King of Industry

Chapter 988

Chapter 988 – With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

Chapter 988 The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility

On TV, after Yao Meng sang “Years and Years”, the host Zhang Liping asked her two questions at the right time.

The first question is to ask her how she feels about participating in the Spring Festival Gala for the first time.

In this regard, Yao Meng naturally expressed his good impression of the Spring Festival when he was a child, and his love for CCTV’s annual Spring Festival Gala when he grew up.

Zhang Liping’s second question was why she chose this song.

Yao Meng did not answer this question immediately.

After pondering for a while, she turned to the TV camera and smiled lightly: “The reason why I chose this song “Years” is not only to pay tribute to those working people who have swayed their youth in the four modernizations, but also to give me a song that is about to get married. Good friends send blessings…”

“I hope that he and his new wife can be harmonious and beautiful in the years to come, and I also hope that his career will make great progress and make further progress.”

After Yao Meng finished speaking decently, Zhang Liping couldn’t help applauding.

The audience in the Spring Festival Gala also burst into applause.

In the living room, Zhao Jingzhong, who was concentrating on watching TV, seemed to realize it at this time.

He opened his mouth, looked at He Huifen beside him, and said, “Huifen, is it Guoyang who you think Miss Yao Meng blessed?”

“If it’s really Guoyang, her gift is quite heavy!”

After Zhao Jingzhong finished speaking, He Huifen looked at her husband speechlessly.

After listening to Zhao Guoyang and Mu Yiyi’s introduction, she could of course guess who Yao Meng’s blessing on TV was for.

As someone who has been there, she can even hear the melancholy in the other party’s blessing.

Obviously, Miss Yao Meng has more than just friendship with her precious son.

The sadness of spring and autumn contained in his words cannot be concealed.

It’s just a pity that my precious son already has a marriage partner, so Miss Yao Meng reluctantly gave up, right?

This point, the party Mu Yiyi must also know.

Otherwise, after listening to Yao Meng’s words, she would not have remained silent.

Originally, everyone knew this matter well, but her idiot husband was very nervous, and even exposed this matter, which made He Huifen complain in her heart.

Seeing her uncertain expression, Zhao Xiaojing and Zhao Xiaoyong looked at each other, and at the same time they wanted to run away.

The two of them were about to come up with the method of “urinating escape”, when He Huifen had already put her hands on her hips and was humming.

“What Miss Yao Meng says is none of your business! Watch your TV carefully, it’s so noisy!”

After being reprimanded by He Huifen for a while, Zhao Jingzhong was a little confused.

He looked up at Zhao Guoyang, who was a little embarrassed, and then at his daughter-in-law, who was trying to keep calm, and seemed to understand something.

“Ah, yes, yes, I won’t talk, just watch TV!” Zhao Jingzhong said again and again.

After he finished speaking, everyone’s expressions became even more embarrassed.

After finally waiting for the next show to start, Mu Yiyi took the opportunity to speak to He Huifen: “Auntie, it’s almost time, so I’ll take my leave first!”

He Huifen also knew that the daughter-in-law-to-be was a little embarrassed by what happened just now, so she quickly responded: “Okay, okay…Guoyang, you can send Yiyi back to Ninghai City. If you think it’s too late, you can stay in the dormitory! “

Zhao Guoyang gave a “huh”, nodded and said: “Well, I can figure it out. Try to come back as much as possible. Isn’t it uncle who wants to go to pay New Year’s greetings tomorrow?”

After hearing what his son said, He Huifen rolled his eyes at him and said, “You should also bring Yiyi with you when you pay New Year’s greetings. You are going to get married soon, why don’t you go to pay New Year’s greetings alone?”

Zhao Guoyang didn’t expect this, so he could only scratch his head at the moment, accepting the teaching humbly.

He Huifen reprimanded her husband and son a few words, and finally calmed down a little.

She got up in person, and sent Zhao Guoyang and Mu Yiyi outside the gate. They didn’t go back to the house until they got into the car.

After the car started, Zhao Guoyang secretly glanced at the silent fiancee beside him, and was muttering in his heart.

Zhao Guoyang, the person who Yao Meng said just now, is of course well aware of who it is.

As for the love of this popular movie star, he is actually not ignorant.

It’s just that I can’t help it. I know Mu Yiyi first, and my feelings are very strong. I really can’t share my feelings with other girls.

In fact, not only Yao Meng, Bai Rou and Jin Xiuzhu are also very kind to themselves, surprisingly good.

Of course, the two of them didn’t bring this up to the surface in the end.

But there are some things that really don’t need to be expressed in words.

Thinking of the friendship of the beauties around him, Zhao Guoyang felt a little emotional.

Mu Yiyi, who was sitting on the co-pilot seat, seemed to sense something, she blinked and looked at Zhao Guoyang and said, “Guoyang, are you thinking about Sister Yao Meng?”

Zhao Guoyang was stunned for a moment, and then quickly said: “Uh, it’s not… I just think we two are quite happy!”

After hearing this, Mu Yiyi smiled and said: “Yes! I can find you, a good husband, but I don’t know how many girls are envious.”

After a pause, Mu Yiyi spoke again: “Just like Sister Bai and Miss Xiuzhu, they are also very envious of me, right?”

Zhao Guoyang froze when he heard the words.

It goes without saying that my fiancée is smart.

It’s just that what he didn’t expect was that the other party had already noticed the strangeness of the girls around him.

Seeing Zhao Guoyang’s speechless appearance, Mu Yiyi smiled and comforted him: “Don’t worry, Guoyang. I’m not jealous, I really think I’m lucky!”

Gently pinching Zhao Guoyang’s cheek, Mu Yiyi murmured: “So, I will definitely cherish this hard-won love, and I can’t let you have regrets in the future!”

Mu Yiyi’s words were of course a joke.

Speaking of which, because she has studied in England for many years, her temper is a little influenced by the English.

Sometimes, there will be some cold humor.

After hearing her seemingly false words, Zhao Guoyang laughed in relief.

Noticing the smile on Zhao Guoyang’s face, Mu Yiyi said seriously: “Guoyang, I’m not joking. Your future will definitely be one of the few entrepreneurs in China.”

“As your wife, if I can’t deal with such pressure correctly, I’m quite incompetent!”

After Mu Yiyi finished speaking, Zhao Guoyang couldn’t help but cast a glance at her.

Actually speaking, Mu Yiyi’s evaluation of her future is absolutely correct.

With the continuous progress of “Xingtai International” in high-speed railway projects and aviation projects, the company’s valuation has reached a very large number.

Zhao Guoyang has no doubt that if “Xingtai International Foreign Trade Company” is listed on Wall Street, its market value will at least exceed 10 billion US dollars.

The market value of such a company was absolutely astronomical in 1996.

You must know that the valuation of Microsoft in this era in the market is only 10 to 20 billion U.S. dollars.

The most important thing is that the share distribution of “Xingtai International” is different from that of companies like Microsoft.

In Microsoft, although Bill is the first shareholder, his shares are less than 40%.

In “Xingtai International”, even though I have given Zhang Yufang and Yao Meng a lot of shares in the distribution of shares several times, my personal share still exceeds 70%.

From this perspective, I can now be regarded as the leading rich man and entrepreneur in China.

With the passage of time, the high-speed rail project will see results in less than two years.

According to Zhao Guoyang’s analysis based on the actual situation, the possibility of success of this project is almost 100%.

With the success of the high-speed railway project, the market value of itself and “Xingtai International” will only increase.

If some construction machinery industries of “SMS Company” are included, I will definitely be able to win the title of “the most wealthy entrepreneur in China”.

It is no exaggeration to say that with my efforts over the years, a modern industrial business empire has almost been formed.

And his importance at the national level has been pushed to a very high position by ministries and local leaders.

Let’s talk about my wedding with Yiyi this time. Originally, I didn’t think about making a big booth, but I just wanted to let all parties know that it’s fine for the scene to pass.

Who knew that after learning about this incident, Mr. Li, Minister Fang and other leaders in the capital would throw a phone call directly to themselves, expressing their attitude that they must attend in person.

In addition, several leaders of SJ City and Jiangnan Province also expressed their attitudes, saying that they must attend in person.

This made Zhao Guoyang, who originally planned to get 50 tables, abruptly added 10 tables and four private rooms at Ninghai Hotel.

Of course, Zhao Guoyang also knows that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

The reason why people like Mr. Li and Leader Fang value themselves and are willing to support themselves is also because they hope that they can make their own contributions in the industrial field and contribute more to the rise of Huaxia Industry.

Of course, Zhao Guoyang will not take it lightly.

He and Mu Yiyi had agreed early in the morning that after the honeymoon, they would get back to work as soon as possible.

Not only “high-speed railway project” and “aviation industry project”, but also “large-scale shipbuilding”, “non-ferrous metal smelting” and many other projects, Zhao Guoyang and several companies under him will fully expand.

Thinking about what he needs to do in the future, Zhao Guoyang suddenly said to Mu Yiyi: “Yiyi, after we get married, what do you think of your job?”

“Do you want to continue to be the assistant to the president, or do I hand over a project to you?”

Mu Yiyi obviously didn’t think about this question, and was a little confused at the moment.

(end of this chapter)

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