition is very fierce. It is very difficult for outsiders to shine…”

After a pause, Zhao Guoyang continued: “Now there is a very powerful distributor who is willing to sell our products. This is a good thing for our company! We can completely negotiate with this Mr. Schultz. Let’s work together to enter this market slowly.”

Zhao Guoyang’s explanation made Zhao Siyan and Li Zhaohe understand.

Nodding in agreement, Zhao Siyan asked curiously: “Mr. Zhao, according to your thinking, are you going to meet this Mr. Schultz tomorrow?”

Zhao Guoyang nodded with a “hmm” and said: “Although I have a lot of things here, it is still necessary to meet up!”

“Well, tomorrow, Siyan, please help me make an appointment with Mr. Schultz, and I will talk to him!”

Of course Zhao Siyan agreed to Zhao Guoyang’s request.

Li Zhaohe on the side cautiously reminded: “Chairman Zhao, this Mr. Schultz seems to be very popular in SJ City, and he is also the guest of Chairman Mao of Songqi Group…”

After hearing what Li Zhaohe said, Zhao Guoyang immediately understood.

Needless to say, Mao Zhichun from Songqi Group must have spoken for Schultz.

Think about it too, if the other party just came to the door like me, Zhao Siyan and Li Zhaohe would definitely not be so nervous, and report to themselves as soon as possible.

However, Zhao Guoyang was quite surprised that this Schultz was able to get along well with Mao Zhichun.

After all, Chairman Mao is still very particular.

Because of some unhappiness with the “Volkswagen Group” before, he still has some prejudices against foreigners, especially Europeans.

Now he is uncharacteristically helping this Schultz platform, thinking that the other party does have something special.

After chatting for a while for tomorrow’s meeting, dinner is almost done.

Zhao Guoyang saw that it was getting late, so he greeted Zhao Siyan and Li Zhaohe, and ended the banquet.

Out the door, Zhao Guoyang was about to take a taxi, and when he returned to “Xingtai International”, Zhao Siyan smiled and reminded from behind: “Chairman Zhao, don’t take a taxi, I will see you off!”

“Uh, did you buy a car?” Zhao Guoyang was taken aback when he heard that.

“Well, I just got it two days ago. I asked Mr. Zhang to help me get the goods directly from Ninghai City…”

After hearing this, Zhao Guoyang immediately came to his senses: Zhao Siyan bought his own “Xingtai-Daewoo” car, which is not a waste of money for outsiders.

Since Zhao Siyan sent out invitations, Zhao Guoyang didn’t take it too seriously. He shrugged and said nonchalantly, “Success, let’s try Siyan’s new car for a ride!”

Seeing that he agreed, Zhao Siyan was overjoyed, and quickly stretched out her hand to guide Mr. Zhao forward.

(end of this chapter)

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