Leisurely Beast World: Plant Some Fields, Have Some Cubs

Chapter 1631

1631 Healing

Even if it was just the soul body, Lan Ze couldn’t help but look dumbfounded. He held An’an’s face and posted it affectionately.

“My An’an …” Lan Ze’s voice choked, as if soaked in tears, holding the person in his arms tighter.

If someone passes by, you will definitely see such a magical picture.

The phantom of the blue mermaid hugged a group of light, almost integrated with the group of lights, no doubt, obviously love each other.

An An looked up at Lan Ze’s face. As the temperature decreased, her outline gradually became clearer, showing a pair of wide open eyes.


Lan Ze’s body was shocked, and he released An An inexplicably, and looked at her carefully.

“Are you really okay?” Lan Ze heard what An An said to Yin before committing suicide. He was so jealous at that time. He and An An had been together for so many years and never heard her spit out a word. Silver actually did it.

Is he really not as good as silver?Not as good as him, even in the An An mind?

Although Lan Ze died, he never left An An half a step.He was sad at first, and An An didn’t seem to be sorrowful about his death, and he didn’t even look at his head.

Later, he rejoiced that it was fine. Anyway, he was already dead, and it didn’t help that An An was sad anymore. It would be better to live with other mermaids.

When he saw An An hiding his nails, he was also puzzled. She never thought she had planned to commit suicide so early, and she still acted after taking the baby to wean.If he realizes it early, he will definitely find ways to stop it.

He really underestimated An An’s IQ. Although An An didn’t speak, she would still think.

At this time, the communication between the two is not through sound, but the unique communication method of the soul, which has nothing to do with language.As long as An An has thought, he can communicate.

Lan Ze’s surprise is not that she can talk, but conscious communication with him.

An An smiled happily, “It’s really you.” She got into Lan Ze’s arms, “I finally found you.”

As early as the moment Lanze died, she actually felt it, and Lanze probably couldn’t come back.

It was just that she did not want to believe. She waited for a long time, and felt that it was boring to live, and wanted to end her life.

Because of having a child, Lan Ze finally left her with a gift, and she patiently lived a little longer.In particular, the child will move in her stomach, and she will have more affection for the child. If Lan Ze is still there, she will like her very much.

The face with blue hair always appeared in her mind, that face was very beautiful, probably because of this, she always remembered.

Now she realized that it was Lan Ze, the partner she had been waiting for and looking for.

Lan Ze almost wept with joy, his voice trembling: “Are you looking for me? Do you like me?”

“Of course I like you.” An An thought without hesitation, and soon found that they were not the same as usual, and opened his mouth in surprise.

Without interference from her broken body, she could really hear Lan Ze’s words.

It turned out that this is the voice, and they can still communicate in this way. It turns out that this is what Lanze really looks like …

Even fortunate that this time, she likes this change.

It can be said that death was the ultimate antidote for An An, and she finally returned to normal.

“An’an, An’an …” Lan Ze was so happy that he wanted to laugh in the sky and want to make waves on the sea, but his loved one was instinctively doing one thing in his arms.

Firmly stabilized the partner’s lips.

[Do you still abuse?The one who stabbed me in Xinwen, obediently pulled out the knife.

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