Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 108

4-20 Sulu, activate.

◆ 4-20 Sulu, activate.

“Calm down! You forgot about the secret weapon!”

The volume was too large and my ears became keen.

The voice comes from the tent right in front of you.The tent cloth is trembling at too much sound pressure.

Out-of-standard volume… definitely strong.Being in there would make him the First Prince of Lemrest.

Whether it was the royal charisma or just the shock of a loud voice, the confused army was quiet.

A man emerges from the tent.

A tall, musculoskeletal figure that can be seen from above your clothes.I don’t have any hair. Is my head shaved up by itself?The prince of Lemrest should have been about thirty years old, but he seemed to be too penetrating to be fifty.

There was only one strange thing about the big guy.Something like a gas mask is attached to my mouth.

“Don’t you care!Let me tell you! The official name “Wind – 347 Type 4″ … Common name, loud and clear, Mr. Nahl!It’s a magic tool I developed! ”

Block your ears without thinking about the loud voice again.

When I thought that there was no one with a strong character left, a strong person with a strong acupuncture came out.

I don’t think he needs it anymore, but he says with a magic instrument like a loudspeaker on.

“You sound loud, Nal. You seem to be worried about your effects!Holy shit! The wind magically spreads the voice of the wearer!I mean, louder!Fuhahaha! ”

I felt a little sick when I heard a loud voice at close range.

I mean, why did you bother explaining?There is no point in giving a name that is too easy to understand.

The guns I saw in the King’s City of Lemrest also had similar names, and I wonder if this kind of name is popular.

Being confused by a princely man, another came out of the tent.The man is the opposite of the big one and thin enough to break.My skin is also unhealthy and pale, and it seems to have been stuck for a long time.

The researcher speaks thinly or with his ears shut.

“Doctor, Doctor, Nahl, please take it. Shut up.”

“What!? I can’t hear you!? Let me make more noise from my stomach!”

“Besides, isn’t it a type of Wind 347 he developed?Types 3 and 4 are inventions of Factory 2.It’s amazing that we’ve been able to put this useless model into practice. ”

“What!? I don’t know if there’s an original!It’s great to create one from scratch! ”

“… you can hear me.The 347 was an attempt to copy the magic equipment from the dungeon, right?Even the doctor imitates it. ”

“Ugh… shut up!”

“It’s Doctor who’s loud. Yes, Mr. Nahl, let’s remove it.”

When I thought the dark knight of the character had escaped, the dark knight of the character increased to two.

And they’re not princes, apparently.I interact with the doctor like an assistant.

Where is the First Prince of Lemrest, who should be here?No wonder this splendid tent is a diversion and the prince himself is somewhere less conspicuous?

“Excuse me, where is the First Prince?”

“Prince? The prince is listening to my voice in his ear!Fuhahaha! ”

The doctor points his finger at the back and says bluntly.Are you sure you want to finish?

I didn’t expect you to tell me where the general was.I’m going to ask about them because they’re going to say anything.

What about you guys?

“I am Leonardo, the director of the Lemrest Daiichi Magic Tool Factory!He’s my assistant. ”

“I’m just a researcher. I’m being pressed into the amulet of the Doctor.”

Even after removing the loudspeaker, the loud doctor banged his back and the assistant seemed annoyed.

Something strange came out and made it easy, but the panic subsided.If they hadn’t come out, the act of losing would have been difficult.I wonder if we can use both of them to lose well.

Then the expected researcher combination starts to move.

“Give me the secret weapon!”

“I have it, Doctor.”

“… I know! Prepare an auxiliary device for coordinates!”

The doctor’s loud voice made the secret weapon no longer a secret.The secret weapon seems to be ready, and if I attack at this time, it will be a complete victory.

But I kept quiet and watched them.If we use a secret weapon, we could lose.

The assistant in the tent will be back soon.He was carrying four tall sticks on his shoulders.Though it is a thin stick, it seems heavy.I felt that his hard work was a mistake of choice.

He approaches me and stabs a stick on the ground right near me.One, two, three, and a stick are pierced into the ground to surround me.

I thought I shouldn’t get in the way, and I stepped back a few steps.

“Don’t move! I don’t want to start over, so stay here.”

“Oh, sorry.”

Somehow, the assistant got mad at me.

The bar is arranged to draw a square, and I am at the center of it.

“Please move a little more to the left.”

“… like this?”

“Ah! It’s too far!”

As instructed by the assistant, I move my foot to the exact center.

Apparently, the secret weapon must use four sticks to locate the target. Defective product.

You can’t use it unless you’re the one who waits for the device to be installed.

Only a person who wants to lose intentionally gets a decent bite like this.

Doctor, the coordinates have been installed.

“Thank you! Now hold on… Sulu is here!”

What he took out was a white cube enough to ride in the palm of his hand.The cube seems to be emitting a little light.

“What is that…?”

“Kwang-997 Type 1, Sealed Sulu-kun.Hundreds of years ago, a man called the Demon King of the Balshine kingdom was sealed by the First Queen.This is what reproduced the sealed magic artifact…! ”

This guy can answer anything.I see, the magic equipment that sealed the Demon King.It seems like the light attributes I saw are involved, so it will also be effective for me.That guy hasn’t been out for hundreds of years.I might be in danger, too.

… isn’t this when you’re acting like you’re losing?

Knowing that he had jumped into the dead, he immediately started acting.Earlier, there was no room left, and the impatience dominated the mind.

He kicked the ground in an attempt to steal the device in his hand.

Immediately a shock runs through the sky.

“I’m coming…..”

I’ve tasted this feeling before.The same pain as when the Duke took it out and clashed with the church’s magic tools.

When I reached out to the surrounding area in a hurry, a square boundary was formed along the four pillars.

If the body of the magic instrument is useless, let’s destroy the auxiliary device.

I grabbed one of the pillars that surrounded me.


The moment I touched the pile, I ran into an unbearable pain in my hand and accidentally let go.

“Light attributes are still a weakness.Now, Mr. Sealed Sulu! Activate! ”

The cube shines brightly and rises from the doctor’s hand.

Guided by the pile, the cube moves helically around me.

I was prepared for spectacular pain, but they weren’t there at all.Surrounded by the magic of light attributes, it invites you to a pleasant sleep.

Fly up, dig the ground and run down.Remove the pile in the black hole. The following measures may be considered:

We have to run them and get out, but we can’t escape the comfort.I want to fall asleep like this.

In a gradually diminishing consciousness, I heard Patrick’s voice.


I’m sorry I ran away. I’m sorry I said I didn’t want to have a wedding.

Patrick can’t be here. I’m sure he’s hallucinating.

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