Leisurely Beast World: Plant Some Fields, Have Some Cubs

Chapter 25

Chapter 25 Eve’s “Little Cat”

Parker is very talented in cooking, and the meat roasted with a combination of seasonings is not worse than Bai Qingqing’s roast yesterday.Bai Qingqing also ate a little, and Parker contracted the rest.

After eating a few meals of meat in a row, Bai Qingqing panicked, and happened to see Eve walking outside the tribe, and said to Parker, “I went to Eve.”

Parker glanced at Eve, thinking that Bai Qingqing should not dare to run, let Qing Qing follow her to know the tribe, and agreed: “Then don’t go far.”

Because Eve’s male was not there, Parker was also embarrassed to get up.

“Got it.” Bai Qingqing still remembered the wandering beast, and gave her a hundred guts not to dare to leave alone, waving to Eve.

Eve was carrying a small rattan basket and saw Bai Qingqing immediately greeted with joy: “Qing Qing.”

Bai Qingqing smiled and glanced at Eve’s basket, which contained three small tabby cats, “Hey? What cat do you have?”

She thought Eve was picking wild fruits and vegetables with her basket.

“Poof!” Eve could not help but smirk, lifted the basket, and teased the “little cat” inside: “It’s not a cat, this is a leopard cub I gave birth to.”

“…” Bai Qingqing’s expression stiffened, opened his mouth blankly, and then looked into the basket. Only then did they find that the light pattern on them was the leopard animal pattern, which was about the size of an adult cat, but carefully Looking around, you will find that they are still very young. “Aooooo” is called milky and milky.

Bai Qingqing restrained the surprised color on his face, and laughed with two smiles: “Hehe … I have never seen a leopard cub, I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay, the leopard cubs look like kittens. It’s not surprising that you will admit your mistakes.” Eve couldn’t help smiling, and walked out of the canyon, saying: “They have been two months old Weaned and skinned very well. They are not enough to run in the tribe. If they accidentally rush into the river, I had to take them to the grass outside the tribe for a while when the sun was not shining. ”

Bai Qingqing nodded in agreement, but his heart was like a group of grass and mud horses running wildly.

Wow, the orcs are really beasts!Weaned in two months!I don’t know what it looks like to be human?Will there be a picture of a group of milk dolls running around the ground?

Hey, that picture …

“That … will they become human?” Bai Qingqing curiously asked.

Eve looked at Bai Qingqing strangely. “Male orcs need to become adults to become humans. Why don’t you even know this?”

Bai Qingqing’s heart tightened, and before he even thought about how to explain it, he heard Eve say: “Is your family protecting you too well? They won’t let you go out?”

Because of Bai Qingqing’s long white, Eve always thinks that she is a well-capped female in a large race. It is normal to hear that females don’t go out easily and lack common sense.

Bai Qingqing nodded again and again and down the donkey said: “Well, my family will not let me casually deal with males, and I have no brothers, so I don’t know this.”

“No wonder, females are born in human form. You haven’t seen male cubs. It’s normal to think like this.” Eve only thought that Bai Qingqing was as simple as a child, and couldn’t help laughing when she thought of the stupid things she said. You can ask me if you do n’t understand anything. ”

A female is born in a human form, Bai Qingqing secretly wrote down.I have n’t seen a female transform, and Parker never let her transform, so the female should only have a human form.

“Okay.” Bai Jingqing thought carefully and asked conservatively: “Is there less females than males in each tribe?”

Eve sighed helplessly: “Yeah, because we have too few females, so the number of orcs can’t increase, and we can only barely let the number down.”

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