Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 107

4-19, run! It’s Yumeela!

◆ 4-19 Run! Yumiera!

Now, we have arrived at the headquarters of the Remrest army.

Soldiers have solidified with a few and are preparing to set fire to the camp.

A full-scale military operation will begin tomorrow.There is a tingling feeling of air somewhere unsettling.However, there was a delicious aroma from the hot pot, and the atmosphere was relaxed.

As tension and relaxation coexist, I walk slowly and magnificently.

I wonder who a few people are, but nobody talks to me.Nobody thinks there are people walking relaxing in the middle of enemy forces.Who the hell is that? While asking his neighbors, he went far away to speak up.

If I had exposed my black hair, this would not have happened.The black-haired woman that appears around here is definitely Yumeela.The only person who doesn’t notice is Gilbert.

I was able to infiltrate from the side of the army to the rear.

The circular splendid tent ahead of us was a substitute for loudly insisting that there were great people.In front of a luxurious tent, there are two sentinel knights standing on a boulder.

Sleep them quietly, push them into the tent, and let the first prince of the alarmed remrest… no.You shouldn’t have assassinated an enemy general.Darkness did not stop, and a glorious battle…

I must defeat the Remrest army from now on.You also have to lose well.But what do we do? I can’t offer Patrick a new partition in front of my brother.

Running away after saying “yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

It is also troublesome to spread rumors of Yumeela who performed too imminent an act, exposed her ugliness and fled.The result is that Yumeera’s ease and remrest will be boosted.

That’s an ideal… this time we’ve been blessed with luck and managed to defeat the mighty Yumeela!It is difficult to fight the Ashbaton army with boulders, so let’s return to the triumph.Now that the First Prince has gained momentum, it’s advantageous in the inheritance struggle!A balance of… is desirable.

Withdrawal without showing war from the beginning is out of the question.We have to give them a taste of what they’ve done.

It’s troublesome… is this what the Border Guard always does?Mr Gilbert said he would only pull troops out of the fort on the front lines and between the skirmishes before pulling them out.It’s easy to say, but when you do, you can imagine that it’s extremely difficult.

Fight to the point where enemies don’t take damage from their allies.No matter how easy it is for the opponent to spread the word, it’s too much.

Besides, the people of Lemrest escaped last time just by looking at me.I think it was a big thing that the two armies suddenly appeared in a tense scene, but I didn’t do anything at that time.

I think my fear was relieved by your cuteness before.But this time, the healed mascot is absent. The situation is even more difficult.

While thinking about it, I arrived at the most splendid tent.

I came here somehow because I was bare, but shouldn’t I find it at the end of my team?If a threat comes from a distance and a threat appears next door, the prince over there will change his mind.

Looking at the tent, the sentinel knight approached.Ah, if you stop, the suspicion will double.The prince’s escort will tell me I’m an outsider.

I was told to take off my hat, and Yumeera was immediately discovered, and the Remrest army was in great chaos… and I had no vision of losing well.

Earliest. Finally, the approaching knight talks to me.

“What’s going on here?This is going to be a battlefield.It’s not a good place to have a poor maid like you. ”

“… eh?”

Too friendly for a guard. What’s your intent?

He, a pair of broken hairs, shook up his wanting forehair with an overly sparkly smile.On the other hand, confirming the knight who had not moved from the front of the tent, he looked tired and distorted his face severely.

“But there’s nothing to worry about.I… yes! There’s an Emmanuel with a sword dance! ”

“… thank you”

Who is it? I don’t know if it’s like two names.

But there are some things I’ve learned.What a trick this guy is.

This type of person has the effect of lowering the fear index of the field.Even if it’s like a horror movie, the people around me can afford to think that he’ll be the first to die.

Then let me use him.First, I managed to apply for a ride to Emma, the soap Nantoka.If the surroundings think that he will be the most sacrificed, they may be able to contain the group panic.

I was only able to respond slowly, but he looked the same and looked handsome.Fine, do as I say.It looks like you’re overconfident in your power, and you’re gonna cum.

“What’s going on? At the top of the Buddha, your poor face is ruined.”

“I’d like to apply for a ride. And this face is original.”

“Ah, a ride!? That means… a date!”

No, it’s not.

I take off my white hat and throw it into the sky.The back hair hidden in the clothes was also exposed.While brushing long black hair that seems to have strange dandruff with his hands, he raises his name.

“I’m late. Yumiera Dolkness, Countess of Dolkness.Unusual…. ”

Emma managed to keep an eye on a hat dancing in the air with a loose face.And look back at my head and ask my name.

His next move was fast.There are two mysterious names, and they must be so strong.Hold your stomach with agile movements.

“I’m going home because my stomach hurts.”

It’s also fast from there. Turning to the right, he ran out at a glance, passing by the tent where the guards were supposed to be, towards Lemrest.It’s getting smaller and smaller.


In horror movie theory, the runaway runner dies.But I don’t chase, so I guess it’s the kind that lives a long time.

The knockout is gone, but it doesn’t mean I didn’t have a nickname.

The fleeing knight, with a harsh face, was listening to my words.

“Yumiera! Yumiera! The Balshine Demon King raided Command!”

The warnings issued propagate through the army like ripples.

Rising screams. Wolf rising and falling. Flipping pan.

Ah. When the panic spreads this far, it’s hard to pack.Even if I take action, it will be counterproductive, and I don’t know what to do…

If you stand on a stick without doing anything, someone’s voice sounds out loud.

“Calm down! You forgot about the secret weapon!”

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