Leisurely Beast World: Plant Some Fields, Have Some Cubs

Chapter 53

Chapter 53 Mushroom Picking

“I don’t believe it.” Bai Qingqing pouted.

Curtis was sprouted by the female’s playful expression, and she loved her more and more, rubbing her face with her face.

“Females like babies, and I want you to have more babies. You may like me. And there may be eggs after mating-even if you don’t give birth.”

The previous sentence, Bai Qingqing ignored it manually, and she would not like the baby snake.

As for the latter sentence … Curtis grabs himself just to satisfy ***.Yuck, lewd snake!

“Then you … cough cough now!” Bai Qingqing continued to pretend to be weak, and the damp wood burned a lot of smoke, which made her cough a few times, and it became more realistic.

“It’s not worthy.” Curtis said decisively, patting Bai Qingqing’s back to help her get along. “Are you okay? Eating a yellow stem makes you feel hot.”

Bai Qingqing finally rested his mind completely and shook his head, saying: “You don’t have to cook it deliberately, just add a little more yellow stem when I cook.”


The mating-matching event is finally over.

It rained for two days in a row, and stopped on the third day.

The sky was clear, and Bai Qingqing’s depressed mood also eased a lot, and her bare feet ran out of the cave to find wild food.

The air was washed by rain for two days. It was pure and thorough without any dust, making people feel that breathing is a kind of enjoyment.

Mushrooms are everywhere on the wet and fertile ground, like bamboo fungus in a wedding dress, fungus growing on the rot wood, and mushrooms squeezed in a squash.But more fungi Bai Qingqing can’t recognize it, the color is bright and beautiful, it is estimated to be toxic.

Bai Qingqing stopped beside the fat mushroom with red dots in his nest, and his expression struggled.

This red bacterium is ninety-nine poisonous, as long as Curtis is poisoned, Parker’s people are still nearby, and they can certainly find themselves.

But what if Curtis was poisoned?

Although Curtis is large in size and a small amount of highly toxic is not necessarily fatal, most of the fungi are neurotoxins, which is hard to say.

Bai Qingqing’s hand on the side was tight, and he was about to squat down-and behind him, Curtis’ voice suddenly came.

“This is poisonous and cannot be eaten.”

Bai Qingqing was shocked because of his guilty conscience, and when he turned, his heart jumped wildly: “Is … is it.”

She let out a sigh of relief in her heart, and since Curtis knew it, forget it.

Curtis followed behind Bai Qingqing in every step, fortunately, but fortunately he followed, otherwise the female would see the mushroom beautiful, and just pick it and put it in her mouth.

“Are you hungry? I’ll fire a fire for you.” Curtis rubbed Bai Qingqing’s head indulgently.

Bai Qingqing escaped Curtis’s big hand and turned to continue to walk forward. “I’m looking for other bacteria. It’s hard to see so many. It’s a waste to not eat a big meal.”

“It’s poisonous.” Curtis frowned unpleasantly, holding Bai Qingqing’s hand. “Don’t mess around.”

“But some are not poisonous.” Bai Qingqing realized that Curtis regarded all fungi as poison, and he pointed to a nest of wood ears with his fingers: “This is not poisonous, I like to eat it.”

Curtis looked in the direction of Bai Qingqing’s finger, and it was true that he had not eaten this black paint and poisoned it in his memory.However, that’s because no one eats, and it’s not necessarily poisonous.

Seeing that Curtis seemed to want to prevent himself from eating any bacteria, Bai Qingqing quickly said: “It’s okay, I have never been poisoned from a snack to a fungus.”

“Okay.” Curtis’s heart softened, and he would try it first later.

Bai Qingqing burst into joy, ran happily to pick agaric, pick mushrooms, and was too busy to run the idea of ​​poisoning Curtis out of Jiuxiao Yun.

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