Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 109

4-21 Scoundrel Lady Sealed Escape RTA

◆ 4-21 Scoundrel Lady Sealed Escape RTA

When I realized it, I stood in my original position.

I have a doctor and an assistant in front of me.It doesn’t seem like much time has passed.

Is that it?

Nineteen seconds to escape! Record it in the report!Nineteen seconds! ”

“It’s already written.”

Did you say 19 seconds?Using the same kind of magic equipment that sealed the Demon King, it was only 19 seconds?Are you sure you want to copy too much degradation?

I moved my body lightly, but I didn’t feel any discomfort.

You managed to escape on your own.Patrick’s coming to help.

Your enemy’s secret weapon has also been depleted, and destroying the Remrest army like this… no.I had to pretend to have lost.

The moment I remembered my purpose, a scripture descended upon me.

This situation… is available.

It was Yumeera who immediately invalidated the sealed magic tool, but she used too much force to escape and was forced to weaken and retreat…..

I have a perfect sketch.The reason for my withdrawal is clear, and my defeat is just fine.

In the first place, Mr. Linus put himself on the First Prince’s side because the Second Prince despises researchers.If you developed a magic tool to weaken Yumiera, you’ll see the researcher combination in front of you.

As always, things are going great, but let’s do a weak act.”Wow, I’m at the bottom of my strength, so I have to run away” doesn’t make me trust you.It is only desirable to notice weakening.

Looks a little exaggerated, as if he’s been dazzled.

What do you think? I’ve been watching the doctors.

“You’re way ahead of schedule.Is prolonged sealing a non-reproducible area? ”

“My invention is comparable to the wisdom of a dungeon.It’s because I couldn’t get a magician with light attributes! ”

He didn’t look at me at all.Um, Yumeela came out as soon as it was sealed.Don’t you think I’m afraid of revenge?

The tentative assistant’s eyes turned towards us.I didn’t see anything scared, and it was rather an inorganic, laboratory animal gaze.He says as he makes the pen run fast on the paper at hand.

“Count Dolkness, what was your impression of the sealed nineteen seconds?”

“… I felt it for a moment.It hasn’t been a second since I felt it. ”

Are you listening to me?

Ah, but maybe you can smell the weakening.I keep saying.

Sealed magic equipment wasn’t that big a deal.There’s nothing wrong with my body after the seal is lifted. ”

You’ll be suspected of being in a bad mood if you tell the fool honestly.That’s why I created a feeling of being forced to pretend to be okay.It is highly important to deliberately mention after release even if you have not been asked.

What do you think, assistant? Notice that I’m weakening…No, I’m doing great.

“No, I didn’t ask after the release.Human subjectivity doesn’t count. ”

“It hurts not to bring in the measuring device!If only we had a device that could observe the amount of human magic! ”

“That’s a big one.Because it’s a rare item, you won’t be able to get permission to take it out. ”

The pair of researchers talk to me.He doesn’t even look like he noticed my weakness.No, it’s really going great.

I’m sure these people are only interested in magic tools.Perhaps it would be just as obvious.

“Is that what the magic was cut out for?… but just a little.It’s a range of battles. ”

What do you say!? Can’t you see it’s as strong as you can get?Yumiera Dolkness, we’re weakening. Excellent, though.

Then, the assistant looks like she made a fool of her.

“That’s your subjectivity, right?Do you have any objective data? ”

I hate this guy.

There is certainly a possibility that my subjectivity alone may lead to mistakes.It’s actually a lie. The magic has not diminished at all, and there is no sense of diminution.

This attitude of throwing people away proves itself to be as correct as ever as a researcher.

“We can’t do meaningful experiments without a test site.”

Hmm, let’s go home!

“I have my luggage ready.The spare coordinate designator… ”

“I’m leaving!”

The doctor lightly carries a hugely swollen spinal sac and runs exhilarantly.The assistant was light, but instead of catching up with the doctor, she desperately followed him.

Not only me, but also the soldiers of Lemrest, were able to stare at Pokhane in such a hasty retreat.

Their shadow diminishes.Ah, he’s gone.

Well, look. They couldn’t smell the weakening.

I need someone who looks at me and says, “Maybe I’m running out of power to escape,” and makes a hopeful observation that’s convenient for me.

So the voice echoed from the tent.

“… yeah? Why was I out of my mind!?Yes, Yumeela! I can’t believe Yumeela did this to me…. ”

No, it’s not me.I fainted with a loud voice from the doctor.

This time it will be the real prince.He came out of the tent unattended.

“Hey, what happened while I was losing my mind… wow! Yumiera!”

Until now, it was full of strange people, so I expected that there would be strong Aku next time.However, although the reaction was large, it was a very normal reaction.”Wow! Yumeera!” is a common reaction, but

A princely man is a middle-aged man with a 30-year-old face there.Hmm, normal. Military uniforms that are obviously unfamiliar also contribute to normality.

Let me ask you something.

“Excuse me, are you sure you are the First Prince of the Kingdom of Lemrest?”

Guards! I’m in danger! The First Prince is in danger!Come quickly! ”

He didn’t answer my question, but he’s definitely the First Prince.

The guard moved quickly. The knight who was in front of the tent with the escaped knight.He stood up to protect the prince while forcing his tough face to pull out his sword.

“Your Highness, please leave.”

“Are you alone? What happened to Emmanuel?”

“… has escaped, Your Highness, please escape.”

Knowing the existence of the Kintetsu Knight who escaped with the royal family, the prince ceases to speak.

But I quickly regained my mind and skipped the instructions.

“Magician! Yumiera Dolkness! Prepare your magic equipment!”

“Your Highness, I have already used the sealed magic equipment.She came out right away. ”

“… maybe Count Dolkness is really angry?If we don’t get away, it’s dangerous. ”

“Your Highness, as I have said many times, please escape.”

When I looked at him as a normal person who would react to everything… I saw him and the prince together.He fell off his hips and hit his buttocks.

“I can’t anymore… I’m going to die here…”

“Your Highness, she does not chase those who flee.Probably, but I was hoping we could get out of here. ”

“You can run out…? Don’t you have to die…?”

“Yes, get out of here.”

Run. The Knights of the Guards are getting a little upset.

While still sitting on the ground with a crowd of ugly people, the prince groaned happily.


“Your Highness, hurry.”

“Why did Yumiera Dolkness act like she let her enemies escape?”


The Kintetsu Knight is at his limit.The fear of Yumiera in the front has become more harsh towards the rear escort.

Not knowing that his only ally was about to abandon him, the prince opened his eyes and said.

“Hello, is Yumiera Dolkness weakened by the seal?”

What a convenient person. I love this prince.

I’m a mysteriously more positive politician than a realist researcher.In the sense that it is easy to manipulate from behind.

I’m glad that researcher Combi is gone.If it had been there, it would have been immediately denied that it could have been weakened.

Ah, but they might have known more about the magic tools used to measure the level.

The current crystal can only display the last two digits of the level, and my exact level is unknown.They may know something about magic equipment that corresponds to a three-digit four-digit or higher level.I’m sorry I couldn’t hear you.

… oh, yes, level measurement.

I forgot to measure the level of my daily routine.I had been traveling with Gilbert since early in the morning, so I slipped out of my head.

I only know the last two digits, but it’s fun to see the numbers going up one by one.The level won’t change from yesterday or yesterday because I haven’t defeated the monster.But I’ll do it. It’s routine.

I take out the example crystal.Then the prince made a noise, but ignored it.

“Wow! Let’s get something out of here!?I’m gonna die! ”

I crouch down and place the crystal on the ground.Then he placed his hand on the top and peeked at the number displayed on the other side.

Without thinking about it, it showed the Prince and Kinsai Knight the level in front.The prince with his waist pulled out would have looked particularly good.

Of course, the level remained unchanged at 13.Maybe it’s only the last two digits, maybe it’s 100 and 13, maybe it’s 1000 and 13.


The prince stood up slowly. His face, distorted by fear, was filled with confidence and hope.

“13! That Yumiera Dolkness is Level 13! You can win, you can win.”

No, no, I’ve exceeded the limit of level 99… well, you think it’s just level 13?Looks like it’s weakening more than ever.

I didn’t know this crystal would help.Patrick and Gilbert, who said it was strange to carry around, have no foresight.

Now is the time to fold! I say it in full openness.

“Oh, my God, the seal has lowered my level!We have to retreat and train again. ”

I’m really glad I didn’t have a researcher combination.It was a crisis that logically explained that the seal would not lower the level.Does that mean you’re going down the level?If so, I would like to eradicate the cause.

Well, the operation is almost complete.If I wind my tail and run, Lemrest will have the effect of weakening and defeating Yumeela.I will not force you to invade Ashbaton.

If you run too fast, you may not see yourself weakened.I think we should leave with a little slowness.

When I think of a way out, the prince tells me to wind it up as he approaches me.

Do you have any idea how alert we were to you?Do you have any idea how hard it has been for me for every Balshine diplomat to flick your existence? ”

Well, let me tell you what I want.

I’m sorry about the diplomat.I don’t go to other countries at the will of the royal family, but I don’t know who they are.We need to stick nails later so that we don’t use too much of each other’s negotiating material.

When I return it in silence, he goes on.

“That Yumeera is Level 13!Poor thing! How do you feel about losing the only part? ”

I fully understand that my level is not 13.

With such a low incitement, we don’t lack calm.

“How miserable! I didn’t expect to fall below the third class!”

Patience. Hold me back here.

I’m strong, so I don’t take such a weak guy seriously.The stronger he uses his words, the more his own weakness is revealed.

I’m strong. I’m strong.I’m tough. I’m tough. Come on.

“I’m weak! I can win! It’s really too weak! This scum!”


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