Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 112

4-24 Words to save the world

◆ 4-24 Words to save the world

Return to the location, close enough to Sole.

The soldiers of Lemrest are staring at Sole.People in the world who look up at the sky and raise anxiety will think they are happy.

The center of the end of the world where no sound can be heard.

Patrick Ashbaton calls Sole his name.


Sole didn’t respond to his call.

Yumiera, can you hear me? It’s me, Patrick! ”

Patrick runs like he sews a gap between the Remrest soldiers.

Some of the soldiers knew he was from the Border Clan, but they didn’t react.Compared to the Sole in the sky, it is nothing but an enemy army.It was even the end of pity that some people would waste their efforts.

Patrick stood up from the ground, simmering his business into a sole that did not respond to the call.

Use the magic of the wind to approach the sole floating in space.

“What happened!? If you don’t like it so much, you don’t have to have a wedding.”

When Patrick reached about half of Sole’s altitude, the mud fell.Fill the sky, mud, mud, mud.

The black mud was intuitive enough not to be touched at all.

Dodge is the best he can do. He is twisted and pushed back to the ground.

Looking up at the sky, it seemed natural that the source of the mud was a slurry.Black viscous objects are constantly overflowing from the back and the root of the twelve wings.

Meow, meow… the mud that made a creepy noise from being hit by the ground didn’t strike people strangely.

The mud that seemed to sink into the earth as it is, but it looks strange.Each one of the countless poured down moves like an ego.

They look like mud because they are not shiny, and they may be close to the slime.However, the movement is too heterogeneous for the slime.

They constantly change shape.Stretching up and collapsing, stretching sideways and collapsing… those amorphous shapes are stupid as if they had a shape to aim for.

“This… may not be good this time around.”

Seeing a sight worse than imaginary hell, Patrick was really ready for the end of the world.If Yumeela is concerned, she can easily even cause the end.

Under desperate circumstances, he leaps back into the sky.

Aim for a seated sole in the sky and go up.

“Yumiera, I’ve been…”

And crash.

“… what the hell happened?”

He was rising with wind magic.He must have earned some altitude.

But the next moment, he was on the ground.It wasn’t bounced back.It was definitely going up, but when I realized it, I was going straight down.

To see what happened, Patrick picks up the pebble and throws it into the sky.

The stone, which was heading straight for heaven, trajectories directly beside it at an altitude.Top, right, bottom, top… The stone moved zigzag with irregular movements, sometimes drawing curves and losing momentum.

Slowly the speed was cut down, moving downwards and stopping in front of Patrick’s face.And now he climbed up with acceleration.Fly around the universe again with irregular movements, and finally fall in front of him again.

Now I bounced a few times on the ground before stopping moving.In accordance with normal physics laws.

“Is space distorted?”

In stone subjectivity, it might just have been thrown and flew straight up, pulled by gravity, and fell straight down.

Considering that the space around the sole is distorted by chaos, I can also explain that Patrick crashed.

To get to her, we have to go through a crazy space.Understanding the desperate facts, he looks up at the sky in a daze.

“What should I do….”

If space is distorted, even light cannot go straight ahead.This is how she looks, but the refraction of light does not necessarily put her in the spot she sees.

A desperate Patrick called out from the side.

“You do your best, too. But you know what?It’s no use. ”

“I’m sure you….”

“I… wonder who I was?It doesn’t matter anymore, so you don’t have to remember. ”

I can’t even remember his name. He’s the First Prince of Lemrest.I spoke to Patrick on a whim.

“Yes, you must have been the last one to have had a conversation before Yumiera did.What happened? ”

“Well, I’m the one who caused it… me?Me? Me? What was my first name?Well, look. I may have caused it, but soon no one will blame me, reflection is too late, the sky is black, and I’m the one…. hmm? ”

It was difficult to say that he was sane, but there was no doubt that he had a cause.

Patrick thought the culprit was the key to unlocking the situation.

“What did you do to Yumeela?What did he say? Is that warm Yumeera… warm?Well, it’s too late for Yumiera to go that far. ”

I don’t think you should describe it as generous, but I’m sure Yumeera is mentally stable.The Balshine kingdom is likely to have turned into scorched earth a long time ago if it were someone who feels violent and violent.

What is so upsetting that she would get along with you?Asked by Patrick, he answers the taboos honestly.

“I thought I could win level 13… but I was wrong to win that.”


Patrick was convinced.

… or so I noticed.

She had a similar situation the other day when she was provoked by low levels.In fact, the last two digits of your level are 13, but it seems unbearable for Yumeela to say that your level is 13 and your level is low.

It was a stupid cause, but this tragedy must be overcome somehow.He exhales depressingly and deeply.

“I thought it was a system like that… but Yumeera is strong!”

Patrick puts her strength into her belly and says she’s strong, but she’s not even sure if she’s getting the word.

Yumeela left the house saying she was going to the moon.If I noticed Patrick’s presence, there might be some kind of reaction, but I don’t see it at all.I don’t suppose you recognize him in the first place.

Patrick looks around. I can’t help myself anymore.The situation might change if Lew or Eleanora were around, but neither is here.If we have time to summon them, it will be the end of the world.

His eyes were filled with princes and remrest soldiers alike.Just because there are so many people doesn’t seem to be helpful. But still…

“… they’ll have to do their best.”

Patrick sighed and then raised his voice again.Wind magic is also used to bring voices to all armies.

“Listen, I’m Patrick Ashton! He’s my fiancée in the sky!I’m going to put her back now.Help me! ”

The voice echoes, but no one responds.I didn’t even look at him.Only Patrick speaks up.

“Yumiera is strong! The best in the world! Yumeera is the strongest!”

That’s when, following Patrick’s words, something obvious changed.

Stupid and strange mud on the ground stopped moving.Sole and I don’t think humans can communicate, but they still listen to his words.

In an eye-catching event, the Remrest soldiers looked at each other.

Patrick calls for folding.

“Yumiera was told she was weak and ran away!Conversely, if you praise it as strong, it’s back to normal! ”

We should go back… Patrick’s not sure.Spin words confidently with the intention of deceiving yourself that anxiety should not be conveyed.

“Keep your voices up! When that word reaches Yumiera, the world will continue as it has always been!”

Patrick is ready for the end of the world, but he won’t give up.

I seriously believe that the world will last.I’m sure Yumeela will come back.The end of the world cannot be what Yumeela wants.Patrick did as much as he could believe it.

“Let’s all save the world!”

The Remrest soldiers react to the tremors of the air he generates.

I pitied some of the bad guys who gave up.But what is that overflowing confidence?Witnessing this, seeing the end that everyone can see at a glance, how can you be so sure?

Emerald Green’s eyes sparkled with hope when his voice caught his eye.

The light of hope propagates throughout the Remrest army.It is too small compared to the dark colors that cover the sky, but this is the light that saves the world.

Some Remrest soldiers couldn’t stop trembling.

Until now, I gave up everything and was in a relaxed state.However, I understood that if there was hope of survival, the world could continue.At the same time, I was surrounded by fear that I might die.I don’t want to die, I want to live!

Your own desire to survive. I want to protect the world where my loved ones live.Vanity in wanting to help save the world.

The minds of various people are aggregated into one single word.

“Yumiera is the strongest!”

“Yumiera is the strongest! Yumiera is the strongest!”

Simple words that no one can say.

The feeling of loving the world for people all over the world.Carrying them, the Lemrest army shouted until their throats were crushed.

A change occurred in the still mud.They became unnaturally self-reliant and began to crumble.Finally, it can no longer be shaped and spread thinly to the ground.

There’s a change in the sky. The wings that stretched into the sky started to fall slowly.

I don’t know if the situation has improved or worsened as a result of those changes.

But they kept screaming.Dream of a future that moves in a good direction and repeat the same words.

“Yumiera is the strongest! Yumiera is the strongest!”

And everyone’s thoughts and words overlap… to finally save the world.

“” “Yumiera is the strongest! Yumiera is the strongest!Yumiera is the strongest! “”

The amorphous mud disappeared so as to evaporate.

The wings, which covered the sky, were sprinkled so as to be easily dissolvable.

The dark circle also disappears and warm sunlight falls.

Patrick was alone in calm as he watched a neighboring soldier crying out like a waterfall.What’s the matter, I don’t understand this situation.Why am I doing this?

While embarrassed by his objectivity, Patrick repeated that this was the only way to get Yumiera back.

“Yumiera is stronger than anyone!Best in the world! There is no stronger person in the past or in the future than Yumeera! ”

“No, no, no, that’s not enough…”

The darkness vanished, and Yumeera said in a clear sky.

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